The first glimpse

After saying “Good night” to him, he came out of the hospital and asked the driver to take him directly to the villa. On the way back, he saw a banner of an art exhibition in front of a famous art academy in the capital city. He asked the driver to park the car. He got off the car and looked at the banner for a few seconds. Then the corner of his lips curled up after thinking something. He took out his phone from his pocket and clicked a photo of the banner. Then he got in the car and it headed to the villa directly.

When he reached the villa, he strode to Lisa’s room and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Lisa opened the door and said “You are back.” She was smiling at him.

He also smiled back and said, “I have something to show you.” He walked inside the room and sat down on the chaise lounge. Looking up at her, he asked “Come here and sit. Let me show you something.”

Lisa walked to the lounge and sat down beside him, asking “What is it?”