Unexpected encounter

Henry August's eyes wide opened seeing Lisa with a man, coming and sitting down on a table, not very far from them. That man was grinning widely and talking something to her while Lisa was also smiling back at him. They all thought that she had died in that accident but here she was fit and fine. Not only that, she was smiling and chatting with another man happily. What was going on? Who was that man? A new boyfriend?

While he was dazing, he saw his Boss rushing to her and calling “Lisa… Is that really you? I… thought…Oh God…Lisa, you are alive.”

Startled, both Lisa and Dr. Valentine looked up in astonishment, only to see Daniel Brooke, grinning widely at her. Before they could think properly, he pulled up Lisa from the chair. He lifted her and twirled once, saying “I am so happy to see you, sweetheart.” He put her down and hugged her tightly.