
A Beautiful Trouble

Niklaus's POV

I saw the wrath pouring through the little vixen in front of me as if she was about to murder someone. How could I forget something so important, well it didn't matter now did it?

She balled up her fingers into a fist as if she was about to punch someone. I would like to believe that, that someone was Scott.

Just like the flames licking from her appeared, it vanished as quickly. Without a word she walked out.

" Shit!!! What have I done?"

I hunched my shoulders together trying to disappear inside myself.

" What?" Scott questioned sitting in front of me." Don't tell me you already threw a feast because of the contract "

" Worse. I blamed her and forced her to do it from scratch" I confessed bothered by what I've done.

" You're becoming a pro at screwing up Nik" He looked at me teasing even though there was a taste of truth in it.

" Okay, tell me exactly how it happened maybe it was not so bad, and you're just being too harsh on yourself "