
Oozing Fear

Third-person POV

Seasons have passed, spring became winter's grave while preparing to lend summers life

On a sunlit day, old trees exude warmth through its new buds rejuvenating its surroundings. Streets became an art gallery, spring flowers painted with smiley colors touching heaven so boldly one could almost touch Eden garden. Although flowers bloomed innocently one could still taste the terror of humanity prima sin in his office.

" From the 3% stock you made me loose, you only manage to recover 2,7%? " The man sitting on his black leader throne continued his interrogation calmly.

The head of the finance department felt himself shrinking as his boss seemed too calm, his stares penetrating his soul, everyone knew those eyes is where his power resided.

It was well known that it's more satisfactorily when the boss lashed out, because when he acts too calm he becomes was a ticking bomb.

" How do you plan to fix this issue?" He demanded.