Chapter Twenty-Six


"Tell me."I said, scribbling down words on the sheet that had been blank a few minutes ago.

"Dowager Queen Oleia has been snooping around the barracks more often than usual. She's been there five times today. I think she might be on to something. She's noticed their appearances."

I stopped writing and looked over my shoulder. "I made you Head of Knights and guards and you can't take care of an old woman? Don't make me laugh Adrienne. Do what you have to. She can't find out what you've been up to. Unless you want her to... That'd be bad for you." I returned to my writing.

"For me? I only followed your orders." I tipped my head backwards and roared with laughter. Still laughing, i stood and leaned against the chair.

"No one would believe you. After all, I'm just the lonely, sad, barren and incapable wife of the King. How could i have access to the King's guards rations and pay when those things are only accessible to you, Orien and Teris himself? " I tsked thrice.