The door swung open while I still stood by the huge mirror, looking at my bruised neck. I turned away from the mirror swiftly as soon as i identified it to be Zephyros. He might hate me but he sure would not like the bruises on my neck. The Lesser Fae at the revel might think he was rough with me or they might even imagine worse things like intimacy and copulation. At one of the courtesan houses i had passed by at Avalor, i had seen one of the whores wearing a collar around her neck and the male was doing things with it that i would rather not remember.
I started off to the bathroom to wait it out, by it i meant the slow healing i had but Zephyros sifted in front of the bathroom door and leaned against the door with folded arms and eyes narrowed.
"You are acting strange."He noted.
I wrapped my hand around my neck, hoping to hide the bruises. "How so?" I asked, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.