
It was a long torturous day at school and she'd managed to make it that far unscathed despite the confrontation with Joe that morning.

Rose groaned, holding the crumpled piece of yellow paper the cute cat had dropped the night before and stared long and hard at it.

'Who was it from?' She wondered. The cat had appeared out of nowhere and had dropped this.

Why? She had no clue.

Was it a coincidence? She wasn't one to believe in fate, but could it be that there was someone out there, watching her, someone who knew what she was going through?

She snorted, yeah right.

She had a lot to worry about but this had undeniably been on her mind since the other night.

'Your Worries Are Known'

"Who are you?" She asked the thin air. She decided to flip it over and what she saw left her dumbfounded.

'I am the way the truth and the life.'

She blinked. Where had she seen this before? She knew she'd seen it somewhere, it looked familiar.

Her eyes widened, then it clicked.

It was an old passage from the Bible she'd read a long time ago.

The new testament was it?

It'd been so long.

She sighed dropping the paper. She'd thought it'd have given her more info than that.

The bible wasn't what I needed right now. She thought.

Rose slid the paper inside her backpack then stood up. The library was empty as usual during the lunch break. That was her own cafeteria. She liked the peace and quiet. There was no one there to bully you or make fun of you.

She packed the half-eaten sandwich into nylon, then threw it into the garbage can.

She walked out the library door, her handbag firmly on her shoulder.

She bid the librarian goodbye, then left the building.

Only five more minutes before the next period. She stayed in an empty nearby class and rode out the last minutes.

About a minute in, she felt something in the air, something electric.

She arched an eyebrow. The air around her sizzled for a minute before everything went back to normal.

"Weird." She muttered.

She proceeded in tapping her feet against the floor, a childhood nervous habit she was still trying to grow out of.

She brought out a notebook and started reading. She loved to write and was reviewing one of her own manuscripts.

Writing was an escape for her. She'd started it as a hobby, and soon it became much more than that.

It was like the words conveyed every feeling she wouldn't dear say out loud. Her characters definitely could relate.

She smiled.

"Hi, is this spot taken?"

She looked up in the direction of the voice and her eyes clashed with ice blue ones.

Her eyes widened. They were so bright that they looked so unreal. It was as if they were glowing. She rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, what?" She didn't quite catch him the first time. He smiled and she instantly felt an unknown source of warmth in her chest.

Who was this guy?

"Mind if I have a seat?"

Rose nodded slowly, still trying to figure out who he was.

He was dressed very well, easily a very attractive person, typically someone you'd see with the popular crowd, not in a deserted classroom trying to make conversation with a loner.

"Hi, my name's Michael, I'm from Seattle, just got transferred here with my friends." He smiled. They were white of the purest kind like he'd never eaten a day in his life.

His hair was jet black and it framed the sides of his face, in a sort of way that she hadn't seen anyone wear so well before.

Everything about him was perfect. She found it odd, very odd indeed.

As a teenager, you at least have one flaw, but her skeptical eyes could find none.

"My name's Rose, Rose Turner." She said in a small voice. She wasn't exactly good in the friend department.

She didn't want to make a friend now, not when they'd later leave once they found out she wasn't 'up to their standards'.

"I know, I'm in all your classes."


Her eyes widened to the size of saucers.

How she hadn't noticed him before was beyond her.

She was very observant and nothing much eluded her. She would know if he was in her class. She never forgets a face, not to talk of one this striking. She must have been really out of it this past week.

"I seat in the back, the last seat. The one usually hidden from view." He explained. He must have noticed her questioning look.

She didn't want to be rude, but she had to ask.

"Why are you here?" He smiled again and again she didn't miss the way it made her feel warm inside.

"I'm here for a lot of reasons." She heard him say.

He was mysterious, that's for sure.

"I'm here to be your friend and guide. We don't have much time." He said in a serious way.

She frowned not understanding a word he said.

"I don't understand, what are you talking about?" Rose asked confused. He only shook his head.

"You'll understand Rose, soon enough." Then the bell rang. He stood up.

"I'll see you soon." Then he left. Just like that.

"What was that about?" He sure was weird. She shook her head, then sighed. She'd think about what he said later. Now it was time for class.



"Yes ma'am."

"I ordered my soup warm not boiling hot!"

"I apologize Madame. I'll get you a new order." Rose took back the order to the chef. She sighed, wiping the sweat off her brows. It was a busy day at work.

"Having a hard time?"

Mimi asked smiling, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. She nodded.

"They're more snappy than usual." She joked to which they both chuckled.

"It gets better. Cast all your cares upon Him and He will give you rest.'"

"What? You're a Christian?" Rose asked surprised.

Since when?

She was honestly surprised. She gathered some used plates off a table to the counter.

Mimi beamed. Rose had never seen her so filled with life before, like ever.

Saying she was surprised was an understatement. She knew the kind of gal she was. The type to do as she pleased without fearing the consequences. She could very well have been on par with one of the snappy customers.

She was so out there, that she had even been jealous one time of how social she was.

"Gave my life to him, yesterday evening," Mimi confirmed.

"Wow." Her mind went to the note. She shook her head, dismissing the thoughts that were starting to creep in.

"Was on my way home when I heard a soft voice calling out to me. I'm telling you I freaked out. I'd walked passed the church many times never giving it any thought. Let's just say I'm glad I listened to the voice." Mimi finished with a smile she'd never seen her wear before.

Rose smiled at Mimi, albeit faint.

"I'm happy for you." She said. Rose wondered what caused the drastic change in her faith.

What happened? What was different?

"What convinced you?" Rose couldn't help but blurt out. She couldn't help it. She didn't even know why she'd asked. But for some reason, she wanted to know.

Mimi smiled like she'd been shown a paradise of her own. It was contagious.

"Maybe I just got tired of living that life." She shrugged, looking more relaxed than Rose had ever seen her.

"I needed someone who cared, not someone who would use me then leave." Mimi exhaled smiling.

"He actually stays. After the message of forgiveness and repentance, I came out for the altar call." She said.

"And you believe in something you cannot see?" Rose wanted to know, she wanted to know if there was still faith out there.

Mimi's smile only brightened.

"I don't think there's anything now I believe in more than this." Rose gasped. Her solemn declaration threw her off completely.

"I may not be able to see Him, but I sure can feel Him, just like you can't see the wind but you know it's there. You feel it." Mimi said.

Rose nodded faintly, excusing herself. She went ahead to the counter. She needed to take a minute.

She glanced at Mimi again and sure enough, the smile was still there and she'd never seen her happier.

She wanted what she had. Peace. She laid her head on her arms. It was what she wanted but it was what she'd never had since her father died.

Maybe she could show her how she got it?


Sighing, Rose accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear.


"Hey girlfriend, it's me, Jenna."

"Who?" Her mind was so jumbled that she could hardly pin a face to the name at the moment. She heard an exaggerated gasp from the other end of the line.

"Jenna, Brenda's friend?" Oh.

"Sorry about that, it's just-" Rose started but was sharply cut off.

"You're still up for that party right?"

The party was today? She'd totally forgotten.

She contemplated it. Her mind was screaming at her to say no, but she wanted to. It could be her only chance to make friends, however lame that sounded.

"You still there?" There was a pause.

"Yeah, I am, how soon can you come get me?"