
This definitely wasn't what she was expecting. Beer was everywhere, on the floor, on people's clothes. It was all she saw as bodies got lost to the rhythm of the beat.

"Well then." Rose said to herself as a guy jumped off the railing unto the chandelier which hung off the ceiling of the living room.

It was like a zoo in here.

She'd never been to a party before, and she was lost for words.

She scrunched up her nose as two teenagers drank away at a bottle of beer like it was water.

The girls led her to a section where they introduced a few of their friends.

She couldn't even get a word in as they talked about themselves.

Rose stayed like that for a while no doubt waiting for the party to end. Although she had no intention of going home that night, she'd rather spend it in the cold outside than go back tonight.

She sighed, she needed a break.

"Excuse me." She mumbled. She didn't know if they heard or not. Trying to avoid as many hypnotized bodies as she could, she made her way to the kitchen.

She opened the door and thankfully no one was there. She sighed.

"Thank God." She exclaimed.

She took a glass of water to drink, sitting down on the stool by the island. She massaged the slight headache she was feeling, it was as if there was an on going construction in her skull, and she even hadn't had a drink yet.

The music was way too loud, you could barely hear what anyone was saying. She stood up from her position on the stool and closed the door. The music had gotten way too loud for her taste.

"Hey there hot stuff." A voice suddenly said. She turned around startled to see a guy standing where she'd been not two seconds ago. Then she realized that there was another door leading to the backyard.

"What's up." Rose replied casually, trying to hide how startled she was.

"Wait, aren't you the girl Joe's been messing around with lately?" He said. He had a bottle of beer in hand and it was almost empty. She frowned.

The nerve of this guy.

"I don't know what you're-" She was shortly interrupted.

"Hey baby doll." A deep voice interjected. She froze.

She heard the door she'd just closed open. She had her back to the door and she felt the hairs on her arms stand. She closed her eyes briefly.

Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him.

How could he be at the same party?!

She'd overheard him talking about a party the day before, right before he crashed into her, but she hadn't known it'd be this one. She said nothing as he moved deeper into the kitchen, getting closer to her.

She was trapped alone in a kitchen with two guys. One she knew was capable of anything.

Her heart began thudding wildly in her chest.

"Do you mind buddy, I'd like to have some alone time with my girl." Rose heard Joe say.

The guy lifted his two hands up, one wrapped around the bottle of beer.

"No problem man." The guy replied.

The guy winked at Rose's shaken up form before moving out to the buzzling crowd just outside the kitchen—leaving her alone with him.

Once the door was closed she turned around, Joe stalked closer to her, the stupid smirk ever present as she took a shaky step back but soon he backed her up against the island.

"I didn't peg you for a party girl." Joe said.

"Don't come any closer." Rose said.

He suddenly grabbed her arm sharply and twisted it. Rose cried out at the sharp pain that shot up her arm.

"You must not have heard this, but I hate being told what to do." Joe said impassively.

"Your dress looks nice by the way." He added smirking giving her a once over. She gasped, reaching for her twisted shoulder.

"You're hurting me." She gritted out. Joe chuckled letting go. She dropped to her knees clutching her shoulder. Her eyes stung with unshed tears.

Slowly, he stalked around her, with that same smirk plastered on his face.

"You could have gotten us in big trouble the other night Rosie." He told her. The smirk ever present, ever taunting.

"I'm sorry, okay?" She apologized yet again.

"Well isn't that the point, to make you sorry?"

"I... "

"You're sorry?" Rose didn't know what else to say. He chuckled.

"Sorry doesn't even begin to cut it Rose." Joe said, his eyes darkening. To say she was scared would have been an understatement. The guy was like a switch and he could flip any minute.

"I'm sure you know already that no one crosses the line with me without getting burnt." He said seriously.

"What do you want from me?" Rose voice came out small. Joe chuckled.

"Oh I want a lot of things from you, but let's not get into that." He crouched in front of her and roughly grabbed her chin. She winced.

Joe made her look into his cold eyes. They were green of the darkest kind and fear slithered unwelcomed down her spine as they stared down her own bright ones.

"I don't know how you've managed to hide with no one knowing for so long but nowhere is safe for you anymore baby doll." Rose didn't know what he meant but his eyes held something in them, something more than she could understand, something only he knew about.

"Now, let's just focus on my revenge shall we?" He said.

"Boys!" He yelled behind him. Three guys she recognised from the night before came out of nowhere.

They all loomed over her like shadows and their demeanour was enough to make her scream. And scream she did.

"Help! Help me!" Joe chuckled, shaking his head.

"No one can hear you baby doll." He said motioning to the ear splitting music. He craned his head towards one of the boys.

"Grab her."

"N-No wait please, please!"


"Tie her up real good, I don't want her escaping not when the real fun is about to start." Joe instructed, the smirk still on his face. Upstairs in an empty room, they binded her hands to the foot of the bed, while she stayed crouched, scared out of her mind.

Rose had no idea what they were going to do with her and that alone was enough to paralyse her with fear.

She was trying hard not to panick but it was proving to be a very difficult task. He crouched down in front of her.

"So here's how it's going to be, exactly five minutes from now one of my boys here is going to untie you and then all you have to do is come meet me outside. I'll be waiting for you out the front lawn."

"All you have to do is come to me." He brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face to reveal her chocolate eyes to which she flinched away, well as far as the binds would allow.

It was simple but she wasn't an idiot. She knew there was something more to it than that.

If the way his eyes were twinkling with anticipation wasn't enough, then the huge smirk he sported on his face was.

"Joe, please let me go." She begged frantic, trying to catch his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I-I wont tell anyone about this. I-I promise. Please just let me go." Rose was on the brink of tears. And for a second she thought she saw his eyes soften in thought, but then he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Five minutes Rose." Joe whispered.

He leaned back and stared into her big scared eyes.

"Don't forget to scream baby doll." He said smirking before heading out the door, where the rest of the boys were already waiting.

Rose closed her eyes. She curled in on herself, as much as the position would allow and sobbed. Hot tears ran down her cheeks in quick succession.

And that was when she started to regret.

I never should have come here.

I really shouldn't have.

She pulled at the ropes but saw that they were just too tight and firm. She pulled for a few more minutes before giving up. She started to yell.

"Help! Somebody help me!" After a while, the knob on the door jingled and relief washed through her when she saw a familiar face.

It was Jenna!

"What's going on, I heard screaming."

"Jenna, I'm so glad to see you. Please untie me." Rose let out, frantic. She had to hurry, they could come in any minute.

Then she saw Jenna roll her eyes and cross her arms, a mocking smile on her face.

The colour drained completely from Rose's face. What?

Her eyes widened.

"Jenna don't tell me y-you're-" Jenna tilted her head slightly.

"I'm in on this too." She finished for her, chuckling.

"Infact all the girls are. I can't believe you disrespected Joey of all people and you expect me to just stand and do nothing? No, I don't think so." Rose's eyes widened to their fullest.

Even Brenda?

She closed her eyes feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. She should have known.

"Yes, even your ex-bestfriend Brenda." Jenna was clearly enjoying this.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Rose screamed at Jenna, losing it.

What's with people thinking they can do whatever they wanted to her?

Jenna scoffed, flipping her platinum blonde hair.

"What didn't you do? You need to know your place loser. Did you honestly think we'd hang out with the likes of you?" She spat in disgust.

"Hey Jenna." One of the guys entered the room. She recognized him as one of the guys who'd tied her up.

"Hi Jake. I hope it's time." Jenna said with much anticipation.

He smirked looking at Rose's scared form.

"You bet." He said. Rose felt sick. He went to the bed post and began untying her.

"Don't try anything stupid or else."

Rose kept her mouth shut as they took her out the room, down the hallway.

The party was still wild but a good number of people were waiting outside.

All three of them stood by the door. And when she saw Joe, standing outside, waiting for her, she knew she would never forget that night.

"Get along now, little mouse." Jake whispered in her ears, pushing her forward. Her hands were binded and it caught the attention of those around.

She closed her eyes and a tear slid past. She shakily exhaled then opened her eyes.

Her eyes were locked on Joe's and chills went down her spine as she saw that same stupid smirk plastered on his face.

She dread the outcome of whatever they had planned and she knew she was going to regret ever coming in the first place.

She placed one shaky foot in front of the order and looked around. Her blood ran cold. Everyone was watching.

Rose passed between two trees and she felt a soft 'pat' on her shoulder.

She froze and she saw that his smirk only widened.

'Pat!' She felt it again.

It was cold on her shoulder. She broke eye contact with him to look up and she gasped.

She was immediately blinded by an oily red liquid that was hidden from view in the trees. It rained down on her in waves.

She was completely covered in it. She stood shivering and her eyes were wide. It wasn't paint, it was-

Her visioned blurred as she raised her hands to look at them.

"Blood." The metallic smell confirmed it.

Then she screamed.