
Everyone looked on—mostly Rose— shocked. Everyone else knew who the lady was but it still did little to disguise their shock.

Michael's eyes were wide with surprise.

"Amber? It's been—"

"Two years." The redhead snapped at him. His right cheek was red and stung from the slap.

She was seething, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"You left without a word then expected me to pick up the broken pieces." She accused.

"I knew you were a jerk, my friends warned me about you, but I was too stupid to see you for what you truly are."

Amber shook her head and cursed him under her breath. She sidestepped him and turned to Rose.

"Are you his next fling, you should ask him what he did to the last one and the ones before that." She spat.

With that said, she sourly eyed the rest of the gang and stormed out.

"Amber, wait—" Michael raced after her leaving everyone else without a word.

Rose felt an unexpected weight on her chest.
