"This is so delicious El." They all sat around the bonfire enjoying a homemade recipe. Elnathan made good ol' sandwich.
"It's our mother's recipe." He stated proudly as he turned the meat, careful not to get it burnt.
"The heat has to be just right. Nathan wrap it up."
"Aye aye, sir." Nathan started lacing the meat into an already toasted bread, with tomatoes, lettuce, and onion rings.
"I gotta hand it to you El, you've outdone yourself," Asher said in between bites.
"Why thank you." He said taking a little bow. The air was cool and everyone sat in comfortable silence enjoying their sandwiches.
They were leaving first thing the next morning and although Rose didn't seem to notice, they were all looking at her.
She'd been the reason they'd organized the trip in the first place and they were all relieved to know that it had been worth it.
"Hear ye, hear ye. Everybody listen up." Nathan called out standing up, tapping the squire against the plastic cup he was holding.