The Storm

After that, time passed by quickly. There were events here and there. More demon sightings and more confrontations.

Rose's book was nearly finished and homecoming was around the corner.

It was June and graduation was almost here, only a few weeks away. She closed the book and looked out the window.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The birds are chirping happily by the trees just outside the window. She smiled at that. Then she thought of Aaron and the smile dropped.

She thought of him often, where he was and how he was. She never saw him again after that day, he didn't come to school the next day or the day after that.

He left school altogether. And it was her fault, she chased him away.

But what hope was there to save him now? She thought about his sister Juliet.

She was jovial and so full of life, the opposite of her brother. She hadn't even seen her in school either.