Ice Cream

The next day she called everyone to her house and you could imagine their surprise when they saw Michael back from the dead. It took a lot of convincing but after giving him many pokes, they all believed her. There were lots of questions and tears but it ended up with everyone hugging.

Chloe had gone from surprised, to confused, to relieved then angry.

"How could you disappear like that when you know we'd be worried sick about you? You didn't even think about her." She pointed to Rose.

"Do you know how hurt she was when she thought you died?"

"Chloe, it's okay. You know he had his reasons." She folded her arms looking away. She knew Asher was right but it still didn't change the fact that everyone had been devastated when they'd thought he'd died.

"I'm just glad you're alive Mike. It had hurt a lot finding out one of us was gone, I'm just glad that wasn't the case." Elnathan said, patting Mike on the back.