Chapter 12

"What do you think Ainnie?" Mr. Musa inquired and turned to face Anissa. She swallowed—from her peripheral vision, she saw that Shehryaar had his cold eyes fixated on her and his hand was still resting in his waist.

Think carefully Ainnie. After this, there's no going back and if you defy him, he'll hurt your parents.

"I agree with whatever you want Abu." She muttered, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as tears pricked her eyes. She saw Shehryaar pass her a smug smirk, his grey orbs shone with victory. His hand pushed down to his side and he visibly relaxed.

Anissa felt like she would break down at any moment and immediately requested her parents to take her home. But before she could leave, Shehryaar stopped her.

"My mother would like to meet with you." He told her. Mr. Musa and his wife left them in privacy. Anissa felt like a nervous wreck.

Slowly, she made her way to her old lady who was breathing though the gas mask. Shehryaar stood by her side and gently rubbed the old lady's back. "Are you feeling alright, Amma?" he inquired. She smiled, closing her eyes and patting his hand that was on her shoulder.

Amma? So she really is his mother.

"Jazak Allah," she muttered weekly. Her soft brown landed on the rigid figure of Anissa.

"Come closer bachay." She called gently. Anissa obeyed and sat beside the old woman, her head hanging low.

"Didn't I tell you Amma, my bride is certainly a woman of refined beauty." Shehryaar commented, his tone monotone yet filled with a hint of pride. Anissa felt his eyes on her face and she resisted the urge to scoff. He was treating her like a trophy he had won in a game.

Admiring me so shamelessly and that too in front of your mother? You really are awful Shehryaar Ghulari. And I have to spend the rest of my life with a despicable man like you.

She desperately wanted to say this to him but she controlled herself. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt the old woman's hand softly touch her chin. Her soft brown eyes studied Anissa was a while making her feel nervous.

"Mashaa Allah, my son is lucky to have you as his bride. May Allah bless you bachay." She said and immediately pulled the gas mask back on. Anissa blushed brightly.

"I'm so glad that he's finally settling down. It's such great news. I know that it would've made his mother and brother proud." She muttered through the mask.

Anissa frowned in confusion. Wait, mother and brother? So she isn't his real mother after all. Then why is he calling her Amma? And where is his real mother?

She wanted to conclude that Shehryaar used the old woman for his own personal gain but she couldn't deny the genuine concern that Shehryaar showed towards the ailing woman or the look of affection and motherly love that the old woman displayed towards the young man.

There were so many questions that she wanted to ask but refrained.

"Now Amma enough for today. Come, Zameer shall escort you back to your room." Shehryaar said, his tone so gentle that it made Anissa wondered why he couldn't be that gentle with her as well.

Zameer brought in a wheel chair and took the old lady out of the room.

The room was silent as Anissa sat there with flushed cheeks and unshed tears and Shehryaar closely stared at her.

"I should go now." She murmured softly and jumped to her feet. Shehryaar was back to his cold and stoic self. Moving fast, she made her way towards the door only to be pulled back by the wrist and collide against Shehryaar's chest.

She gasped when she realized that he held her waist firmly and her body was flush against his. Clenching her fists together from the pain that radiated from her shoulders, she lowered her head. Her dupatta fell from her head and draped loosely on her shoulders. Normally she wouldn't struggled to get out of his grip but now that she was engaged to him, she couldn't fight against him for that and what's more, soon enough he'll be her husband. She will just have to get used to his touch and closeness.

"Tara, look at me." he whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her skin and causing goosebumps. She felt a strange tingling sensation at the fit of her stomach while her heart hammered hard and her cheeks blushed deeply.

Shehryaar saw her reaction and gently lifted up her chin. When their eyes connected—gray against hazel, He flashed her his most charming grin, making a single dimple appear on his right cheek making him looking breathtaking gorgeous. Anissa gawked at him in confusion and disbelief. For the first time, she saw his steel gray eyes soften at her.

"You made the right decision. I'm glad that you were able to follow through my instructions. I'm glad this matter got handled out without a hitch." He stated.

Anissa clenched her jaw tightly in order to hold in the bubbling anger inside of her.

"Did I have any other choice?" she hissed. Shehryaar chuckled in amusement. "Of course you didn't. Now you'll officially belong to me." he said, his tone laced with possessiveness, his eyes burned with desire and lust for her.

"And you shouldn't complain. You're about to become the wife of the most successful billionaire in the country. I'll give you anything that you want; money, luxury, jewels. Anything that you're heart will desire. Name it and it shall be yours." He said candidly, giving her a small soft smile. Anissa felt like she would throw up now. She didn't want or even desire for all that he was so willingly wanting to give her. Money never mattered to her. What she wanted was respect and dignity and liberty.

"What about my freedom? If I ask you for that, will you grant me that wish?" She countered. Shehryaar's features darkened, the small smile wiped off. His grip on her waist increased.

"Don't ask for something that you know I won't give. I'm willing to give you anything Anissa and all I want in return in your submission and respect. I will have it no other way." He growled, making Anissa gasp in fear.

"I told you before that I'll break you down. This feisty nature and fighting spirit has to go and I'll make sure of it. Once you're my wife, I will have control over you completely and unconditionally." He avowed with conviction.

"This body, your mind and soul, all shall belong solely to me." he claimed.

"And what about my feeling? You're already forcing me to marry you; thus making me give up on my freedom and my life. What about what I want? Doesn't that matter too?" she whined, her voice breaking as tears begin to spill.

"I'm also a human. I have feelings Shehryaar." She wept.

Shehryaar stiffened when he heard his name role off of her tongue so smoothly. his heart almost skipped a beat. For him, she was already so divine. So ethereal.

She was the only woman who made his ice cold heart beat fast.

Gently cupping her chin, he lifted her eyes to his level.

"Say my name again." He asked, his lips moving closer to hers.

Anissa couldn't believe that all he heard was the sound of his name. but his closeness to her was causing all rationale out of the window as her heart beat accelerated, her eyes glued to his smooth thin lips which were a few centimeters away from hers. His breath fanned her face and she couldn't focus.

"Shehryaar." She whispered so softly that it could be inaudible but he heard it.

She wanted to push him away but she feared what his reaction would be and she had enough of violence and fear for one day.

Slowly, his lips brushed against hers. He liked the feel of her lips—they were so soft and sweet. He could kiss her forever and he still wouldn't get enough. Anissa's body heated up, reacting violently from the feel of his warm lips against hers. Her heart fluttered and she felt the same tingling sensation rise in her stomach like butterflies fluttering about.

She was surprised at the way her body was responding to his touch; normally where she would feel disgust and fer, now she was feeling pleasure.

Push him away Anissa. Don't let him debase you like this! How much will you let him take advantage of you just because of your fear?

Shehryaar felt himself going hard and aroused and stopped immediately from pursuing the kiss any further—it'll have to wait till their wedding night. Anissa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whatever you are feeling, you will soon get used to it. This is how our life together will be." He said and released her.

She felt cold and empty out his embrace but quickly recovered. What the hell? What's this? She was furious with herself for feeling this way.

"I shall see you on Sunday. I can hardly wait." He muttered in her ear and left. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, trying to get her thoughts together.

The stinging feeling from the burns on her shoulders was the only stimulation she got that told her that whatever was happening was reality and she wasn't dream a nightmare.


It has been two days since Anissa returned to her home with her parents and all the while, she stayed glued to her parents. She wouldn't even let her father go for work. Although they pushed her for her wedding shopping since it was only a day away, Anissa would start crying and her parents would get even more worried.

"Come on Ainnie, I need to at least give your parents a call. They need to be there for your nikkah.' Her mother insisted and got out of the room.

The days of her freedom were numbered. And there was no escape from it—Zameer was stationed outside her house to keep an eye on her since Shehryaar still didn't trust her. But who was she fooling. There wasn't anywhere she could go or escape from Shehryaar. The Gala had given her an inkling of how powerful Shehryaar was.

Inside that CEO and philanthropist façade, Shehryaar was a gangster of the country's most notorious and dangerous mafia. And she was going to be his wife soon.

Her heart was on edge and she desperately wanted to share her feeling with someone. She couldn't stop thinking about the gentle kiss she had shared with Shehryaar. She should've pushed him away but at the moment she felt as if her body had a mind of it's own. And she hated feeling that way.

Since Zameer was outside her house, she couldn't visit Ramsha or Haris since they lived across town on the western side of Islamabad. But she wanted to talk to her friends—they were the only ones she had shared her pain with and she knew they could help her now.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Ramsha's number who answered immediately.

"Ainnie! Oh thank God! Where were you? Are you alright?" Ramsha's concerned voice tore Anissa's heart.

"Hi, listen can you please come and see me. I'm sure that ammi must've told you guys by now that I'm getting married on Sunday." She tried to control her sobs but her voice was badly broken.

"Yes I heard. I can't come today but I'll be with you tomorrow don't worry."

"Please I need you yar. I'm so scared." She finally broke down.

"Okay don't cry. Ok as soon as Haris bhai comes I'm coming okay? Give me an hour at most." She said.

"Okay. Please hurry." With that she hung up.

The hour passed by and Anissa sought solace in prayer. She prayed hard for God to save her.

Oh Allah, please save me. I don't want to be married to such a heartless immoral man. How will I live my life with him? He's dangerous without any sense of morality. Please save me, my Lord. She wept hard as she cupped her face in her hands. She stayed in that position for a while until her mother announced from down stairs that Ramsha and Haris had arrived.

Standing up, she carefully wrapped up the prayer mat and tried to compose herself. Ramsha, who was petite girl of medium height and dark complexion as well as eyes and hair with somewhat plain features, entered Anissa's bedroom along with her brother Haris.

Worry was deeply etched on their faces. Ramsha immediately pulled Anissa into her embrace while Haris closed the door behind them. As soon as she felt safe, Anissa broke down again. She had no idea where the tears were coming from but they wouldn't stop.

"Shhh, now now," Ramsha cooed in her ear and tried to calm her down, patting her back soothingly. But Anissa wasn't having it. She continued to shed tears for her unfortunate fate.

"I'm so scared Ramsha. I don't want to marry that man." She choked.

Ramsha pulled her out of her embrace and cupper her face gently, wiping away the tears. "What do you mean, Ainnie?" she asked, confused.

Anissa breathed deeply and sat down on her bed. Taking a few more breaths, she stared at Ramsha and Haris. "I don't want to marry him. He's forcing me." she confessed. She knew that she shouldn't be involving her only friends in her mess but she needed to get the heavy burden of her feelings off of her chest.

"How exactly is he forcing you?"

"Wait Ramsha." Haris who was silent till now approached Anissa and crouched down beside her. She clearly saw in his brown eyes the concern and worry that lingered there.

"Were you really in that accident Ainnie? From what I could tell, you didn't show up for work on Monday yet your name was present in the volunteering list. But nobody saw you in Sialkot and yet your name is again there. What's going on Ainnie? Where were you for these past five days?" he inquired.

Shehryaar's warnings echoed in her mind. He had clearly threatened her to not breathe a word of her circumstances to anyone of her family or he would not hesitate to cut them down. Anissa feared it but if she didn't tell her only confidants of her situation, she feared she would go insane.

Anissa drew in a broken breath and stared dead in his eyes. "Shehryaar had kidnapped me bhai." She blurted.

There was a deadly silence in the room for a few poignant seconds.

"What?" Ramsha breathed in disbelief. Haris was still frozen in shock.

"D-did he do anything to you?" Ramsha asked incredulously. Anissa swallowed and carefully downed her collar to reveal the bandage on her upper left arm from the bullet wound. "I tried to escape from him when he tried to force himself on me." she murmured lowly, her tears flowing freely. "I pulled a gun on him but he shot me in my arm to disarm me. after that," she said, he voice filled with so much pain as she carefully pulled down the right side of her collar to reveal the gauze covering the brand under her right clavicle.

"He branded me like an animal with his name for denying him." She stated, feeling broken. "I tried my best to fight him. And all he's done is inflict so much pain." She sobbed and cupped her face, hiding herself in her shame.

"What does that bastard want?" Haris growled, jumping on his feet.

Sniifing and wiping her face, she told them about the day he came to the hospital and brought his marriage proposal the next day. "He's adamant on marrying me. he went so far as to threaten the lives of my parents and my family if I didn't marry him. I'm trapped. Ive seen what he's capable of. And he was very serious when he said that he'll hurt my family." She wept uncontrollably now.

"Ainnie, what have you gotten yourself into?" Ramsha also started to cry—she couldn't bare this pitiful site of her dear old friend and cousin. "We have to do something bhai." She called loudly.

"Maybe we can hide you. I know a . . .,"

"No! I cant escape from this. He has men stationed outside my house to make sure I don't run away or try anything. He'll hurt my parents if I try anything." She said lowly, he voice thick from her sobs.

"But Ainnie, surely you can't marry a tyrant. He's hurt you. Who knows what he'll do to you after you marry him." Haris stated his opinion. He felt utterly powerless at the moment. He came from a simple family and he had just started his career as a doctor. He had no links or connections.

"What if we contacted the police? Maybe they can help us." Ramsha said. Anissa let out a bitter chuckle.

"That wouldn't work. You know how these politicians are. They have the police force in their hands. And you both know how powerful and rich he is. If we involve the police the it'll be easy for him to buy his way out and it will only create more complications for myself and my family." She explained.

"I don't care what happens to me. I just want my family safe." She bawled.

"B-but Ainnie, did you tell him what happened with you a few years ago?" Ramsha inquired. Haris stiffened beside her as he eyed Anissa with pity and sympathy.

Anissa nodded. "It was my last trump card. But it didn't matter to him. He completely disregarded my feelings." Her shoulders sagged in surrender as her face fell in her hands. "I think he's a psychopath. He branded me without any remorse. He slapped me multiple times without even a hint of guilt. He's cold hearted and ruthless. How will I live my life with him?" she wept.

Where was her life leading her? She was a fighter—she fought everything to protect herself and her family but never had she felt this powerless and hopeless before. She had no choice but to comply. She wasn't rich and didn't have enough money to flee the country or even the city.

"I think that he's seriously suffering from a mental disorder. I have never seen a person switch between personalities so easily as he does." She confessed.

"Then don't marry him Ainnie. He should know that he cannot force you. It's not allowed anyway." Ramsha reasoned.

"Do you think it matters to him? These past few days when he held me captive, don't you think that I tried to do everything I could in order for him to change his mind? He's not going to—he's set his mind and it's on me. I have no idea why but he wants me. He's made this very clear."

She felt her heart break with each breath she took—for her, marriage was a sacred trust. It's sanctity too great to be played with. If she were to marry, it would be for keeps—she would be loyal and faithful. But she also expected the same courtesy from her spouse and from what she knew, Shehryaar didn't seem to fit her standards and expectations she had in her spouse.

Love was never an issue, she knew eventually she would find love with her spouse but that wasn't a determining factor. What she wanted was security and a home for herself—all she craved for was respect and honor. She was sure she wasn't going to get that from Shehryaar.

For Anissa, Shehryaar was an enigma—she knew nothing about him other then the few glimpses of his personality she got she witness. She had no idea about the type of family he came from. The Ghulari family was very private and there wasn't much information about them available on the internet. All that she knew from his family was the old lady that came to see them yesterday and yet she wasn't sure whether or not she was really his mother.

"It's okay Ainnie," Ramsha took a hold of her hands and squeezed them tightly. "I'm sure that there is some wisdom in this union. You can't run away from it. Mind as well accept it. Trust in God that everything will be alright." She reassured.

Anissa tried to draw some inspiration from it—all that mattered was that her family would be safe. If that monster wants me then I'll give it to hm. He may have me but he'll never have my heart and soul. Who knows, maybe I can hope for change. He might not be so bad. She thought.

But whenever she tried t think of anything good about Shehryaar, the bad would always outweigh the good. What he did to her till now, the way he mercilessly branded her skin, making her feel low and worthless. And the threat to her parents—these two things were unforgivable. But maybe there is a reason as to why Shehryaar went this far. From what I can tell, he's a very stoic man and thus, he mustn't know anything about gentleness or kindness.

But, there is always silver lining in every situation right?. I'm sure, inshaa Allah, it'll turn out well. That's how her heart was. This was her nature—to seek good in everything.

"Okay." She murmured.

"Don't worry Ainnie. We are here for you. We'll always be here for you." Haris said and patted her head lovingly. She nodded and tried to smile. These two people were her rock and moral support through it all and she was forever grateful to them for it.

Now she felt ready. Even this marriage is sudden and to a stranger, if it was her fate then she'll accept it.
