Chapter 17

Anissa kept her eyes fixed on her parents when they came to sit with her on the stage. They were so happy that their only child was finally married—little did they know that this would be the last time they would see their precious daughter.

Anissa burned their smiling faces in her memory: never forgetting that her marriage to a supposed 'good man' was the cause of their happiness. And she didn't regret it now. If she could repay her aunt and uncle for all that they did for her till now then she would gladly fall in the pits of hell if that made them happy. Their debt weighed heavily on her and she would be forever grateful to them. Although her parents never made her feel like an outsider, Anissa knew better.

And when she saw Ramsha and Haris, they were looking at her with concern. When Shehryaar left the stage to attend to his Amma, Ramsha approached Anissa and sat beside her. Anissa quickly grabbed her and tried her best not to cry.

"What's the matter?" She asked in a hushed tone. "Was he okay with you? How did he treat you?"

Anissa wanted to tell her troubles to her only friend but she knew that she couldn't risk to involve Ramsha or Haris in her matter anymore. Whatever was between her and Shehryaar, she would face it by herself.

Shaking her head, she pursed her lips tightly to block the sobs from escaping her lips. "Take care of my parents Ramsha. Please don't ever make them feel lonely." She whispered, her voice low and thick with her grief.

Ramsha furrowed her brows in confusion. "You know that I will Ainnie. But you'll visit right? You'll call too right?"

"I don't know." She muttered and quickly composed herself when she saw Shehryaar come up and sit beside her. She lowered her head and kept her gaze down, feeling her husband's intense glare on her face, making her blush. Ramsha nodded, squeezed Anissa's hand in understanding, passed Shehryaar a death glare and left.

"Remember what I said." Shehryaar murmured in her ear, causing dread to pool in her stomach.

"I will." She replied lowly. She felt Shehryaar's grasp her hand and squeeze it. She knew what it meant; his gesture meant for her to behave herself and she was going to do just that.

When the Waleema function came to an end and it was time for Anissa to bid her family good bye forever, she broke down into tears and clung to her parents as if her life depended on them. Her parents consoled her. She kept kissing her mother'a cheeks. When she kissed her father's cheek, she saw his eyes pour out. She was taken aback; she always knew her uncle to be a very hard man but even he had his moments.

"Jeeti raho baiti. Know that you are the best that has ever happened to us. We are so proud of you. Don't ever do anything that would bring shame upon your family. You are the custodian of our family honour. Always keep it intact. I love you so much Anissa." He told her wholeheartedly. "Remember, you not only hold your family's honour and respect in your hands but also your husband's. be a good wife and don't ever do anything that would bring shame upon him as well."

Anissa felt her heart and spirits lift. That was all she needed to muster up her courage and be brave. "I'll be your brave girl Abu. I will never let you down. I swear." She avowed, her hazel eyes determined. Not only did Shehryaar's Amma also make her promise to look after Shehryaar but now she has given her promise to her parents as well. Now she was even more determined to change her husband. She had the hopes and prayers and wishes of her family and Shehryaar's Amma resting on her now.

For you Abu, I'll try my hardest to make this marriage work out. Even though Shehryaar is evil, I will change him. I'll make him change. She promised herself. I don't know why e wants to break me but I'll change him before he even tries to break me. I'll give him so much love and attention that he'll never want do anything bad to anyone ever again.

Mr. Musa turned to Shehryaar and engulfed him a bear hug. Shehryaar was taken aback. No one had ever had the audacity to approach him let alone hug him like this old was doing. His reflexes were strong and his hand was already resting on his waist where his gun lay in its holster. Her controlled himself: he didn't trust anyone, especially not there gullible people who were being so emotional, he didn't understand why all these family around his wife were getting so sentimental about.

"Please take care of my daughter. I've raised her with great care. She is my most prized possession. Don't ever let a tear come in her eyes." He said, his soft brown eyes glistening with tears as they stared at Shehryaar with anticipation.

Shehryaar stared at his father in law with an expressionless face and gave him a curt nod. "Your daughter is safe with me." He claimed and turned towards the awaiting car. He wasn't going to lie. He hated lies. And when it concerned Anissa, he would always be honest. He didn't promise anything to her father other then her safety for he knew that what he was had planned to do with Anissa, it would cause rivers of tears to be shed and she would have to suffer a lot. In order to make her truly his property, possession and his true wife, someone who would belong solely to him, body, mind and soul, he needed to make her cross a river of fire and completely shatter her. Then he would slowly mould her and build her in his own version.

She needed to change and he would make sure that she did.

His heart was already stone cold. He had to harden it further when it concerned Anissa because he knew how deeply he felt about her. He had no choice for what was waiting for his wife, he knew that he would have to push and lock up his emotions for her so that he may proceed with what he wanted from her. Her tears held a string effect on him but he tried his best not to show it or let them hinder him.

For him, it didn't matter that Anissa didn't belong to an Elite class family or whether she was an heiress or not. He didn't care about her background or her connections.

He wanted Anissa for his own selfish reasons; one that he would never reveal to anyone.

If she was going to be his Queen, she will have to meet his standards of ruthlessness and heartless cruelty.

While Anissa cried. With a heavy heart, she bid her family farewell, certain that she wouldn't be able to see them ever again.

Your doing this to protect them. Be brave for them and don't forget your promise, Ainnie. She reminded herself as the car door opened for her and she hopped in next to Shehryaar. With one last glance at her family who were waving at her, she sobbed and waved back.

When they were out of sight, she cupped her face and sobbed quietly.

Suddenly, she felt something touch her shoulders and abruptly, she was pulled into Shehryaar's string hard chest. She looked up to find Shehryaar's blank stare glued outside the window. His jaw was set hard. She couldn't read his face but didn't try hard and laid her head in his heart.

She didn't expect any comfort from Shehryaar. After all he was the one who was making her abandon her family then why was he trying to comfort her now?

She didn't question is much and clung to the lapels of his dress suit as she let her tears freely fall down her cheeks. His arms were so warm. The steady rhythm of his heart under her was soothing.

Strangely, she felt safe in them. But her tears didn't cease.They soaked his shirt as she cried on his chest.

They arrived at the Hotel Grand.

Everything was set and ready for them at their suite. Anissa came across three large Louis Vuitton bags in their signature brown and beige colors.

"Go and get changed." Shehryaar ordered. He headed towards the bags and opened them, pulling out a neatly folded dress suit and handing it to Anissa.

She looked up at him through her teary eyes. "I can do that myself." He hissed. Why was he treating her like this? For the past two days he was controlling her dressing. It was for the wedding and she went along with it but what was his excuse now?

"No, I will be choosing your attire from now on." He said with an edge of finality to his voice.

Anissa was already emotional and now she was livid. "Stop that already! Why are you so adamant on controlling me? just stop!" she screamed, more tears rolling down her cheeks. Her throat was getting painfully raw as she raised her voice; her throat was already tight especially from the choke hold that Shehryaar had on her neck earlier that morning.

Shehryaar narrowed his eyes at her; his blank expression morphed into an angry one and he took slow fluid steps towards her.

She cried, her hands fisted by her side and face low. She sobbed and sniffed.

"It has only been a day since you've been married to me and already you're forgetting your place." He snarled as he neared her, towering over of quivering frame. Gently grasping her chin, he tilted her head upward and stared deeply into her pain filled hazel eyes.

"Well? Answer me?" he prompted, his voice no longer masking his anger.

Her anger was greater as she slapped his hand away. "What do you want me to say? You're treating me like an invalid. My place is at your side as your equal.We haven't even been married for a day and already you're out to control every aspect of my life. You already made me lose my family. What more do you want?" she shrieked, her voice thick with her sorrow and frustration.

Shehryaar smirked and gripped her chin tightly between his thumb and index finger that his nails began to dig into her skin, causing her to wince but she didn't back down. "I want everything. I will control everything in your life whether you like or not. I already own you. Your life is mine." He replied calmly this time, his tone laced with possessiveness. Anissa frowned in confusion as she saw his grey eyes twinkle with amusement.

"Stop that! Are you a control freak or something?" She seethed.

He chuckled and his smirk grew wider. "Of course I am babe, especially when it concerns you."

"Well you won't control me. I might've married you but it was against my will. I may be your wife but that doesn't mean that you can control me. You do not own me." she claimed stubbornly. All the amusement in his eyes disappeared. He released her chin and gripped her waist tightly as well as her neck. Before she could react, his lips smashed against hers. Anissa's heart pounded and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered. Closing her eyes, her arms went up and wrapped around his neck.

With a gasp, she moaned into his mouth as his tongue plunged into her warm mouth, stroking each corner. His hand had removed the dupatta covering her head and tangled into her curly thick locks. A low grunt came from his throat. He bit and sucked on her lower lip. He groaned and released her lips. Both panted and gasped for air. His hold on her didn't loosen as his eyes stared deeply into her eyes. His cold steely eyes were hard and void of every humanly emotion.

"Your sweet mouth is so fucking good. Too bad it's only sprouting shit at the moment." He panted. "I do own you. My fucking name has been carved into your skin and my name rests with yours now on official documentation so stop fucking denying it." He growled, fisting her hair roughly. Anissa hissed with pain but didn't break eye contact with him. She was already afraid and his darkened features frightened her even more.

"I would like to see you defy me. You've already pissed me off because of last night, don't add more punishments to the list because trust me you won't be able to handle it. Trust me Anissa, you still don't know what I am capable of so stop fucking challenging me and stop disobeying Me." he sneered.

"Punishments? Disobedience? What am I your slave? I have every right to state my opinions. I'm an independent woman. I will not tolerate this kind of attitude." She leered, her tears flowing freely.

"Yes you will and don't forget, you lost your independence the moment you sighed your name on the nikkah-naama. As your husband, I demand respect and obedience." He commanded haughtily.

"I am your wife. I am your equal. And don't you forget that respect and obedience has to be earned."

He scoffed and released her hair. "The moment you become my wife in the true sense is the moment when I will decide that you are my equal." He stated and turned away.

Anissa was left dumbfounded. Wife in the true sense?

He threw the dress at Anissa and she caught it. She didn't understand what he meant.