Chapter 19

Explicit scenes of violence, mature language, rape and abuse is written in the chapter so be advise that you must be 18+ to read the content.

"Where are we going?" She inquired when they left the estate. Shehryaar chose to ignore her. With a huff, Anissa pouted.

The nerve of this man. He's the one who's taking me out and so late too.

It's wasn't that late too. The hustle and bustle of the city was still on. The lights on the buildings and the bill boards were mesmerising for Anissa. Karachi is considered the mega city of Pakistan.

The car went in the direction that led to the outskirts of the city. Anissa was confused.

Why did he bring me here? She frowned when she looked around the dark surroundings. It was quiet a trashy place. There weren't any people around or any lights.

Her heart thumped in dread.

"Sh-Shehryaar? Why are we here?" She stammered and automatically caught his forearm.

Shehryaar chuckled dryly and squeezed her knuckles.

"Relax. You'll soon find out." She replied cryptically. The car came to an abrupt stop. Anissa's heart thudded loudly that she was sure the air became sound with the loud thumping of her heart.

"We're here." Shehryaar announced and hopped out of the car. He went towards her side and opened her door.

"Please tell me what we're doing here first. I'm not coming out. I don't feel comfortable in this place." She asserted.

Shehryaar rolled his eyes and harshly pulled her out of the car. He didn't stop and continued to drag her towards an old building that looked abandoned. It was dark and Anissa stumbled a few times but Shehryaar didn't stop and kept on dragging her even when she started to protest.

"Let go, I'll follow." She shrieked when she fell and hit her left knee on the ground. Shehryaar grunted and released her wrist. She wobbled and stood up. Shehryaar started walking again and Anissa followed behind him.

They kept walking and Anissa was already on the edge of her nerves. Her ran and caught Shehryaar's arm. Shehryaar chuckled and led her to a corridor. It was lighted dimly. There was a putrid stench that Anissa detected and cringed: it was mix of the rust in the railing by the walls, the leaking pipes and something that Anissa was all too familiar with: blood. Her hold on his arm increased and she pushed into Shehryaar's side, feeling nauseous.

She didn't dare ask Shehryaar what they were doing in a place like this since she knew that he wouldn't answer. They came to a door and stopped.

"You told me that you were suffering from a disorder after that tragedy that happened to you?" Shehryaar spoke, his voice firm.

Anissa was taken aback and looked at him with a frown. "Y-yes," she murmured. Her blood was starting to run cold. Now she knew that Shehryaar was up to something.

"What was it again?" He inquired in a calm tone, his eyes fixed on the door.

Her breath hitched in her throat but she answered nonetheless. "P-post traumatic S-stress disorder." She replied in a broken voice. What does my disorder have anything to do with anything? Her confusion was beginning to irritate her. She was getting nervous and not in a good way.

"And it caused you to become sexually traumatic, correct?" His voice was too calm for Anissa's liking.

"Yes," she whispered so low that it was barely audible but Shehryaar heard her reply. He gently took the hand that was gripping his arm in a death grip and kissed her knuckles. His eyes bore into hers intensely: grey to hazel.

"Then, how do you cure it?" He asked.

"There is no cure to it." She replied in defeat.

"Yes there is and that's what we're here for." He claimed and opened the door.

Anissa gasped and her heart clenched in pure unadulterated fear at what she saw in front of her. Her hand in his gripped tighter.

It was the same room as room in which Shehryaar had branded her in. The room was dark like it was shed with a few bulbs hanging from the ceiling, many chains and tools were hanging by the walls. There were a few men in black stationed at the walls.

But that wasn't what Anissa found horrifying. There was a man tied to a chair and breathing heavily. His head was low between his shoulders while his hands were behind his back. His dark hair looked drenched and beads of sweat or water trickled down from his head and hair.

"Shehryaar?" She whispered in a panic and caught his arm. He led her inside.

"Wake up the fucker!" He snarled and a man came and splashed a bucket of water on the man's face. Anissa flinched.

The man groaned raised his face.

A gasp resonated in the entire room.

Anissa's face paled: all the blood drained from it making her skin appear white and lifeless. Her heart stopped, her eyes widened into saucers. Her mouth and the air went dry, she didn't let a single sound escape from her mouth because her fear was too great to let her utter a single word. Her heart and mind came to a stand still.

For Anissa, everything around her shattered as she came face to face with the monster that she feared and dreaded. The monster that was the cause of her misery, her nightmares and her suffering. The reason why Anissa wasn't able to fulfil her obligation to her husband.

All of a sudden, her lungs constricted, trapping the air and rendering her unable to breath. Her feel when her knees weakened, clenching her dry throat to gasp at the air surrounding her but to no avail. Her heart shut out, the darkness consuming her.

Her mind drifted to that one fateful night that changed her life forever.

I was walking towards the storage room to get the stuff that my autopsy professor had asked from me. It was already late and me being the class representative had to stay behind and help the professor for the autopsy in the morning.

Checking the list, I ventured inside the dark large storage room. Suddenly, I felt the hair on my neck raise when I felt a lingering presence behind me. Turning around, I gasped and placed a hand over my heart to try to calm it down.

"Oh God! You scared me Sharjeel." I hissed and narrowed my eyes. "The professor sent me to lend you a hand. You were taking too long." He said and approached me. He was a handsome man and a heartthrob in my class. But I had never bore him any mind. I was least interested especially since he was a playboy and a lecher. Just because he came from a filthy rich family he thought he could have anything and can get away with anything. We started pursuing me back in first year of med school but I didn't bare him any mind and now two years later, just to show how serious he was he sent a marriage proposal at my home.

To be honest, I always found him creepy and disgusting and every time he made a new girlfriend I was relieved that he would leave me alone but how wrong was I. He wouldn't leave me be and still bothered me in every chance he got. At least I thought that he just wanted to be friends with me since I was a high achiever and he wasn't doing so well in studies especially when he failed in major subjects back in first and second year and third year was even tougher. But his proposal to my parents showed me that he was very serious about me but I wasn't interested. And when he persisted, he earned a good slap from me and that too in front of the whole college in the cafeteria. After that he didn't approach me. It's been months and I'm grateful.

I nodded and went back to collecting the items on the list. Obviously I was uncomfortable in his presence especially since he sent his parents to my house with his marriage proposal.

"Tell me something Ainnie, why did you reject my proposal?" He inquired out of the blue.

I stopped and turned around to face him. "Who gave you permission to address me so informally?" I spat. How dare he address me in the name that only my family uses for me!

Shrugging nonchalantly, he dipped his hands in his pant pockets. "I sent my proposal to show you that I am very seriously yet you turned it down, why?" He asked. Is this guy that dense?

"Are you seriously that dense? When I rejected your proposal the first time then you should've gotten the hint. I'm not interested in a guy like you. So get this through your thick skull." I spat venomously. I saw his eyes gleam with anger and something else that i didn't recognise but turned my back at him like it mean anything.

"Wrong answer." I heard him mutter behind me and beside I knew it, something hit me hard on my head. I cried out in pain and fell on my knees.

"What," I was cut off when something gripped my mouth and gagged it effectively shutting me. I looked through my blurred vision when Sharjeel pushed me down on the ground and bound my arms behind my back. I saw his eyes give off that same animalistic gleam.

Oh God! I didn't I realise it sooner? Why didn't I realize his intentions?

"You should've been a good girl and accepted my proposal when I was being nice. Now I'm pissed." I heard him muttered.

My mind was in a panic when I saw him fumble with my coat as he removed it from my shoulders. My eyes widened. I tried to shriek but the cloth around my teeth wasn't allowing me to make any effective noise.

I began to thrash around and struggle but the back of his hand hit my face and my already blurred and throbbing head began to pound with immense pain when my head hit the ground hard. Black spots danced before my eyes and the pain was too great but I tried to fight it.

I saw him take off my shalwar and my panic grew.

Stop it!

"Stomph ih!" I screamed through the gag. My throat was getting raw from all the screaming and my wrists burned through my struggle to get my hands freed but to no avail.

Oh God! Please save me! Please send someone in! Someone was bound to come looking for us.

"Helph mehhh!" I screamed through the gag.

"Oh no one is coming to help you Anissa. I actually came here to tell you that I professor left since it was late and told me to tell you that we were excuse for the day. Who knew that it would turn out so well in my favour." He smiled cruelty, his eyes shining with a evil intent.

When I heard his zipper open, I stopped and saw him settled himself between my legs.

"Baby, you're so sexy." He drawled. It cause my skin to crawl and began to my struggle again and tried to kick him away. But he quickly pinned down my legs and slapped me again.

"Stop struggling and it'll be less painful." He seethed through clenched teeth. My mind was already in turmoil. I didn't give up and tried to kick him away from me.

When I felt his hand touch me at my private place, stroking my labia through my panties.

"Nomph!" I screeched and tried to move away from him but he had me pinned to the ground beneath him.

"Pleasz don do this!" I begged, my eyes stinging with tears. What did I do to deserve this?

Im about to have my innocence taken away from me and for what? That I rejected him and showed him the cold shoulder? That I wounded his pride and for that I deserve to get raped?

Oh God please help me!

I don't deserve this!

Please someone make him stop!

This will destroy me. I'll be nothing after this.

I fought, my limbs were mobile against the ground. I screamed against the gag but he didn't stop touching me. My tears were flowing nonstop. I looked at him with pleading eyes and all he did was smirk at me like a sadist as if my pain gave him pleasure.

And when he took off my panties and had me lie naked before him, my instincts kicked in and began my struggle again. My blood was raging with an urgency.

I needed to get away from this bastard. He was about to rape me. He's a monster, an animal.

But he didn't stop. I get him near my core and before I knew it, he rammed himself deep inside of me, causing my body to spasm in pain. I screamed and cried but he didn't stop. And pushed himself deeper and harder into me. The pain was so great as it shot up from my lower area and my body shuddered.

Oh God! This bastard just tainted me. He took away my virginity. Oh God!

I felt so disgusted with myself.

So dirty.



I tried to move again but the pain was too much. I cried and stopped. What was the point in fighting now?

When he saw me stop struggling, he stopped and looked at me. His eyes held so much desire and carnal hunger that it disgusted me.

How could this guy do this to an innocent? Didn't he care that I was the honour of my household? How would he have felt like if this were to happen to his sister or daughter?

I always knew that men sought only one thing: they sought pleasure that came from woman and what lies between their legs. And now I'm sure, all men are same.

And it was a man who is giving me so much pain right now.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

I can't even cry out for help.

All my life I was careful and took good care of myself so that I wouldn't be in this position but were did I go wrong?

I opened my eyes and looked at him straight in the eye. he took off the gag. When that was done, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He immediately slapped me and shut my mouth with his hand. I bit him hard in his palm. He Winced in pain and cursed under his breath. He was still inside of me. I tried to struggle with my legs and tried to get away from him but he pinned me down.

"You won't get away with this!" I screeched. "I'll have the college and police involved. I won't let you get away with this." I screamed and tried to squirm away from that animal.

He chuckled bleakly and before I knew it, he hit my head hard against the ground. Spots danced before my vision and I began to drift into unconsciousness.

"I own the police. And unless you want to tarnish your reputation as well as your parents, you'll stay quiet and take this like a good girl." He claimed and began to pump into me mercilessly. I cried for him to stop. I begged and pleaded but he didn't stop until he came inside me.

I stopped struggling. because there wasn't any point anymore. In the society i leave live in, people didn't sympathize with a rape victim. even if she were to involve the police, she knew that they wouldnt help since Sharjeel belonged to a rich and powerful family. Instead of helping her, they would make it out as if I tried to trap him and threw myself at him. no one would believe me because I'm a woman and I would be dubbed as the culprit.

Of course my parents would believe me and support me but they would be crushed. I cannot hurt them. I love them too much to ever see a single drop of tear escape their eyes for my sake.

So, I'll take this for their sake.

I'll accept this fate for their sake.

The monster did'nt stop and relentlessly sullied me with his dirty hands.

There was no pleasure.

There was only pain and then nothing.

I felt numb.

Shehryaar saw his bride fight to breath. He knew she was having a panic attach and before she fell to the ground, he had wrapped his arms around her and protected her.

"Shh baby, breath." He cooed sweetly in her ear. Anissa still couldn't breath and choked. Shehryaar rubbed her back and lifted her up in his arms bridal style. There was couch in the corner of the room where he took her and laid her down on his lap as she struggled to pull air into her lungs.

"Breath, that's it, take in a steady deep breaths." He said to her as gently as he could manage. Anissa calmed down a bit. And relaxed in his embrace. Her choking stopped and she took him deep breaths. Rubbing her back softly and soothingly, he rested her head on his shoulder and breathed in her soft scent.

She was so fragile.

He knew it wasn't a good idea to bring her here but it needed to be done. If he was to avenge his wife and make the man suffer who dared to touch his woman then it needed to be done.

"Open your eyes meri Tara. I need to look into your beautiful eyes." He cronned in her ear in his husky voice.

She obeyed and looked into his get eyes that were so soft and held so much sincerity. There weren't hard and emotionless as they were a few moments ago, rather, his eyes urged her to trust him and lean on him for support.

"Trust me Tara, you can lean on me for support. I brought you here so that you can reclaim your justice. I'll avenge you Anissa." He stated firmly.

Anissa couldn't believe what was going on around her. The man who was her husband, her kidnapper, her torturer and her tormentor; looked at her with so much tenderness.

This was the same man that made her face the monster who did so much wrong to her and now he was the one who she leaned on for support.

What's going on? She thought as her mind lingered in confusion and turmoil.