Chapter 28

He immediately picked her up bridal style, his strong embrace warm and welcoming as he carried her to the huge king sized bed.

Laying her down gently in the centre of the bed, his eyes raked up and down at her naked body that was presented to him, The bathrobe being the piece of cloth that hindered him from seeing the rest of her. Anissa felt conscious and tried to cross her knees together and fold her arms around her chest but he was quick. Climbing on top of her, he grabbed her wrists and gently pushed them aside.

His strong masculine scent invaded her senses. She pursed her lips tightly as his head dipped to her chest and her right breast met with his warm wet mouth. He sucked hard and bit on her nipple, causing her to yelp.

This is really happening. She thought as she body begun to shake.

His hand travelled south and stroked her glistening slit.