Chapter 33

Shehryaar inhaled deeply, his senses woken up by the pleasant soft scent of lilies.

His lips curved into an involuntary smile as his arms tightened around her warm soft body. Her soft hair tickled his nose when he inhaled, thus willing him to open his eyes.

She was fast asleep and why wouldn't she be? Last night was phenomenal for him as he had fucked Anissa to his heart's content. He wouldn't let her rest not even for a little while. The used and filled up condoms near the side of his bed were proof of the multiple rounds of brutal raw fucking he had inflicted on her.

And the cause? He had never felt so feral, so animalistic before just because of a few words she had uttered.

Her words had done a number on his ego. And if there was something he didn't like or appreciate was his ego or pride getting hurt. And her words had unleashed the beast inside of him.