The Heart of Espington

Sunday, March 1 2099

Lee had decided to go back to R9 instead of the Fabrics Market with Bruno and Valinoti. Bruno really liked his two Espington roommates; they really explained a lot about the City and everything in it. Bruno was also surprised how Rina knew his last name. Did she remember his name when giving Bruno his ID Card? And if she did, why? That only gave Bruno more hope.

Bruno and Valinoti were on the western side of Espington now, according to what the President had said in the morning. Right next to Espington Eatery was the Armory where Bruno knew all the weapons for the Guard were manufactured and sold. I guess the Factory Workers did not have to worry about constructing guns and taser-batons. Next to the Armory was the Western Gate and Alley where Bruno and Valinoti had entered earlier in the day. That's where they had met the two rude Guard, Jago and Sayer. Next came two smaller grey buildings, the Fabrics Market and the Inns Market.

The two boys walked along the west side of Espington. Bruno looked at the Heart and saw how there were still dozens of people lounging on the grassy area. There was a large statue of a silver and navy blue eagle enclosed by a black, spoked fence.

"Espington's City Animal?" Valinoti wondered.

"Yeah," Bruno said. "has to be. There were eagle statues all over the Eatery's roof."

The boys walked down to the Fabrics Market. It was a fairly large building, although Espington Eatery totally dwarfed it. The store was, of course, grey with cyan windowpanes and gutters. Two cylindrical shrubs stood at ease on each side of the entrance. Once again, there was a small eagle icon above each window. Bruno and Valinoti entered.

The inside looked similar to the inside of a hoarder's home. There were piles of all different types of fabrics: pants in one corner, cardigans in another. All the clothes were of different colors: reds, blues, purples. But didn't Espington residents only wear greys and blues? Bruno didn't second think this, it wasn't even important. There were shelves of different accessories━also very cluttered━such as sunglasses, handbags, and wallets. Valinoti had his eyes on the peacoats.

"What?" he noticed Bruno staring. "They look nice and they're only fifty bucks."

Bruno continued to look. He rummaged through a pile of belts and belt buckles, but quickly lost interest. There was an intriguing pile of baseball caps that Bruno needed to check out, but most of them were worn out or of an unappealing, neon color. Umbrellas hung from the ceiling by a single thread; Bruno had to maneuver around them all to get to the next aisle. He lost Valinoti somewhere (probably still looking at the peacoats).

There were only a few other people in the Fabrics Market. Bruno noticed an old lady with snow white hair and bright, pink glasses that hideously contrasted her grey and blue business dress. There was a mother dragging her twin sons through Aisle Four. The twins seemed exhausted and the mother was frustratingly pushing them towards the exit. Bruno continued down the aisle when he finally stopped at the sweatshirts. Many of the sweatshirts had either eagles on them or just "ESPINGTON, TOGLUAGOA." Bruno rummaged through them until he saw one particular sweatshirt that was violet and gold, Adlington's City Colors. Bruno almost gasped when he saw "ADLINGTON, TOGLUAGOA" on the sweatshirt. What was that doing in Espington's Fabrics Market?

"Can I help you with something?" a worker asked and Bruno jumped, dropping the Adlington sweatshirt.

"Uh, well, um, no, no, I'm fine, just, um, looking," Bruno stuttered.

"Okay, well if there's anything you need, just let me know," the worker said, "My name is Klaudine."

The worker started to walk away. She was young, probably Bruno's age. Her dirty-blonde hair was curled, but all Bruno really noticed was her bright, blue eyes; they matched her grey outfit.

"'am?" Bruno asked nervously.

"Call me Klaudine," she smiled a familiar smile. "'Ma'am sounds like I'm old. Anyway, what can I help you with?"

"Why is there an Adlington sweatshirt here?"

"Hm, well, you see, the Fabrics Market is part consignment. Residents can drop off unwanted clothes in hopes to make some profit, even though we get eighty percent," Klaudine chuckled.

"Yeah, but, Adlington doesn't make sweatshirts," Bruno said.

"Well," Klaudine giggled, "looks like you have a littler mystery on your hands." She started to walked away.

"Wait, Klaudine?" Bruno waited for the worker to turn around. "You wouldn't happen to be Katrina's sister, would you?"

"How'd ya know?" she laughed.

"Eh, you had me at the smile," Bruno answered.

"Nice catch," Klaudine smirked. "Let me know if you need any more help." And she was gone, past the aisles.

Valinoti appeared holding a space-grey peacoat. "Find anything?"

"Yeah, this Adlington sweatshirt," Bruno said. "I don't know who made it, but I'm gonna buy it."

"Word, it's only ten eDollars."

Klaudine had bagged Valinoti and Bruno's fabrics. They left the Fabrics Market at around ten. Only about a handful of residents were now in the Heart of Espington. Only the Watchtowers gave off light.

"Ya think we can see Cariddi at Watchtower One?" Valinoti wondered.

"Let's check."

Bruno and Valinoti walked a few yards before stopping at the fence that blocked Watchtower One. It was standing in the northwest corner of Espington, right next to the Factory and Guard House. Bruno and Valinoti looked up, tried to get a good look.

A Guard was standing at the top balcony of Watchtower One. He was on the shorter side, but stocky and thin. The Guard wore his helmet like any Guard should.

"Definitely Cariddi," Valinoti said.

Suddenly, two Guard walked up from behind Cariddi.

"Wait, wh─" But Bruno stopped when he saw the one Guard hit Cariddi from the back.

Cariddi fell to his knees. The Guard who hadn't hit Cariddi, picked the boy up

by his collar. It looked like the two Guard were yelling at Cariddi as if he messed up on something. Bruno came to realize that those two men were Jago and Sayer.

"Can they do that?" Valinoti asked.

"I dunno."

Bruno and Valinoti turned around to get some sort of help when they walked right into a group of people. Valinoti stumbled on his feet and fell to the ground, his peacoat slipping out of his bag.

"Way to go, Klutz!" one of the strangers laughed.

"What's wrong with you?" Bruno asked the stranger while helping Valinoti up. "It was an accident."

"Shut the fuck up, Bruno," the guy said.

It was dark, so it took some time for Bruno to make out the man's features. But after leaning forward, Bruno sighed.

"What do you want, O'Neill?" he asked.

"Nothin'," he said. "Just you and your friend to get the fuck out of my way."

"Okay, we're going back to our room anyway."

"Good," O'Neill said. "You think you're so smart because you told Sir Espington that Islington was the one that attacked our carriage?"

"I wasn't trying to be smart."

"Didn't have to!" another guy shouted.

"Relax, Benson!" O'Neill yelled, raising a hand. "Don't think you're smart, Bruno. You were always a lousy Miner, just like your father."

Without even hesitating, Bruno slammed his fist into O'Neill's right cheekbone. There was a loud crunch and O'Neill crumpled to the pavement. Benson and the other guy were about to lunge when there was the sound of a taser-baton zapping on.

Benson and the dude picked O'Neill up and together they all ran in the direction of the Inns. Bruno and Valinoti turned around to see Cariddi standing there.

"What are you doing down here?" Bruno asked. "Don't you end─"

Bruno stopped talking when he saw Cariddi's bruised left eye. He didn't even make the effort to hide the injury.

"I ended early today," Cariddi said. "Dull night."

"That's a lie," Valinoti answered quickly. "We saw Jago and Sayer attack you."

Cariddi sighed, looked down at the ground. "I clocked in ten minutes before shift started. Jago and Sayer made it clear never to do that again. 'Your call time is your call time.'" he mimicked.

"They beat you up because you added fifty cents to your paycheck?" Bruno asked.

"Pretty much," Cariddi said. "Jago and Sayer can do that. They're both Head Guard."

"Being Head Guard doesn't mean you can abuse your men!" Bruno shouted.

"Yes, but nothing is done about it so they do it," Cariddi retorted. "Let's just forget about this and go back to R Nine."

Bruno, Valinoti, and Cariddi were already past the eagle statue, on their way back to Inns Two. It was a little past eleven P.M. and a girl and boy were the only ones left in the Heart of Espington. About two or three other people were still walking around Espington Square. Cariddi had made it to the Inns Two door when something caught Bruno's eye. He looked to his right and saw Anzalone. The amber-haired boy was walking behind Inns Two and before Bruno knew it, he was gone.

"C'mon, Bruno," Valinoti said.

"Shit, I forgot my ID Card back at the Inns Market," Bruno lied. "I'll be up in ten minute."

"Nice going, dope," Valinoti laughed. "I'll see ya up there."

Bruno saw Valinoti and Cariddi get trapped by Katrina before he made his way around Inns Two. There was a small fence that Bruno easily hopped over. The back of Inns Two was dark; there were absolutely no lampposts or light. Bruno had his hands out, feeling the dumpsters and crates next to him.

Where did Anzalone go? he thought. Was it even Anzalone?

There was the clatter of metal on metal; Bruno turned his head and saw movement. He tiptoed his way over to the source of the sound. A few yards away was a hole to the sewer; the top had been moved to the side. Did Anzalone go down there?

"I'm either doing the right thing or something completely stupid," Bruno said to himself right before climbing down the ladder into the sewer.

The stench hit Bruno like a freight train. The smell of human excrement was beyond repulsive that Bruno had to block his nose with his Adlington sweatshirt.

There was some source of light: a dim light bulb every twenty feet. Bruno just stayed as close to the wall as possible, not wanting to fall into the river of feces and urine. Was Anzalone even down in the sewer? Bruno started to think that his idea to come down here was really stupid. Two rats ran by and that was when Bruno knew it was time to turn back.

Then he heard a cough.

Bruno looked down one way, following the cough's echo. Right or left? Then there was another cough and Bruno knew it was coming from the left. He sped walked down the sewer sidewalk, dodging more passing by vermin.

Bruno poked his head past the wall and saw a figure walking down the sewer corridor before making a left. The person was tall and slender, similar to Anzalone. Bruno waited a few seconds before speed walking down the sidewalk after the person. He peered to the left and saw the person again. Except, this time, the stranger opened a side door and quietly closed it.

If this is Anzalone, Bruno thought, How would he know all about the Espington sewer routes?

Bruno jogged down the sidewalk, stepping in muck puddles and avoiding more rats. Finally, he made it to the door. It was a rusted, metal door with a lopsided doorknob. A small, bolted sign read STORAGE. If that was Anzalone opening this door, why was he going into Storage?

Bruno stopped thinking for a second when he heard someone speaking. He put his ear to the door and listened carefully.

"Will it be easy?" Bruno heard someone say, although he didn't know if it was Anzalone or not.

"You gotta be careful." That was another voice, raspy and thick.

Bruno pressed his ear as best he could against the rusty door. He could hear the two, was it men?, speaking clearer now in the Storage Room.

"I want you here again tomorrow," the raspy man said.

"Do I need to bring anything?" the other person asked.

"No. Just clothes you don't mind getting dirty."

"Okay. Same time?"

"Yes," the raspy man said. "Let's just hope no more minors get hurt, Anzalone."

Anzalone! Bruno thought. And the man said 'Miners!' Anzalone is an Adlington Spy. He's going to hurt more people!

Bruno pulled the door open and ran into the Storage Room. "Ah-hah! I caught you, Anzalone! I knew you weren't on that damn carriage!"

Bruno was right; Anzalone was in the Storage Room with an older man with hair that matched his grey uniform. They were sitting at a small, square table with only two chairs. There was a vending machine in the corner, although it didn't look like it was on.

"What the hell are you doing here, Bruno?" Anzalone asked.

"I noticed you walking behind Inns Two," he answered.

"You were following me?"

"Not entirely," Bruno said. "I left the Fabrics Market with Valinoti and I noticed you walking behind Inns Two. It seemed extremely suspicious, especially because I didn't think you were on the carriage."

Anzalone was about to speak, but Bruno had more to say.

"And speaking of carriages, your old friend right here just said he didn't want any more Miners getting hurt!"

"What?" the man muttered.

"Yeah! Anzalone was behind that explosion that killed Alec and the driver and─"

"Bruno," Anzalone interrupted. "Dixon was talking about minors, as in young people. I'm here because he is talking to me about the Plumbing Occupation and how minors have gotten hurt in this field."

The Plumber named Dixon stood up. Bruno noticed his teeth and how they were as brown as the sewage water. He combed his straggly hair with his fingertips before speaking.

"Anzalone, here, can't work in the kitchen because of some apparent allergies," Dixon explained. "He met me in the Heart and wanted to know about Plumbing. I told him to come here at around midnight and I would explain all he needed to know."

Bruno felt like an idiot. First he thought Anzalone was never on that carriage, but he had broken his pinky and talked about Alec. Now there was a perfectly logical reason why he was down in the sewer.

"Anzalone, look, I'm really sorry," Bruno apologized. "I am just a little freaked out about this whole attack and─"

"Bruno, I totally understand," Anzalone said. "I can see why you're very paranoid and want answers. But, again, I assure you: I was an Adlington Miner just like you on that same carriage."

Bruno nodded. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. My apologies, Dixon. I'll, uh, I'll see ya back at R Nine."

Bruno turned around and closed the door behind him.

. . .

Anzalone turned to Dixon. "That was close."

"How does that kid know so much?" Dixon asked.

"He didn't notice me on the carriage before the explosion," Anzalone said. "And he's right. The two Adlington Guard had set the bomb in the Pines for Roger to drive over. Espen was in on it, too; he had gotten orders from Sir Adlington that I was going to be Julius' Assassin. The explosion occurred and that was when I snuck in. Espen crawled over, sad because Roger wasn't supposed to die, and snapped my pinky. The two Adlington Vikings dressed up in Islington gear to make the explosion look like an attack. Seemed that Bruno bought that part, but not my involvement."

"Why did Adlington bomb it's own people?" Dixon asked.

"'Cause they needed a way for me to get with that group," Anzalone explained. "And Espen made that possible. Sir Adlington didn't mind a few casualties, although he was sad Roger died."

"All so you can get into Espington?" Dixon said.

"Yes, the security is tough here," Anzalone explained. "The Guard wouldn't second guess me if I was part of the Miners."

"Brilliant," Dixon said. "So...when do you go after Sir Espington?"

"As soon as Blake gives me a gun," Anzalone said. "I start my new Occupation at the Armory tomorrow!"

"Way to go, Tyler!" the raspy Plumber smiled his ugly smile.

"Thanks, Uncle Dixon," Anzalone grinned. "I couldn't have done it without you!"