The Memorial's Memorial

Monday, 2 March 2099

Bruno pulled his sister into the suite right when she said hello.

"Shut the door, Anzalone!" he shouted and Anzalone listened.

"What's the problem?" Lee asked, taking out the raw chicken breasts and dipping them in his special marinade.

"Carth is my sister...from Adlington!" Bruno said angrily.

"Shit. This isn't good, Bruno," Lee said. "If she gets caught, she'll be Executed."

"Executed?" Carth repeated with a look of sheer terror on her face.

"Do not let Cariddi see her when he comes back," Lee added. "He'll have no choice but to arrest her."

Bruno turned to his sister. Carth was tall, but not nearly as tall as Bruno. Her brown hair travelled way past her shoulder blades. Her green eyes; however, stood out like traffic lights. And no wonder why she wore sunglasses and a cap; Carth was hiding from the Guard.

"Why are you here?" Bruno asked, slowing his breaths.

"I think it was stupid how Sir Adlington just randomly chose a bunch of Miners to move to Espington because of the overpopulation." Carth explained. "They can't just steal you away from your family! We miss you, Bruno! That's why I am here. I can't be a twin alone."

"You guys are twins?" Valinoti heard.

"Fraternal, but that's not the point right now," Bruno groaned. "I have to hide my freakin' sister now so she doesn't get herself killed!"

"Bruno, relax," Carth hushed.

"I'm not going to calm down! How the hell did you even get in here!" Bruno yelled making Schmidt stop crying for a second in his room.

"One thing the Four Cities need to work on are the sewers," Carth said. "Snuck down from Adlington and travelled twenty miles to get here. Had to hide from a few Plumbers, too."

"Twenty miles?" Lee gasped. He had an apron on now.

"Yes. It took me the entire day. I just got out from behind this building a few minutes ago. I ran around to the front, making sure the Guard in your lighthouse buildings wouldn't notice me. There, I saw Anzalone. I remembered him from Adlington. He was in ASH with me back home. I asked if he knew you, Bruno. He told me he lived with you so now I'm here."

"Thank you, Anzalone," Bruno said and he noticed the amber-haired boy smile quickly and then head off to his room with his bags.

"What would you coming here do, Carth?" Valinoti wondered.

"And who are you?" Carth asked.

"Sorry," Bruno said. "That's Valinoti, Lee, and Schmidt."

"Well, Valinoti," Carth ignored. "I thought I could somehow bring my brother back to Adlington."

The boys stared blankly at the green-eyed girl. The room was silent except for the faint sobs from Schmidt and the sizzling of the marinated chicken breasts on the frying pans.

"Carth, Sir Adlington brought us here because our City was overcrowded," Bruno reminded her. "Espington never lets anyone from outside Cities enter, but they agreed on this. If I refused to go to Espington, the Adlington Vikings would throw me in the Slammer."

"At least you'd be with Dad," Carth muttered and Bruno froze.

Lee and Valinoti looked at their friend; Anzalone appeared from down the hall. The room was even more silent; Schmidt had ceased sobbing.

"What does she mean by that?" Valinoti asked.

It took a second for Bruno to respond; he was too busy staring at his twin sister. She was looking around the room, anywhere but her brother's face.

"Our father is in the Adlington Slammer for stealing a Mining truck to find me after I got lost in the third tier. My lantern had died and I was actually venturing deeper into the Mine rather than reaching the surface. My father saved me with that truck and got arrested right when he stepped foot above ground," Bruno explained. "This happened two months ago. His sentence is six months. I had to say goodbye to him when he was in a cell. Now Carth is here and Mom is gonna be alone now with little Jack and Alanna."

Bruno's sister looked down at the floor, her facial expression was more ashamed then sad. The suite was silent, too silent.

"Anyone wanna set the table?" Lee asked.

"I will," Anzalone said. "That smells wonderful, by the way."

Bruno turned to his sister. "Did you bring anything?"

Carth nodded. "An extra pair of clothes in my backpack, ten Silver Shillings, and Mom's lucky rabbit's foot."

Bruno just shook his head and combed his hair with his fingers, sighed while doing so. "Okay, go in my room on the left before Cariddi gets here. I'll give you some snacks for dinner. You're leaving tomorrow morning."


"My room!" Bruno repeated, and Carth finally obeyed. Bruno then turned to Lee, "You won't tell Cariddi just yet, right?"

"Hey, I'm just the guy in the apron makin' some chicken," Lee said holding one of the breasts.

Cariddi had come back after twenty minutes. He changed out of his work uniform and into a nicer Guard uniform for the memorial that consisted of grey and blue material. All of the boys sat around the table eating Lee's honey-barbeque chicken, along with yellow rice and spinach.

"What happened to the guys?" Valinoti asked.

"Guess ya didn't watch the rest of what the reporter chick had to say," Cariddi said, then wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Anyway, the ECC came together and found Mavers guilty. He's actually staying in the Slammer for five months. O'Neill and Benson have been placed under room arrest and cannot leave their dorm for two weeks or else they'll face Slammer time."

"What's the ECC again?" Schmidt wondered.

"Espington City Council," Lee answered. "Basically the City's jury. They decide the verdict for all crimes. The Council consists of all the Bosses in Espington as well as the President."

"And was it─"

"Unanimous? Yes," Cariddi cut Bruno off.

"Now what?" Valinoti asked.

"Tomorrow, after work, I'm may take you three to the Guard House for just a few questions," Cariddi said. "Don't worry: nothing you say will affect Mavers or the guys in any way. That Faulkner kid will be there, too."

Bruno was still annoyed. All he wanted was for Mavers to pay the price, but now it felt as if Bruno was getting a lot of backfire as well. He just wanted this all over with. Bruno looked across the table and stared at Anzalone for just a second. The amber-haired boy had finished his chicken already but hadn't gone near the spinach at all. Bruno was still nervous about Anzalone's new job at the Armory. Is he going to steal a gun and kill me? Bruno thought. Is he going to kill Sir Espington, than Dr. Hodge so he can't fix him, and then all the Guard so he won't be Executed?

"Bruno. Bruno? Bruno!" Valinoti nudged and Bruno came back to his senses.


"Well, can you stop and pass me the salt, please?"

Cariddi was the first to leave R9; he had to set up the chairs and stage in the Heart of Espington an hour before the memorial. Bruno opened his door and Carth walked out quietly with an empty bag of potato chips.

"Thanks for the wonderful dinner, Brother," Carth whined.

"Consider it a nice compliment to your wonderful guest appearance this evening, Sister," Bruno retorted.

Carth stayed quiet. In fact, the whole suite was quiet. Lee was just washing the dishes and placing them all in the dishwasher.

Everyone started getting changed in formal attire for the memorial. Bruno, Anzalone, Valinoti, and Schmidt needed to be at the stage a quarter before eight because all the ex Miners needed to sit behind Sir Espington when he spoke; they had gotten an email from the Boss Guard, Cradock.

"I'll meet you guys there," Lee said, finishing up on the dishes.

"Okay! Thanks again for dinner!" Bruno said. "Carth, stay in my room and watch TV. I'll be back in less than two hours!"

Carth nodded, grabbed herself an apple and water bottle, and walked back into Room B. She shut the door solemnly behind her.

Bruno, Valinoti, Anzalone and Schmidt matched in attire; they wore grey khakis and button down shirts with turquoise neckties, belts, and dress shoes. Bruno and Valinoti gelled their hair nicely while Schmidt combed his scraggly hair all the way back, making his spectacles look larger than before. Anzalone spiked his hair somehow.

The four boys had passed through the lobby, surprised to see no Katrina anywhere nearby. The building, in fact, was a lot quieter. Bruno knew everyone was getting ready for the memorial. He felt happy that the residents of Espington cared about people other than their own.

Bruno noticed Cariddi and the Guard finishing the last of the chairs in the Heart of Espington. There were about fifty rows of fifty chairs as well as a low stage placed in front of the eagle statue; a podium and chairs for the ex Miners were placed atop the wooden stage.

Diggs noticed Bruno, waved, and jogged over with a wide smile on his face. He shook the boy's hands when he caught up to them.

"Thank you for the recording, Bruno and Valinoti," Diggs said, handing Bruno his mobile back. "Mavers and those boys deserved justice being brought to them. In fact, O'Neill and Benson are in their suite now with the anklets on. If they leave they'll be thrown in the Slammer. They're cable has been cut off as well."

"Damn, that sucks," Valinoti said.

"At least you're not Mavers," Diggs mentioned. "He's in the Slammer, sharing a cell with Boris Rossi."

"No way," Schmidt muttered.

"Who's Boris Rossi?" Bruno asked.

"The most dangerous Espington resident ever," Diggs explained. "He's in for murder. Killed two Guard and a Jewels Marketer all for a damn necklace."

"They let Rossi have a cellmate?" Valinoti gasped.

"Yep. First one in thirteen years," Diggs said. "Let's just say Mavers won't look the same when he's released."

Bruno felt so guilty. He just wanted Mavers to be arrested, not live with a murderer for six months in a six by six cellblock.

Diggs led the three boys to the stage where a bunch of other ex Miners were sitting. A red-haired lady with cyan glasses stood at the podium, organizing papers and adjusting the bendable microphone.

"Leta, this is Anzalone, Schmidt, Valinoti, and Bruno," the Guard smiled.

The red-haired lady showed her teeth and pointed to four chairs on the left side of the podium. "You four will sit there for the entirety of the memorial."

"How is your stomach?" Bruno asked.

"And how do you know this, Young Man?" Leta wondered.

"Sir Espington came into the Clinic and needed Dr. Hodge because your stomach was hurting."

"Yes, well, I get a bit paranoid with pain," Leta explained. "Thought something might be hidden inside me, that's why Henry came along. Turns out it was just an inner bruise of some sort. Julius needed the Surgeon just in case of an immediate surgery."

"Glad you're okay, Leta," Bruno smiled.

"Thank you. Now please take your seats, gentlemen."

The residents were filling in the seats; they were all exiting from either Inns One or Inns Two. Bruno saw Jago and Sayer roaming up and down the aisle with their taser-batons. Cariddi was standing in the back of the crowd; Diggs was up front.

Lee sat down towards the front row next to Nurse Caroline, Madigan, Sam, and Nicole. The Nurses were all still in their scrubs; Lee was in a nice outfit similar to Valinoti's. Bruno noticed Katrina and Klaudine walking down the aisle and sitting in one of the middle rows. More ex Miners were stepping onto the stage and taking their seats. Three seats in particular were empty; Bruno knew it was O'Neill's, Benson's, and Faulkner's. He knew O'Neill and Benson were under room arrest and assumed Faulkner was not going to show up because his buddies were unable to attend. Bruno also saw the two Espington News reporters, Kait Demarest and Maxwell Binkley, take seats next to Rosetta Vang, the weather lady. Dixon the Plumber appeared from an alley and took a seat in the back row. Bruno noticed Otis and the other Waiters leave Espington Eatery, locking it up for the hour and fifteen. Dr. Hodge and that Nurse Lauren girl who had assisted him for Leta took a seat by the Nurses and other Doctors. Finally, Espen the Adlington Viking appeared from the West Gate and Alley; he was being escorted by two Guard.

"I gotta take a piss!" Anzalone whispered loudly, looking past the crowd.

"Well, go now!" Valinoti said. "Sir Espington just got here. We're going to start soon."

Anzalone darted off the stage, ran up the aisle, talked to Jago, and was led to the outhouse that connected with the Armory. Bruno watched the amber-haired boy the entire time.

"Why are all these seats vacant?" Leta appeared.

"Two of the guys are under arrest, one of them is a friend of the arrestees. and the fourth guy is peeing!" Schmidt explained quickly.

Leta was surprised by the sudden answers so it took her a few moments to think of a solution. Her eyes flickered wide when she figured out something. "You four in the back row: sit up here. Fill these seats in. We don't want an empty front row on stage."

Four ex Miners got up from the back and sat down next to Bruno and his buddies. Bruno didn't know any of the ex Miners; most of them were male except for two. The two girls wore steel grey sun dresses with cyan ribbons and jewelry. Bruno knew their names but never talked to them when he lived in Adlington.

Claris Reeder sat right next to Schmidt. She had piercings all over her ears, nose, and lip. A tattoo of some sort of flower covered majority of her neck and right ear. Bruno remembered how she always consider herself as "one of the dudes" back at the Adlington Mines. Claris' hair was jet black and shorter than Schmidt's.

Bruno didn't understand why the other female, Penni Cardoza, was with them on stage. She seemed too cute to be a Miner, especially with her ombre hair and light, mahogany eyes. Bruno knew that the Adlington Boss Miner was her father.

Sir Espington was speaking with Boss Guard Cradock, Rina and Colton by his side. The Boss Guard looked young, with short, brown hair and light skin. Bruno still questioned that girl. They had bumped into each other back at Espington Eatery and she said his name. Bruno did not know if she had remembered his name from the Information Slip or if she had known him beforehand. All Bruno cared about was if he could ever get with her or not. Rina took a seat with her brother and Cradock in the front row.

"What's taking Anzalone so long?" Valinoti asked.

Bruno forgot about the mysterious amber-haired boy; he was too busy looking at the crowd and ex Miners. Bruno was going to get up and tell him the memorial was about to begin, but Leta was already tapping the podium microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said. "We will begin in just a few moments. First, let's rise for our National Anthem..."

Everyone stood and stared at the Espington flag that hung on the right side of the stage. It was a steel grey flag with four navy blue rectangles standing vertically next to one another. Bruno knew they symbolized the Watchtowers and the security of Espington.

"...Katrina Hebert will be singing Togluagoa's National Anthem," Leta added.

Katrina walked up to the podium as Leta sat down. The Attendant had a wide smile and brushed a strand of hair to the side. Katrina tapped the mic before beginning.

"The land of Togluagoa, so mighty and so strong.

We were brought together by the Four Cities.

That bring us Strengths, Crops, Skills, and Securities.

We are one; we've known that for so long.

The City of Belington, the food of life.

The City of Adlington, the jewel of life.

The City of Espington, the Guard of life.

The City of Islington, the skills of life.

The land of Togluagoa: Mountains and Pines.

We live by the Ox, the Hyena, the Eagle, and Meerkat.

Our land would not survive without something like that.

We survive with Farms, Factories, Buildings, and Mines.

Praise the Land of Togluagoa."

Even though Bruno thought the Togluagoa National Anthem was the most corny song ever, he thought Katrina sang it flawlessly. The song was actually created by the 10-year-old son of Lord Togluagoa, the Founder of the Homeland. No matter how corny, the Anthem had been used for centuries and was brilliant if a kid wrote it.

Katrina sat back down after a standing ovation and applause. She cried tears of joys on Klaudine's shoulder. Leta walked back to the podium.

"We would like to call Espen Fontenot to the stage."

The Adlington Viking was in nothing but armor plating, boots, and a gold helmet. Espen's obsidian beard was sprinkled with golden flakes, although Bruno knew it was pyrite and not actual gold. The Viking was much too tall for the microphone; he had to bend it to his liking.

"Ahem," he coughed. "Thank you for having me here in the City of Espington. It has been decades since I've set foot in your City. Yesterday morning, a carriage, bringing a group of Miners to Espington, was hit by a Wood Bomb. We believe the attack was Islington-related; however, Piners may also be an option. Two Miners and an Espington Driver were killed that day; all three of them were under the age of thirty. I'm going to read the names and then we will follow with a moment of silence. Thank you..."

Bruno looked out past the audience; Anzalone had never left the outhouse yet. Jago had long since left the place and was now standing in the middle of the aisle. Where was Anzalone?

"...Isaiah Stegall, age twenty-two, Third Tier Miner....Alec Cade, age twenty, Second Tier Miner...and Roger Arriaga, age twenty-nine, Adlington Viking, Carriage Driver, and my best friend. May we please have a moment of silence for these young sacrifices..."

The crowd was silent.

The entire City of Espington was silent.

"Thank you. Praise the Land of Togluagoa," Espen finally said and then exited the stage.

Sir Espington made his way to the podium now. Bruno thought the man never changed out of his steel grey tuxedo and that only his necktie changed color. Julius moved the microphone and looked down at the unseen papers.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the President said. "We were so lucky to add twenty-one new residents to our City. Let the three bodies rest in eternal peace. These nineteen ex Miners behind me are here to start a new life and be successful. The Homeland of Adlington would be very proud. Thank you, men and women, for you bravery and dedication to our City. I am pleased to call you my people. Now, let us━"

It was as if Bruno was in a movie. One second the President was talking, the next he was lying on the stage floor, blood soaking his shoulder. The sound of a gunshot came moments later and the pandemonium began like an explosive. Residents ran from the chairs, darted for the nearby buildings; some people just ducked and hid their heads. Bruno was so mesmerized by the bloody President at his feet that he forgot to move. Valinoti had to tackle him off the stage.

Bruno fell back over the chairs and behind the stage, onto the grass. Valinoti and Schmidt, along with Claris Reeder crouched next to Bruno, low to the ground.

The Guard had their rifles out, pointing at the roofs of buildings or checking residents for any weapons. Cradock and Diggs blocked Sir Espington; Dr. Hodge and Nurse Lauren ran to his aid. They ripped off the President's suit. Bruno peered over the stage and saw Julius' bullet wound.

The shooter had struck him in the right shoulder.

People were still running, still screaming. Bruno noticed Rina and Colton crying under their chairs next to Leta. Bruno wanted to help Rina, but he knew that was completely stupid.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Bruno," Valinoti said. "It must be Anzalone."

Bruno didn't answer; he was too busy looking at the buildings' windows.

There must be a shooter in one of the windows.

At first, Bruno saw nothing. Then, at the Rooftop of Espington Eatery, Bruno noticed a flash of silver and then a black object.

"Espington Eatery! Rooftop!" Bruno shouted.

Majority of the Guard looked up at the Eatery's roof, aiming their guns.

But it was too late.

The shooter fired their semiautomatic weapon. Bullets rained down on the fleeing and cowering crowd of residents. It was quick because Sayer shot a flash grenade up on the roof, disabling the shooter. Many of the Guard had already entered the restaurant and were on their way to the roof. Residents were stilling running; Workers were bringing them into buildings for shelter. Bruno saw some people lying on the ground, motionless. Some seats were wet with blood.

Dr. Hodge was grabbing a tool from Nurse Lauren's first aid kit. "Julius, I have to take out the bullet before you can use your Gift."

"I understand," the President said. "Just do it already!"

Dr. Hodge used some sort of tweezer-like object and pulled the metal bullet out of Sir Espington's bullet wound. The President shrieked at the top of his lungs, which only made his two kids cry even louder. Leta tried to comfort them as best she could.

"The bullet is out, Sir!" Nurse Lauren shouted.

"Great, move out of my way!" the President yelled, sitting up.

Without any hesitation, Sir Espington shoved his thumb into his wound. Blood trickled down his bare body; the man looked like a borderline bodybuilder. Dr. Hodge and Nurse Lauren had to turn their heads; Leta blocked the kids' eyes. The other Nurses were aiding the other fallen residents, but peered every so often to see the President's Gift.

Sir Espington's hand glowed blue and Bruno could see the skin forming again, filling the bullet hole and eliminating the blood. Finally, Julius dropped his hand and all that was left was a small, circular scar at the top of his right shoulder.

"Help the others," Sir Espington ordered. "And find me that shooter!"

"We already did, Julius!" Jago shouted.

Three Guard had exited Espington Eatery holding the shooter. Bruno was surprised that the man wasn't Anzalone. Where did he even go to?

The shooter looked young, with dark-skin and poofy hair. Schmidt stood up and cried almost immediately.

The Guard were holding Faulkner, Schmidt's old suite mate.

Faulkner was fighting to break free of the Guard, but to no avail. Another Guard walked behind him, carrying a bag full of guns. How did Faulkner have so many?

Sir Espington walked down from the stage, up the aisle, and stopped right in front of the boy.

"What's your name? How old are you?" the President asked.

"F-Fifteen, Sir. My-My name is Dylan Faulkner."

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Sir Espington was surprisingly calm.

Faulkner looked around. Nurse Sam was aiding Otis the Waiter, but it looked like the man's wounds were much too grave. A few more residents were being treated for gunshot wounds or minor injuries from tripping or being pushed.

Faulkner started to cry. He fell to his knees; the Guard let him. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shoot you, Mr. President!"

"Then what were you trying to accomplish?" Sir Espington asked.

"My friends are under house arrest! They barely did anything!" Faulkner cried. "Bruno turned them in to help Logan Schmidt! I wanted him dead! Make them suffer for turning them in!"

Bruno froze. He knew his friends were staring at him. Schmidt was now bawling his eyes out; Claris was doing her best to comfort him. Bruno just found out that he was a target for Faulkner and Faulkner had missed that target. Schmidt had said that hitmen were coming to get him and that they all weren't safe. Bruno never believed that and now he felt utter guilt.

"Um, guys?" Lee muttered, cupping his bloody hip.

"No!" Cariddi shouted from down the aisle, running to his roommate.

Bruno and Valinoti hopped over the stage, just as Lee slumped to the ground. Dr. Hodge, along with Nurse Lauren, ran to Lee who was just staring at the sky.

"Lee, man, don't do this to me! C'mon! Look at me!" Cariddi shouted.

Schmidt cried as did all the other distraught residents.

. . .

"Why did you keep shooting, Faulkner?" Sir Espington asked.

"I shot you," the boy bawled. "My life was over. I didn't care anymore."

Sir Espington nodded. "Well, boy, you are going to be placed under arrest for the attempted murder of me and your fellow residents━"

"Julius!" Nurse Sam shouted. And when the President looked at her, Sam shook her head.

"━oh, and for the murder of Geoffery Otis. And since any murder on Espington soil is known as a capital crime, the penalty should be Execution."

"No! I am only fifteen! You can't Execute minors!" Faulkner cried.

Sir Espington hesitated, thought it over. People in the crowd screamed things like "Kill him anyway!" or "He deserves to die!"

Julius coughed before speaking again, and this time to the entire crowd. "I cannot disobey the law! No one under the age of eighteen can be sentenced to Execution in the City of Espington. Being that he murdered a resident, an Exile will be scheduled for the morning. Bring him to the Slammer, Guard Two-Nine-Eight."

Faulkner screamed, cried for mercy, but Jago dragged him to the Guard House. The other Guard were telling people to get home.

"Espington is on City Lockdown! Everyone stay in your rooms for the time being! Keep an eye out on Espington News and your mobiles. Praise the Land of Togluagoa!" the President yelled.

Bruno barely heard the conversation between Julius and Faulkner. He was too busy worrying about his buddy, Lee. The boy was still staring at the sky, every so often Lee would blink a slow blink.

"Get a gurney! Now!" Dr. Hodge shouted and Nurse Lauren paged the Clinic with her walkie.

Two Nurses ran out of the Clinic and made it to the stage in under a minute. Bruno, Valinoti, Cariddi, and Claris helped lift Lee onto the gurney.

"Bring him to OR!" Dr. Hodge ordered. "Let's go!"

The Nurses followed the doctor back to the Clinic; Cariddi ran after them without even thinking about his job as a Guard.

Bruno stood up with Valinoti. "We need to get back to the room. Get Schmidt." Valinoti ran back to the stage.

"He was really trying to kill you?" Claris asked.

Bruno didn't answer her; he was too busy staring past the row of chairs. He saw someone that should have been on stage during the memorial and not hidden from the City.

Anzalone was talking to a group of Guard; he had a tissue to his bloody nose.

And it looked as if the Guard were congratulating him.