One Lost, But One Gained

Wednesday, 4 March 2099

Bruno just stood there. He could feel the spot on his cheek where Rina had just kissed him moments ago. She was gone now, walked through the cafeteria doors on her way to Class Seven, the last Class of the day. Bruno didn't even notice Valinoti walk over until he nudged him in the back.

"Dude!" Valinoti exclaimed. "We all just saw what happened! You two are dating? I think Penni's pissed; she totally has a crush on you."

"Val," Bruno started. "I dunno what just happened. Rina got her father to put us in the same classes! Rina likes me!"

"Way to go, Bro!" Valinoti patted Bruno on the back.

"What do we have next?"

"Sketch Art with Teacher Lindstrom," Valinoti answered.

She really did place me in all her classes...

The bell rang signifying the end of Lunch. All the students got up from their seats and walked out of one of the many cafeteria exits. Bruno walked up the steps with Valinoti; Schmidt had exited through another doorway (he had Woodshop for End Class).

"Wait for us!" Heather shouted, waving to Bruno and Val.

"Don't you two have Sketch Art?" Ria asked.

"Yeah, how'd ya know?" Bruno asked.

"All the ex Miners our age have it. Same with Ria and Heather," Penni said flatly; she was obviously still jealous about the whole kissing scene.

Together, the group headed down Hallway Two. Bruno still did not see where Anzalone had ventured off to. Could he still be sleeping in Teacher Rudolph's classroom? Bruno tried to brush off Anzalone, and the nightmare, and what Faulkner had said seconds before getting ripped to shreds by two grizzly bears.

But Bruno knew none of it would leave his mind.

The art classroom was filled with paint-stained desks; shelves of paint and paintbrushes; hanging palettes, smocks, and canvases. Teacher Lindstrom looked exactly what Bruno expected her to look like: frizzy hair, wide spectacles, hoop earrings, and in an extravagant outfit. She wore a multicolored blue outfit with patches of gray that resembled stormclouds. Majority of her outfit, however, was covered by a smock stained by paints of reds, blues, and greens. Bruno was shocked to see a chalkboard behind Teacher Lindstrom; he only saw them back in ASH (where he rarely attended). Teacher Rudolph had a holographic screen that projected from his tablet when he discussed the syllabus. Why would Sketch Art have a chalkboard?

Rina Espington sat four desks behind Bruno; he was surprised that his seat was towards the front and nowhere near hers. Maybe she didn't want the whole seating arrangement to look suspicious (even though it didn't matter now that Rina had implied her "crush" on Bruno). It was a total coincidence that Bruno sat next to Penni Cardoza now.

"Good afternoon, class!" Teacher Lindstrom smiled. "Don't ya just love how ya'll end the day with a nice elective?"

The class barely responded, just a few head nods and faint "yeahs."

"Well, as you can see, there is a piece of sketch paper in front of you as well as a nice, sharpened pencil. Sketch."

"What?" Bruno asked aloud accidentally. It just came out.

"Well, good afternoon, Rich Bruno," Teacher Lindstrom grinned. "You're quite famous in Espington. Anyway, just sketch something that comes to your mind."

Bruno, as well as the rest of the students, picked up their pencils and started to sketch what came to their minds. Bruno noticed how Penni was drawing a picture of her father, the Adlington Boss Miner. She was not the best artist, but Bruno could definitely tell it was Mr. Cardoza. Bruno was too busy looking at Penni's sketch, that he didn't start his own. He put the pencil to the paper and froze. What do I want to draw?

The first thing that came to Bruno's mind was the Adlington sweatshirt he had found in the Fabrics Market. Why he thought of that, Bruno did not know. But he did know how to draw a sweatshirt and the pile he had found it on. Teacher Lindstrom walked up and down the aisles, stopped at Bruno.

"Hmm, very interesting," she said. "Keep sketching, Bruno. I like it."

About ten minutes later, Bruno finished his sketch: the Adlington sweatshirt atop a pile of Espington sweatshirts and tees. The class had to hand them to the front. Bruno grabbed the papers from behind without turning around. He saw a sketch of a bonfire, of Inns Two, of the Watchtowers, of a dog.

Then there was a beautiful sketch of two hands held together, their raindrop-covered mobiles attached to their wrists. Bruno could tell that one hand was masculine━big, tanned, dirtied━and that the other was feminine━pale, petite, and almost flawless. Bruno also noticed the background: leaves, grass, and tree trunks.

The Pines.

Bruno handed the papers to Claris, who sat in front of him. Teacher Lindstrom collected the class' papers and skimmed through the sketches.

"Remarkable jobs, ladies and gentlemen," she said. "These sketches will give me an idea on all of your sketching skills. The remainder of the class, I will just go over the syllabus for our new students."

Teacher Lindstrom picked up a piece of white chalk and started to write her contact information as well as the topics and projects that she would be introducing in Sketch Art. Finally, the bell rang twice and the students stormed out of the classroom. Bruno realized once he entered the hallway that Anzalone hadn't attended End Class.

Valinoti nudged Bruno. "You okay, Dude?"

"What? Oh, yeah." Bruno didn't realize he was standing still. He looked around and didn't see where Rina had walked off to.

"Let's head back to R Nine and help Lee with dinner," Val said. "Plus I wanna see Jojo!"

Bruno nodded and they headed for the exit.

. . .

Katrina was the first person Bruno and Valinoti saw once they entered the Inns Two lobby. She had her usual outfit on and her wider-than-wide smile.

"Well if it isn't He-Who-Defeated-Mama-Grizzly," she chuckled, "and his trusty sidekick!"

"Sidekick?" Valinoti repeated, with a look of annoyance on his face.

"Kidding!" Katrina chuckled. "What are you two up to today?"

"Just finished first day of ESH," Bruno answered. "Heading home. See ya, Katrina."

"Well, you're not as fast as your Schmidt friend," she laughed. "That speedy devil stormed right to the elevator! Bye-bye now!"

Katrina trotted off to the next cluster of residents that had just entered Inns Two. Bruno could hear her speaking all the way from the elevators.

Valinoti clicked the button for the fourth floor. Bruno was waiting for the elevator doors to close, the box to ascend, when he noticed Ria sitting in the lobby.

She was crying.

Bruno stopped the doors closing and walked out of the elevator. "I'll catch up with you later, Val!"

"You always say that!" he shouted. "We're not waiting for you if you're late for din━" and the elevator doors closed.

Bruno thought about all the things he had done since Sunday: following Anzalone through the sewers; walking out during City Lockdown in a Guard uniform to find Carth; and now checking on Ria Esteves. Bruno understood why Valinoti was a bit annoyed, but Bruno just couldn't help it. He followed his instinct whether it was completely understandable or outrageous.

. . .

Ria wiped her tears when she noticed Bruno walking over to her. She sat up straight, adjusted her infinity scarf, and pulled down her blonde hair.

"Oh, hiya, Bruno!" she smiled wide like Katrina.

"I saw you crying, Ria," Bruno said. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you care?" she asked. "You literally just met me a few hours ago."

"When someone I know is sad, the least I can do is ask what's wrong."

Ria didn't respond to Bruno's answer; she just sat there, massaged her eyelids, and wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"Mr. Honey isn't doing well," she said.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, sorry," Ria chuckled, sniffling, "you don't know Mr. Honey...He lives in the Fabrics Market attic sewing his own fabrics. But he's bedridden now, sick with lung cancer."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Ria," Bruno said. "Is he your uncle or grandfather?"

"No," she said. "Well, he's like my Papa to me, but we're not related at all. Mr. Honey is the Fabrics Market Manager; Klaudine and I have worked with him since we were fourteen, when we were signed a job on Occupation Day.

"How long has he had lung cancer for?" Bruno asked.

"Five years, but this year's the worst," Ria said. "He's been in bed for a month now. Do you wanna meet him? He rarely gets visitors."

Bruno thought about Valinoti, Lee, and dinner, even about Jojo the Great Dane. He didn't want to upset his friends. But, then again, it was only 2:40 in the afternoon; Lee usually finished dinner around five PM.

"Let's meet Mr. Honey," Bruno said and Ria smiled.

. . .

Klaudine was the first person Bruno saw when he entered the Fabrics Market. She was reorganizing the rack of belts and buckles.

"Hey, Bruno!" she smiled. "Nice surprise to see you. How does it feel to be the most talked about resident in Espington?"

"Glad the paparazzi hasn't attacked me yet," he answered truthfully. "They did that after the whole Mavers incident."

"I bet," Klaudine said. "Well, it's good you're not being bombarded by people with questions or silly rumors that make no sense."

Ria changed subject. "I'm introducing Bruno to Mr. Honey."

"Oh, really?" Klaudine asked, her bright expression changing to sole sternness. "Why's that?"

"Because Bruno took the time to ask me why I was sad today," Ria explained. "And Mr. Honey hasn't seen a young boy since Kristopher left."

Bruno didn't know why Klaudine was having a hard tim understanding this whole scenario; was it really that bad to see an old, dying man named Mr. Honey? And who was Kristopher?

"Follow me, Bruno," Ria smiled, although she still seemed very sad.

The two walked up the aisle, passing that same mother with her two whiny twins. Ria opened the counter door, and together they both walked to the backroom.

"See you two later!" Klaudine waved.

. . .

The backroom was filled with cardboard boxes, wooden crates, racks of plastic hangers, desks with stacks of paper on top; there was even a computer in the far corner, although it look off or dead and was caked in gray dust. Fabrics covered the crates, chairs, and boxes. Most of the shirts or pants were torn or stained, which was probably why they were in the backroom. Bruno noticed a bundle of noticeably bleached socks clumped atop the air conditioning unit.

Ria passed the small office that was also cluttered with boxes, papers, and unwanted fabrics. A 17" tablet rested on the desk, screen on, charger plugged in. A punch clock hung from the beige wall, the time cards lay next to it in a nailed bin.

Bruno wanted to ask where they were going, where Mr. Honey was, but he stopped himself. Ria walked around the office, dodging a metal crate and a pile of dirty undergarments, and started to ascend a flight of carpeted stairs.

"He's right behind this door," Ria whispered. "He'll be in bed. He looks sickly, just remember that."

Bruno thought about his day today for a quick second. He was woken by Jojo the gigantic Great Dane; he saw Lee healthy with a torso bandage; he went to ESH with Val and had Rina in all his classes; and he found out Rina liked him...a lot. Now he was walking up a flight of stairs to a total stranger who was dying of lung cancer with a girl he had just met a few hours ago.

Ria opened the door and Bruno already heard the phlegm-filled coughs and the agonizing moans. A man lay in a queen-sized bed with several pillows, but just one blanket. Mr. Honey was wet with perspiration, his silver hair drenched as if he had just taken a shower (Bruno didn't want to know when the last time the elder even took a shower). Mr. Honey was skinny, too skinny, as if he had just lost ninety pounds in one week. The man clutched a wad of tissues, coughed into them, and chucked them to the floor beside the bed. Bruno couldn't see any of the tissues since the bed was blocking his view, but he knew there was probably a mound of germ-covered, crumpled tissues. Mr. Honey wore glasses: ovular and huge. Bruno looked around and was surprised to see how neat the bedroom was, nothing like downstairs.

"Hey, Mr. Honey," Ria whispered, sitting at the edge of the bed. "This is my friend, Bruno. We go to ESH together."

The elder coughed before speaking. "Well, it's good to see a young lad! You look like Kristopher!"

Bruno turned to Ria, completely confused; this whole experience was confusing and, well, sudden.

"Kristopher is Mr. Honey's grandson," Ria explained. "He is an Espington Guard."

"Hm, I've probably seen him around," Bruno said.

Ria looked down at the tissue-covered ground. It looked as if Mr. Honey did not hear what Bruno had just said; he continued to cough.

"Kristopher Honey and three other Guard ventured into the Pines one morning to send Sir Adlington a message from Julius," Ria whispered. "They never came back. Julius talked to Maximus and the President of Adlington said that no Guard had made it to his City. Sir Espington sent out a huge search party but could not find Kristopher or the others. To this day, Julius thinks Maximus has them for some reason."

"What does Mr. Honey think?" Bruno whispered, making sure the elder would not hear.

"He thinks his grandson went on an adventure to explore Togluagoa," Ria answered. "This all happened when he got sick, so he knows nothing. Kristopher's parents are beside themselves."

Bruno shook his head. He knew that Kristopher and the three other Guard were most likely dead somewhere in the Pines. There were so many ways of them not even making it to Adlington: Varmints, Piners, or just natural causes like dehydration or starvation. Hey, there could even have been a storm or flash-flooding that the four Guard didn't see coming. Bruno didn't know and sure as hell didn't want Mr. Honey to know either.

"What's your story?" the elder suddenly asked.


"Tell me your story," Mr. Honey repeated.

Bruno looked at Ria, whose eyes were already starting to water again. She nodded, It's okay. He doesn't bite.

"I was a Miner in Adlington. Maximus and Julius agreed to have twenty Miners come into Espington every week because Adlington is overpopulated. Here, I'm a Factory Worker and live with my buddy, Valinoti."

"Just like Kristopher," Mr. Honey mumbled with a wide smile.

"He lives with someone named Valinoti?" Bruno asked.

"No," Ria chuckled. "Kristopher was a Miner. The Honeys used to live in Adlington until Julius needed extra Guard. He traded supplies in exchange for Kristopher and his father; Mr. Honey and the mom came along, too. Kristopher's father used to be the Boss of the Adlington Mines."

Bruno was amazed about how much he had just learned about Mr. Honey and his family. He always knew that the Cardozas took over after the Honeys moved to Espington, but never knew who the Honeys were. Bruno was upset that he was learning so much about this stranger who he knew wouldn't last much longer.

"Bruno..." Mr. Honey mumbled and Bruno turned to the sick man. "Bruno...I heard your name on the news lately. You're some sorta hero, now aintcha?"

Although Bruno heard that from a lot of people━and was annoyed by it every time━he smiled. Mr. Honey never got out of the Fabrics Market and only knew reality through a television. Bruno was honored to tell Mr. Honey all of his stories: the carriage explosion, the Mavers incident, the memorial shooting (which Mr. Honey said he had heard through the window), the Exile, and the Grizzly attack.

"...I even got the girl," Bruno chuckled.

"Well, aren't you a lucky lad, yeah?" Mr. Honey smiled.

Ria had taken a tissue from the table and wiped her tears, her tears of joy and not of sadness. The blonde-haired girl was smiling, giggling like the Heberts. It was the first time Bruno had seen her happy after ESH; he was glad to see Mr. Honey smile, too, and not cough as much (though he still did every ten seconds).

"Heya, Ria, ya don't mind if I talk to Bruno alone now do ya?" Mr. Honey asked.

"Not at all, Elden," she smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Your name is Elden Honey?" Bruno asked.

"Kinda sounds like 'elderly' now does it?" Mr. Honey chuckled. "That was my father's name, who got it from his father."

"I'm the third, too!" Bruno exclaimed. "Rich Bruno III."

"Ain't it lovely how two strangers can have so much in common? Too bad my son ended the chain."

Bruno nodded. He was glad he had asked Ria what was wrong today. If not, he would have never met Mr. Honey.

"I heard you bought an Adlington sweatshirt," Elden said abruptly.

"How'd you know?" Bruno asked, totally caught off guard.

"Klaudine came upstairs saying I got my first customer."

Bruno didn't think he had heard that right. Did Mr. Honey just say what I think he just said?

"You made that sweatshirt?"

"Indeed. Sewed them myself," Mr. Honey coughed. "I have a bunch of them downstairs for sale, as well as Belington and Islington sweatshirts."

"Why did you make them?"

"Maybe one day━if residents bought shirts other than their City's━ there may be peace in Togluagoa."

Bruno thought about that: people in Espington walking around with Adlington or Belington sweatshirts. If many residents did do that, it could create a spark (or a revolution that could cost many lives). The outcome could honestly go either way: very well or horribly wrong.

"Bruno, could you do me a favor?" Mr. Honey asked.

There were so many things on Bruno's mind: Rina Espington's sudden crush; Jago and Ms. Lupo the Daycare Lady; Lee and his health; Valinoti and how he was a bit annoyed with Bruno getting involved in everything; Jojo the frickin' Great Dane; Sir Espington and his extraterrestrial healing powers; Faulkner and his last words; O'Neill and Benson; and, most importantly, Tyler Anzalone and his unknown mission. Bruno had no idea what Mr. Honey was about to ask him.

"I see big things in your future," the elder began and Bruno started to think of a psychic. "I need you to get the Four Cities to bring back the Togluagoan Truce. After the Belington invasion on Espington, and the Brethren War, years ago, the Truce was abolished. I need you to bring it back." Mr. Honey started to cough profusely.

"How" was all Bruno could muster from his vocal chords; he didn't even know what the Truce consisted of.

"With a visit to each City and a meeting with each President," Mr. Honey grinned. "It'll take time, Bruno, maybe months, years even, but I know you'll be able to do it."


"Promise me."

Bruno couldn't believe Mr. Honey, after just one hour, asked him to do something so unbelievable, so...impossible. How could Bruno get the Four Cities to forgive one another if he had never even seen what the Cities Belington or Islington looked like?

"I-I promise, Elden."

The old man smiled, looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes; he unclenched the crumpled tissues. They rested on the mattress.

"Elden?" Bruno muttered. "Espen, what are you doing?"

The old man did not respond, just breathed slowly.

"Ria!" Bruno yelled.

The door opened and Ria appeared with Klaudine and an unfamiliar, dirty-blonde-haired girl.

"Mr. Honey," Ria nudged. "Mr. Honey, are you done talking with Bruno?"

The old man let out a small mumble, but refused to open his eyes. He was not coughing anymore; it looked as if Mr. Honey was not sick at all, just napping.

"What did he ask you?" Ria questioned, tears rolling down her eyes.

"He asked me to get the Four Cities back together by resurrecting the Togluagoan Truce."

"And your answer?" Klaudine asked, tears rolling down her's and the other girl's eyes.

"I promised him I would."

The three girls wiped their tears. They walked over to Mr. Honey and kissed him on the forehead. Ria was the last one to kiss Elden.

"We love you," she grinned.

Bruno realized what was just had happened and he didn't know if what he just did was the right thing or the complete wrong thing.

He answered Elden's one question.

The only question the old man needed to live for.

Anzalone had skipped majority of his classes. He had found a storage closet in Hallway Five of ESH; the stacks of washcloths and mopheads had made a perfect mattress. Anzalone had tucked his arms into his sweatshirt pocket and curled his toes inside his boots. The heating duct had spewed out warm air over Anzalone, lolling him easily to a deep sleep.

. . .

Anzalone turned his body on the towel mattress and accidentally knocked over a mop. The stick hit the tiled floor with a loud thwack and Anzalone sat upright.

"What? Hello?" But he noticed the mop and he shook his head.

Anzalone left the storage closet━got eyed by a curious Janitor━and exited Espington Schoolhouse. Residents were hustling and bustling throughout Espington Square, going to either their Occupation or Espington Eatery. Anzalone was walking casually back to Inns Two when Kait Demarest and a videographer appeared from the entrance.

"Hey, Anzalone," she said. "Can we get a few words again about the whole rooftop brawl between you and Faulkner?"

Anzalone ignored them, angered that the whole topic was still being discussed about, still in people's minds. The videographer tried to get his camera ready; Kait was fixing her hair.

"No need for that," Anzalone said. "Faulkner is dead now. Just stop, it's over."

He walked away without hearing Kait's or the videographer's responses. Anzalone entered Inns Two, passed Katrina without any wave hello, noticed Bruno talking to a weeping girl, and got into the elevator. A man in a gray suit and blue necktie stood next to Anzalone.

"Hey, you're the guy who stopped the guy from shooting more guys at the memorial," the businessman said. "Way to go, Guy!"

Anzalone ignored him, walked out of the elevator when he reached the fourth floor.

"See ya later, Hero!" the stranger said as the doors closed.

The hallway was quiet, only the faint sounds of residents talking in their suites. Anzalone got to R8; he could have sworn he heard a dog bark in R9. What have I missed in a day? he thought.

Anzalone swiped into R8 and chubby, short-stack, Benson was standing in the middle of the common area practicing his martial arts (although he was failing miserably). The boy was flailing around, kicking and karate chopping the air.

"Waddup, Anzalone," Benson panted.

"Hi," he answered flatly and walked to his room.

O'Neill emerged from the bathroom, wiping his hands on the sides of his jeans. "Well, how was your first day of school?" he asked sarcastically.


"Benson and I are havin' a fun time locked in our dorm," O'Neill said. "Gotta work out in my room, can't go to Lobby Fitness."

"Shoulda thought about that before helping Mavers beat up a fifteen-year-old kid."

"What's your problem, Dude?" O'Neill asked. "We actually don't mind you living with us and now you're just being a dick. We know there's some animosity going on between you and Bitch Bruno, and we're on your side. So perk the fuck up and be nice to us, or you'll have a horrible time in R Eight."

O'Neill didn't wait for Anzalone to answer; he walked off and watched Benson attempt a double-heeled spin kick (he fell on his ass). Anzalone shook his head, walked into his room, and shut the door.

Papers covered Anzalone's desk, floor, and garbage bin. His tablet (which he spent all his eDollars on at the Inns Market) rested on the cluttered desk, plugged in, and charged. Anzalone's bed was not made, the comforter hanging off and kissing the floor. His hamper was filled to the top with dirty fabrics (Anzalone realized that he had never even saw the R8 washing machine).

Sketches of weapons━like guns, knives, and taser-batons━filled all of the papers on the desk. There were diary entries written on the small pieces of looseleaf paper. One read: "Monday, March second, the memorial shooting was a complete failure." Another entry read, with a lot of blotches and cross-outs, "Bruno, Rich, knows I [wasn't] am not part of the twenty original Miners. Luckily, Espen put my name on the list during the ride. The [Espengton] Espington Guard won't second [second] guess anything. I have to keep an eye out on Bruno."

Anzalone was overly frustrated. He didn't know how he could kill Sir Espington. The memorial was such a good opportunity. Anzalone had talked to Faulkner in the Armory about his plan and Faulkner volunteered to do it himself because he wanted to go back to Adlington with his family. The boy came up with the plan of Anzalone seeing him with the gun, so Anzalone could look like the hero and so nobody would question him. Faulkner knew he would be Exiled for committing a crime like that so that was why he made Anzalone promise to have a Viking from Adlington pick him up in the Pines. Unfortunately, the bears got to him first.

How can I kill Julius? Anzalone could easily steal a gun from the Armory; Lewis Blake was the Boss Gunsmith, but also a complete moron. It'd take days for the imbecile to find out something was missing. Anzalone could rig some sort of explosive like the Vikings did with the carriage. Or he could just kill him accidentally, and have no punishment (though that seemed a bit impossible). Anzalone wasn't a killer, but since his family was at stake, he'd do anything.

That Sunday morning, Anzalone fled Adlington because he couldn't take his job as a Miner anymore. Mr. Cardoza placed him in the sixth tier of the Mines, the furthest tier. The oxygen was minimal, the dusty air was chokable, not to mention Anzalone was extremely claustrophobic. He had to spend ten hours a day, six days a week, in the sixth tier. Anzalone was slowly going nuts; Mr. Cardoza did nothing about that.

At around five in the morning, Anzalone darted out of the Adlington Gates. Ake the Head Viking noticed him right away, took out his sword, and ran after Anzalone. The chase went on for over an hour until Anzalone had twisted his ankle in a creek in the Pines. That was when Sir Maximus Adlington appeared and said he had to kill Julius or Anzalone would die. At first, Anzalone thought dying would not be such a bad thing. Life in Adlington was putrid and repetitive. He hated seeing his father man the Mining machines and his mother Maiding through the City. They were exhausted every day and had absolutely no time to rest, barely anything to eat, and never enough water to drink. You would think the Mining City would be rich from all the gems and gold they've collected, but, alas, no. Adlington was in extreme debt and had to pay back both Islington and Espington before getting their own share. Anzalone hadn't cared anymore...

...Not until Maximus had threatened his parents. "Don't even try taking your own life, Tyler," the President had said. "Cuz your Mommy and Daddy will surely be affected."

So Anzalone had to accept the request of killing Maximus' brother, Julius. Anzalone also realized that he would be Executed if he completed the task, but at least his mom and dad would be okay. But would they?

Anzalone's mobile buzzed loudly. He was surprised; nobody ever contacted him through the hi-tech gadget. Anzalone rubbed his eyes and peered at the little screen on his wrist. He almost fell off his desk chair when he read the caller ID.

Dylan J. Faulkner.