Chapter 2: Visitor

After buying a new laptop again, Zayden Austin invited me to drink coffee ”Again?” I tried to spill some joke on him.

"I want to make up for it" My cheeks felt hot on what he said "Again, I'm sorry for what happened" he looked down. I don't know but I just nodded while he was saying those.

"I will help you redo the contents of your flash drive," he said in a serious tone. I didn't expect him to say those.

I shake my right hand ”No, it’s okay. I can manage to do that” I tried to convince him.

"No, it is my responsibility to help you. It was my fault that it was gone." He’s also trying to convince me.

“Okay” I nodded

I do not know why I can not reject him. "By the way, we have not yet introduced ourselves to each other" I froze on what he told, I felt awkward "What is your name?" he formally said then smiled to lessen the awkwardness.

I gave him a big smile, responding to his smile "I'm Sylvie Aria" I formally introduced my name then I offered my hand.

"I'm Zayden Austin" he formally introduced himself too and he accepted my hand. I almost forgot that he does not know that I know his name. "Your name is beautiful" he complimented "Just like you" I froze again.

How can he make me feel like this? All of my anger disappeared. Does he have the power to make me freeze every time he is talking to me? Does he have any magic to replace my anger with happiness? I want to know and tell him not to stop making me feel this way. I want to feel forever.

"Can I get your number so that we can communicate when we will finish the files that I accidentally destroyed?" he asked with his manly voice.

I gave him my number then he texts me to check if I gave him my number. He thinks that the number that I gave to him is the number of my relatives or the number of my friends. I laugh at what he does.

"Can I take you home?" he suddenly asked, there is nothing different about my act because I froze again.

"W- what?" I stutter

"Can I take you home?" he repeated but this time he emphasizes it.

"Yes," that's what I only said.

He holds my hand while walking on the way to his car. He assists me in entering his car and putting my seat belts on. I guide him on how we can go to my house.

When we are finally in front of my house with Zayden Austin beside me. I pressed the doorbell button.

My mom slowly opens the door and smiles at me but when he looks at Zayden Austin her smile faded. "Who is he, Sylvie?" my mom asked with a strict tone.

I looked at him and said, "Mom he is Zayden Austin" I formally introduced him to my mom.

"Just Zayden" he whispered to me before looking at my mother and greeted her "Good Morning Ma'am" he formally said, my mother's eyes narrowed but she immediately smiled so she would look kind.

"Invite your visitor to enter our house" my mom commanded me, I nodded and I showed him a signal that he needs to go to my house.

This time, I'm the one who pulled his hand. His hand is so soft, like the hand of a baby. I want to hold it forever.

I commanded him to sit on the sofa beside the table. "What do you want?" I looked at my mom because I thought she was asking me but I'm wrong, she is asking Zayden Austin, not me! When he is still not responding to my mom.

My mom talks again "Don't be shy, just call me auntie by the way" I'm currently shocked at what I'm seeing right now.

"I just eat, Auntie" Zayden Austin tells my mom, I feel like I am just a wind here. No one is talking to me! How dare them!

My mom nodded and entered our kitchen but when she came out she was holding a cup of tea. I silently laugh so that no one can notice that I'm laughing. She gives the tea to Zayden Austin then looks at me "How about you? Who do you want?" she asked but it sounds really meaningful then she looked at Zayden Austin.


"I mean what" she corrects herself, I shake my head sign of I did not want anything or anyone.

I thought she would bring me some tea even though I said that I don't want anything but after I shook my head she just sat in front of us. "What are you two?" my mom said

My forehead furrowed "What do you mean?"

She let out her laugh "Do not act innocent I know you know what I'm talking about" she said and it sounds like she was teasing me.

I have no clue, no clue at all! I do not get what she was trying to say so I just stop talking or answering my mom's question. My mom continued talking and I think I am lucky that she is not talking to me. I thought Zayden Austin would feel nervous when answering my mom's questions.

"When did you two meet each other?"

"At the coffee shop, aunt" he answered with his deep voice.

My mom has many questions for Zayden Austin which is why my mom invites her to eat her lunch in our house. When my mom said that, he immediately accepted it. As expected, my mom cooks my favorite food, which is pasta. "Do you know this is my daughter's favorite food?"

"Really auntie?" he said in a shocked tone then he looked at me.

"Yes, that is why you need to go here again" I smile while watching her happy. I hope her smile will not fade. I want to see her smiling every time, I feel happy too when she is happy. That's why I would not disagree with what she said that she wants Zayden Austin to always be here. Her smile that I can't see when she is with my father.