Chapter 21: Time Flies

This is not your home. I smirked.

He sat down in the swivel chair then he started staring at me. I didn't know where should I look so I focus my eyes at the floor. "You okay?" I slowly nodded.

"Come on, don't be shy to me now" he caressed me face "I love you,"

I stiffened. What should I do now? I feel embarassed because I was acting like this in front of him!

I turned my chair at the other side. Why are you hiding you face to me, hon?

I am not! I defended

“Hmm” Zayden smirked. he suddenly rotate my chair. Our face was so near!

“Look!” I pointed at the floor. There's a cockroach.

He looked at where I am pointing. I take advantage of that time. I immediately wiped my sweat. When he turned his gaze at me, I put my handkerchief at my lap.

The cockroach just disappeared! His forehead was furrowed.

I laughed awkwardly. Maybe that was just my imagination" I scratched my head.