" Come in here Sapphire we will need to prepair you for the unlocking ".
I frowned " how exactualy does this work "?
She gestured for me to follow her " I'll tell you while I'm prepairing you ".
I didn't know what to do but if I was going to be able to stop this war then I would need my powers so I guess this is happening it won't be to bad right. I stood up and went after her and I could hear the others do the same and so could Husky because she said from over her shoulder.
" You guys can't come with her she has to have no distractions so she can focus ".
" Like hell " Zane growled out.
Husky turned and glared at him " Zane this is a painsaken process and it could kill her if it goes wrong ".
He paled and decided to let me follow Husky on my own, she led me down a hallway passing a couple of doors but none of them was the one she was leading me to because we passed right by them. The hallway that we were walking down seemed quite plain compared to the Husky I knew but in the Malin's foster home of course I didn't know she was a witch either so what did I know. I do remember what her room at the foster home looked like since we spent all of our time in there.
Her room was covered with pictures of quotes all over the wall, stacks of books were everywhere, along with pieces of paper that she scribbled different words on words that I could never understand. I even asked her what a couple of the words had ment but she just snached the paper away from me and told me not to worry about it so I just let it go. I may have been curious when I was a kid but growing up in foster care had gotten rid of all my couriosity because you learn from the begining to mind your own buisness.
Now if someone wanted to include you in on there secrets then that's great but don't go pushing anyone to tell you anything it was the number one unspoken rule of foster care. There are five in total though none of us have ever repeated them allowed hence them being unspoken rules and it was something a kids in foster care or the street believe in. Most might think of us as dilinkwits that always mess up anything and everything which is why they miss school.
I definitely don't agree with that since I'm a foster kid also but even if I wasn't I would still think the same thing it's unfair how kids on the street or in foster care are treated by the people around them. Even cops treat foster kid like they are a nusence and a waste of there time. That is something I learned quickly when I got into foster care it's like as soon as you are in foster care your labled as not worth there time.
That's not the point I was trying to make though so lets leave that rant for another time, the Husky I knew would have different types of figures everywhere pictures that I had drawn for her up on the wall. The parts of the house that I have been didn't looked like a home it looked like it was staged to look completely the opposite of her personality. Not only that but I don't see any picture of her parents and I knew for a fact she had a lot of them.
We use to go through the different photos she has and she would tell me stories of her family and that when she had a house of her own she would hang them everywhere. But when I look around this house I can say it just wasn't Husky.
" It really isn't me is it " Husky asked from in front of me.
I nodded " and you look quite different to ".
That was an understatment the Husky I knew from a year ago was way different, back then she had long brown hair that she always put in a braid but it was now shoulder length and purple. Though her eyes are the same color blue I could see more worry reflected in them than before her carefree attitude gone. She still had her button nose and rosy cheeks and smile lines at the courners of her mouth but they seemed a little bit faded as if she hasn't been smiling enough.
Her clothes were different to, she always wore blue jeans, any color tanktop, and sneakers but now she is wearing a nice blouse and dresspants with flats.
She laughed " oh this is just for work I have an office job ".
I frowned " your working while hiding from whatever you called it, wouldn't that just make you easier to find "?
" it's called the council and no I have a human job and they hate anything to do with humans which is why I have been able to hide from them as long as I have ".
I nodded " alright, question why wouldn't you choose "?
She sighed " because when you choose you have to give up on all magic outside of the one you have chosen and I think that is unfair for witches and worlocks. They are able to use all magic and it is unfair to ask them to give some of there magic up. The others species don't see it that way because they either don't have magic like werewolves, vampires, ect or they were born with a sucific magic like fairies, dragons, ect. So they don't really see that it's unfair and say that we are just being unfair when were not ".
I didn't know what to say about that so I just decided to stay quiet until we reached the door at the end of the hallway, she stopped me in front of it as she said.
" Don't touch anything and do exactly what I say ".
Before I could ask her why she was already opening the door and unlike the rest of the house I could defently see Husky in the room it was completely hers. It was a little bit different than her room at our foster home but that could be because this is the room of a witch and her other was not. There was stacks of books covering almost every surface and by reading some of the titles I could tell they were in a different language.
There was a desk off to the right side of the room and it was the only two things not covered with books the other thing being a table in the middle of the room. The desk was covered by these different plants, liquids, a bowl, and bottles filled with stuff I didn't know.
Husky patted on the table top " get up there and hand me that book of yours ".
I hesitated for a second " how do you know about the book "?
Her back was to me but I could hear the seriesness in her voice when she said.
" That prophecy has been around for centuries many people know about the book ".
I frowned " but the prophacy didn't mention the book in it ".
" You mean the Demon Hunter's verson didn't " it was a statment not a question and it put a bad feeling in me but before I could ask here another question she said.
" I know you probably have questions Sapphire and I will answer them once your powers are unlocked so get that book out and get on that table ".
I nodded and did as she said, as soon as she had the book in her hand she started flipping through it before she said without looking up.
" Lay down and close your eyes ".
Again I hesitated but didn't say anything before I did what she said and though my eyes might be closed but that didn't mean I wasn't awear of Husky moving around. I could hear the rustleing of the book pages and then the sound of stuff being grounded together. The room was completely quiet for a second before I heared her footsteps as she approached me and it was only a step or two to reach my side.
When she touched me a second later I jolted slightly because whatever was on her fingers was wet, cold, and burned slightly where it touched my arm. She traced her finger down my arm in the shape of a three I think then she mirrored it on the other side turning it into an eight before she drew it down putting a line right through the middle.
" May you have protection " she chanted.
She pulled her hand away and I felt a light so bright that whitened my eyelids despite still having my eyes closed making me want to open them and see what was going on. I didn't and nearly jolted again when I felt her touch a lower part of my arm and started tracing her finger traced a sideways S before conecting it, her finger left my arm for a second before she traced a N in the thing she just traced.
" May you find the knowledge you seek and so much more ".
Hey fingers left my arm again and another bright light appeared but this time it was green, I heard her move to the otherside of the table and this time I was ready when she pressed her fingers to my arm. She traced her finger in the shape of three waves before she traced a circle around them and chanted.
" May you not get lost in the waves of your mind ".
Ok that one made me feel uneasy but the blue light covered my eyelids so I just decided it was not worth worrying about, I pushed any doubt in my head away and focused on what she tracing. She traced a half-circle before drawing up a line that closed it and a line in the middle then she traced another half-circle that conected the line.
" My you find the other half of the circle that makes you whole ".
When she took her fingers off me this time the light glowed pink and as soon as those words had left her mouth the four things she threw on me had started burning. It didn't hurt it just made me feel uncomfortable and I was so focused on it I almost didn't hear her chanting again. This is also the time I remembered that Husky told me she would tell me about the unlocking but she didn't.
I wanted to interupt her and ask her about it but I had a feeling that wouldn't be very wise so I just layed on the table and listen to her chant.
" Deep inside you is the other half of you locked away it is something only you can get back you must go deep inside of yourself and face the trials that will deem you worthy of your ability. You must win all of these trials or you will come back out the same as you went in. Or you might not even come back at all the choice is yours the choice is always yours. These trials will test you physicaly and mentally it will be hard but you must always remember the choice is yours! Remember that and you will come out on top but if you forget you won't like the conciquences. Good luck dear friend I hope you come out with your other half because the fate of the world depends on you ".
I opened my mouth to say something to Husky but for some reason my body wasn't coroperating with me and I felt myself slipping into a deep sleep. Before I sucomed to the darkness I had one more thought, why the hell can't anything be easy in my life it might be a little more dull and boring but it would be easier if it was.
" What do you mean you don't know where they went " Carnithis growled out.
He was pacing around my office, well it looked like he was at least it was hard to tell though since he was just a shadow and didn't really have legs. Of course you try telling him that and I bet you that he will try to bite your head and probably exced. Though since I am the only one bounding him to this world he wouldn't dare kill me.
Though he does need me that doesn't stop him from exprecing how much he hates me with his words which if you ask me is childish. As I said before Carnithis needs me to be able to stay on earth unless he wants to feed off of different types of humans. I don't exactly remember what my parents said about demons but I think when they suck the life force out of a human it turns them part human.
Or they have enough human in then in them to stay grounded in the human world either way it isn't something that lasts forever. No it's just temperary and could be leading to a lot of human bodies being disgarded and could lead the demon hunters right to the demon doing it. That and the human police could start investigating but that is rare since demons usually go for people that go missing all the time.
It's the people that others don't care about which is sad but true a lot of the kids that live on the street go missing because a demon turns them a shell of they once were. Some even go as far as to get them hooked on drugs so when they die there deaths could be explained. In reality these kids are being fed off of by demons and the more the demon feeds on them the less they feel.
It's like all emotions and personality is sucked out of them and they turn into a lifeless zombie barley even living until they die. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone though it doesn't always happen to every human some are too strong to subcome to a demons will. Others have the ability to pull themselves away from a demon with the help of family.
Though I have a feeling that they will always feel different because though what the demon takes can grow back you still lost in the first place. I remeber hearing this when I was a kid and thinking I wanted to be able to save those kids. That one day my parents would find the cure to my sickness and I would be able to fight demons along side them.
Instead I got disguarded by them and found myself choosing revenge instead of dying honorably like my parents would have wanted me to. They didn't tell me how to cure it either so I was stuck getting my temperary cure from Carnithis. The day he bounded himself to me is a day I could never forget though I wish I could.
As I said before I will spare you what happened during the ritural since I don't want to scar you for life but I will tell you why he needed to be bound to me in the first place. As I said before a demon needs to feed from a human to be able to stay in the human world. Well that is temperary the human inside them start to fade and they need to take more.
I might only have a drop of human in me but it will always be there and it is enough to bound Carnithis to the human world for as long as I live. From what I was told by him the bounding lasts forever but he could just be saying that I don't know if it's true or not. It probably isn't but that didn't really matter since I don't know how to unbound him from me.
A demon can't just bound them to anyone because the person who they want to be bound to has to agree if they forced someone that demon would die. Usually it's people that are looking for fame, money, etc and a demon convinces them that they could give them that. Carnithis needed someone who could infultrait the demon hunters and what better than a kid that was discarded by them.
He thought my anger at them would last forever but it didn't and I had a feeling he might know I wasn't fully with him in this but he can't do anything about it. Well he could try controling me but my mind is quite stronger than a humans and he can't do it for long. I try to do what he says as best as I could but I knew one of these days I would fight back.
Let's hope I figured out how to cure myself by then but if I hadn't I would gladly die because I was sick and tired of being a pon in his game. I was sick in general without him healing me but that's not the point. The point is I don't want to be his pawn anymore though I don't see how I have a choice.
I sighed at Carnithis " it is not my fault that Pink girl didn't like me I think she may sense you within ".
He scoffed " I do not care for your excuses find out where the girl is ".
I glared at him " and how the hell do you expect me to do that "?
His glare was on me again " did you check the tracker I had you put on your nephew "?
I blinked in surprise " you made me put a tracker on my nephew what if someone had saw me "?!
I could hear the amusment in his voice when he said " then you would be exposed as the traitor that you are ".
I nearly flinched at those word but I suppressed it and then said.
" I'll go track his location ".