Proposal part 2 ( loosing virginity)

Zoe's POV...

"Fuck" I whispered to myself.

Jack was standing in the living, the bouquet in his hand almost crushed, nostrils flaring, his eyes met mine and I froze. A cold chill went down my spine. I have never seen someone this angry. Never.

He clenched his jaw, "J-jack" I spoke softly walking to him. His expressions soften a little but he was really angry. His eyes moved down my body, then up and met my eyes again.

"I sent you a dress, my love" He spoke suppression his anger. I stood there petrified. I don't know what to answer. I have really dumped a lot of guys and insulted them but jack, the aura around him was tensed.

I composed myself and walked to him.

"Yes, and I received it." I replied. A smirk flashed across his face, as if je was challenged. I cocked my eyebrow.

"You are late." He spoke taking a step towards me.

"Indeed I am. I should be on my way" I said taking a step forward.