
Jack's Pov...

The last few days I have tried calling her, texted her, and received no reply. She is ignoring me.

I regret removing the band from her mother's hand. I regret removing cameras from her house. I regret dropping her home, I should have never agreed to let her go. I should have kept her in my room with me. I should have took her to my office with me.

I don't know what went wrong. Its the 3rd night, after she accepted my proposal. Crystal insisted to visit her. I let her and amy go and talk to her.

I lay on my bed. The day was long. The ship with girls is stuck in ocean for days now. Girls should have been delivered by now. Hell, the girls are the daughters of VIPs and I can't afford to be exposed.

Crystal: Boss, she was out for 2 days. I found sleeping pills on her night stand. I am trying to wake her up.

I read the message and instantly got furious. Why the hell she would take pills?

Me: Stay with her. I am coming.