Shopping spree

Zoe's Pov...

Jack left minutes ago and I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Yes I missed him and I was really excited for today. I am pretty sure he would be angry right now.

Uncle's angry with me. He scold me for like an hour. He thought it was love affair but when I informed them that dad asked me to meet him, uncle's angry jumped out of the window.

So choosing a guy for yourself is wrong but when parents choose the same guy for you then it's perfect.

Yeah we had argument over this and guess what? Who won? Of course uncle. Because when youth put their point of view forth then we are disrespecting the elders.

Ultimately I apologized.

Yeahh I know this sucks...

Uncle left that night and I had a peaceful night.

"Zoe, get up its 12pm already. " Yelled aarav

"You go to your work and let me sleep. " I yell back covering my face with pillow

"I work from home" He yell.








