On your knees jack

Jack's pov.

I saw pain in my Zoe's eyes.

Pain when she saw me killing elijah.

Pain when I took her to guest room.

Pain when she looked at me.

Pain when aarav confessed.

Pain when her parents confessed.

Pain when she realized everything.

Elijah won.

I tried so hard to hide everything.

I gave up so many things for her.

I became a better man only for her.

All of this only to be burst out together.

The pressure she is going through is immense and painful.

I can't believe my own brother betrayed me.

Yes, I killed him in anger but it hurts

I am hurting too.

I never thought that out of all of our enemies he will stab me in the back.

I trusted him with my life.

He was the KING.

He planned everything. And his plan include to reveal my identity to zoe.

All I wanted was to life my life peacefully after all this struggle.

We have been struggling alone for so long.

I was going to make Kevin and Elijah the official face of king after marrying zoe.