"Love ; a Delicate Flower"

Love is actually like a delicate flower embellished with thorns . It takes time to grow and then bloom. It has many beautiful colors and invigorating scents but sometimes they are odorless. A flower grows under the surveillance of proper sunlight and water . And love grows with a passion of care and melody of unhidden words that is truth . Only with commensurate , delicate care it will stay bloomed forever and ever . But when it is ignored for days ; days converting into weeks and kept under shades it eventually dies .

After a few months~

Jin's POV :

(At Bar )

Swirling my fingers around the boundary of a glass filled with golden brown colored alcohol . I am sitting at the counter wondering about my wife , who is going far away from me.

I felt a cold hand on my left shoulder and turned around to see who it was . I found Sun Yon standing behind my back .

"Alone , huh? Again?" She whispered in my ears due to the loud crowd in the bar .