"Was once mine"

Elle's POV

This man lying beside me was once mine. His closeness which I embraced now no longer has the urge to be touched by him. His hands feel like they imprison me within his body and hate it. But somehow I still don't want to leave this prison.

"You awake babe?" Jin said with a soft husky voice.

"Hmmm," I hummed.

"I'm going to get ready for the work, see you at night I guess" with saying that I got up. Jin grabbed my hand and told me "I'll be waiting for you".

I stared at him with disbelief and wondered how can someone act so normal in front of you when they know that they're cheating on you.

"Mmhm, I'll try to come soon".

(At the police department)

" Officer Kim a new case for you" officer Park placed the file in front of me and continued saying "this case includes an idol so it should be kept very private, orders from the above."

"Okay, I'll give it a read first."

(Casefile opened)