Helium (1)

Helium is a chemical element that is colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, inert, monatomic gas.


After seeing her collapse right in front of him, he completely forgot about the dying man and turned his attention to her.

"What happened?" He asked the paramedic, kneeling beside her making sure that she's at least breathing.

"She fainted," The paramedic glanced at the device that he placed on her finger. "117, 47"

No shit, he thought as he watched them wheel her inside the ambulance while placing an oxygen mask on her. So much for his first day at work.


He went back to check on the revived man first before going to visit her. Her room was on the next floor. When he reached the room, her door was slightly ajar. He heard voices coming from inside the room.

"How can you be so careless?" He leaned by the wall to hear the conversation. He doesn't want to eavesdrop, he's simply waiting for them to finish talking. It's not his fault that their voices were loud and can be heard from where he is.

"I'm fine, J," she answered her brother in a tired voice.

"Fine? You call this fine? Being in a hospital is fine?"

"J, I'm fine. I really am. You don't have to call mama."

"Of course, I won't call mama. She would probably demand you to grab the next flight back home if she heard of this." She gave her brother a glare. She was finally regretting having arranged her brother to work with her here and adding him to her emergency contacts.

"A guy could have died if I didn't intervene," she said, exasperated.

"And you could have died."

She flinched and shut up when she heard his brother's voice lower when he said those words. Hayden stood stiff when he heard the guy named J said those words. How could she have died? he wondered.

"Ever since you left home, you have been pushing yourself to the point that you are no longer taking good care of yourself. You barely eat on time. You haven't even sleep for six hours straight!" He reprimanded her. "Just for what? The promotion? The money?"

"Stop it, CJ," she whispered.

"No," he firmly said to her. "You had an attack an hour ago. This will just continue if keep on pushing yourself."

"J, if I don't work those overtimes, how will you and Adrian pay your college fees?" She made her point. "How can mama and papa have their dream house and farm? You couldn't graduate as an engineer and Adrian won't be the lieutenant he's always dreamed of being."

"Yes. But we graduated and it's time for you to stop," he moved his arms around helplessly, "How old are you? Twenty-seven, probably a virgin and a NBSB."

"Hey! I'm not a NBSB."

"All I'm saying is that, me and Adrian have graduated already. Mama and papa had their dream house and farm."

"What do you mean?" She stared at her brother like she grew two heads. "What are you implying?"

"It's about time you give mama and papa grandchildren. Adrian's engaged, I'm happy with Claire," She could see her brother's eyes light up when he uttered his girlfriend's name. Her brother sat beside her, "Don't you think about your love life at all?"

"Well...actually," She scratched her forehead. "Mama and papa are pressuring Adrian for grandchildren, for you to get married, and for me to find a boyfriend."

"Precisely!" Her brother exclaimed, not seeing anything wrong with this. "You don't even have a boyfriend."

Hayden decided to make himself known now. He watched her sit up and the guy- presumably her brother- helped her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

She gave him a faint smile. "A little better. How's Mr. Ramirez?"

"He's fine. Thanks to your quick response, he didn't die."

"I see. And the leakage?" She can't help but ask.

"The maintenance team has taken care of it. Can I talk to you?" He turned to the guy beside her. "Alone?"

She glanced at her brother and nodded at him for assurance.

"I'll be in the canteen," he patted her back gently. "Ring me if you need anything."

She watched her brother leave the door slightly ajar, as a safety measure, before turning her attention to the handsome specimen before her.

"How may I help you, Mr. Sarmento?" She asked.

He sat at the chair her brother left vacant. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she glanced at him. "Well rested."

He nodded. "Seems like your brother is very strict and protective."

She chuckled, "Yeah. I'm starting to wonder who the elder one is."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's only looking out for you."

A sudden knock on the door interrupted them. She looked up to see the doctor enter with a flustered nurse, who kept glancing towards Mr. Sarmento. Rienne couldn't honestly blame her, but Hayden just ignored the nurse.

"I'm glad you're up," the doctor said, before glancing at her chart, which the nurse gave to him. "Are you her guardian?"

"No," she answered quickly. "He's my boss."

The doctor nodded. "Well, Miss Lacson, you're healthy as a cow. You can be discharged tomorrow."

"Thanks, doc," she nodded.

"I also advise you to sleep at least six hours straight and eat healthily on time," he looked at her and at her boss. "Your vitals are fine, your CBC's normal but you need rest."

"Excuse me?" Her boss suddenly asked.

"Oh," she ignored Hayden.

"Aside from that," the doctor said. "You are free to go. Drink vitamins."

She nodded and thanked the doctor. She heaved out a sigh before leaning back on her bed, suddenly feeling tired.

"Take a month's leave."

"What?" She looked at him, or his back rather, since he was standing up and glancing out her window.

"One month leave, with pay," he turned to her and his dark eyes paralyzed her.

"Why?" Her boss was being generous today.

"You heard the doctor," he placed his hands inside his pocket. "The same with Mr. Ramirez."

"Oh," Maybe he did that out of charity, she thought. Didn't want the company to have more problems, did he?

The sound of the door opening snatched her from her thoughts. She looked up to see her brother carrying brown bags. She could smell her favorite Vietnamese sandwich in the room.

"What did I miss?" He asked while removing the sandwich from the bag.

"I have to go," her boss said heading for the door. "I mean what I said about the leave."

She quietly watched his back before glancing at his brother.

"What was that?"

She leaned back with a sigh. "It seems like I'm going home after all."
