Lithium (2)

She shove her phone in her pocket before climbing on Boron, her male Arabian horse. She's a chemist its only fair to name her horse after an element. She let her horse gallop towards their farm which is three kilometers away from their house. She pass by an irrigation water system built by her brother. She spotted her mother near the cabbages. She tied her horse on a nearby tree before giving him sugar cubes.

"Ma!" She run towards her mother.

"What?" Grace glance up to see her daughter flushing and panting due to the heat.

"Me. Go. Downtown," she gasp. "Ha!"


She held up her hand and took a deep breath. "I said, downtown."

"What are you going to do in downtown?" Her mother turn her back on her and continue picking on cabbages.

"Deanne called me to accompany her." It was half the truth. After her conversation with her mother she was going to call Deanne to accompany her.

"Then, why are you in rush?" Her mother look at her with her quizzical eye.

"Well..." She tried to come up with answer as to why she was frantic in searching for her mother but she found none.

"Well, what, Ivy?"

"Um..." Why was she frantic in the first place? "I don't know?"

Her mother place both of her hands on her hips and look at her. "I don't know. Really?"

"Ma," she pleaded. Her mother can read her like a book, there is no use in making up a story. "Just let me go to downtown. I'll call Deanne to go with me."

"Fine," Grace wave her daughter off.

Reinne happily hug her mama and quickly gallop Boron towards the house. Grace watch her daughter with a smile. Who knew she would grew up to be a fine young woman. She just hope that she would settle down with the guy meant for her.


"Wait a minute," her friend glared at her. "You called me to accompany you because your leaving in two days?"

"Is it bad that I want to spend time with you?" Reinne shrug it off while sipping in her espresso.

She heard her friend let out stings of curses while planning a thousand ways to kill her. They are currently sitting on the warm room inside Starbucks. She had an impromptu moment that morning. Right after she left her mother, she decided to call her friend to ask her out. After that call, she decided that her month leave is over. She should be irritated that she's going back early but it was the other way around. Flying back seemed to excite her. Maybe that person who last called her was the reason why.

"So," She revert back her attention to her friend. "Why the sudden excitement in going home?"

"I have tons of paperwork to do and papers to sign." She lied, hoping that her friend would buy it.

"Uhuh..." Deanne leaned back and scan her face for any evidence of her lying. "Does your parents know about this impromptu travel of yours?"

"Before I got here," she mentally cross her fingers.

"Uhuh..." Deanne assesses her friend.

Reinne avoided her friend's quizzical look. She heard her ring tone go off in her bag. She quickly look for her phone and to find Drew's name on the screen.

"Lacson," she answered.

"Booked you already a flight. 4:45 PM on Sunday."

"Thanks, Drew." She ended the call before turning her attention to her best friend since their high school days.

"You have to go?"

She nod before gathering her belongings. "I have to pack and drop the bomb at home."

"See!" Deanne pointed at her friend accusingly. "You haven't told them yet! Are you avoiding something?"

"The anniversary party."

"That's this Sunday, right?"

She nod. "I have to leave before mama, arrange me with one of her friend's son."

"Ah..." Deanne nods in understanding. "Too bad, Keith and I will be there."

She pouted. "Too bad. I won't be able to castrate your fiancée."

"Hey! Get over it. Its done. We are getting married."

She nods and wave her friend off before leaving the café. She head to the parking lot where she left her powder blue Volkswagen beetle. The moment she started working, she save at least a few of her pay slips and after six months was able to buy her own car. It took about an hour drive from downtown back to her parent's farm. Along the way back she watch vast lands of green stretch as far as her eyes can see. The trees and grasses bend with the wind, a calming sight to see. She turn her car's air condition off and allow the fresh air to enter from her window. How she miss the provincial life.

Being away from home for six years, she got over her home sickness. Since she was in high school, she was used to being away from home due to competitions and be back after a few weeks, but this time its different. She doesn't know when she will be back home, the moment she left. Her apartment had been her home for the last six years while she was away but it felt empty and hallow, no matter how much she tried to make it comfortable.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a call. She glance at her phone which is attached to her dashboard and saw Drew's name flash. She swipe to accept and pit it on speakerphone.

"Miss Lacson," She can hear Drew's voice being blasted in her car's speakers.

"What?" She took a turn towards the farm.

"Mr. Kurt is looking for you."


"He just told me to call you. Its urgent."

"Have you told him, I'll be back by Monday?"

"Yes, but he told me he can't wait and sent someone to fetch you."

She quickly step on her brake. She grab her phone from the dashboard and place it on her ear. "What?"

"Its seems very important that he request your presence and Sir Sarmento also."

She look up to see a black car parking in the driveway. "Drew, I'll call you back."

Something's not right. She quickly park her car and head inside the house. She saw her parents and brother in the living room.

"Ivy," Her mother quickly stood up when she saw her enter.

She saw two people sitting with their backs on her. "Ma, Pa, what's going on?"

Shock was evident on her face when she saw who was sitting on their sofa. She stare at his dark eyes that looks like clouds on a rainy day.

"Mr. Sarmento?"