Sodium is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal.
"You seriously think were going to do that?"
Reinne let out a loud laugh with all the suggestions thrown at the table. So far, there are hundreds of it but none were chosen.
"Come on," Lee, their Chinese chemist said. "Just chose something. Anything."
"We only have 3-5 minutes duration to perform," Reinne said, tapping her pen. "Make those minutes count."
"Yes, ma'am," they chorused.
Reinne saw Drew heading towards her. She turn her swivel chair towards him. Drew held up his hand and flash her missing phone for her to see. Four days without her phone, she's lucky she survived that long without her phone. Thirty minutes ago, Hayden called her asking if she can come up to his office to grab the phone but considering what happened last, she'd rather not risk it and asked Drew to grab it for her instead.
"This came from the upper floor," Drew sent her a smirk. "You know what I mean?"