Hot. That's what Reinne felt when she woke up the following morning. She turn hoping to lessen the heat but was shocked when she came face to face with a chest.
Reinne grab the sheets closer to her body when the chest turned away from her. She remembered what happened last night. Damn. With her naked state, she knows that something happened but something's not right. Reinne felt her bladder scream. She move to head to the bathroom when a hand push her back to the bed.
"Where are you going?" Reinne can feel herself getting turned on with Hayden's deep hoarse morning voice.
"I need to pee," Reinne tried to move again but Hayden's tight grip prevent her so. "Hayden!"
"Fine," He reluctantly let her go. He watch her pick up his dress shirt and head to the bathroom. Hayden glance around her room and smiled when he saw the gift he gave her sitting at a corner.