Titanium (2)

"Ivy..." Adrian said worriedly when he saw his sister clutching her chest.

"Get out, Adrian," Amado, who was quiet through out the whole ordeal, said to his son, leaving no room for discussion.

"Reinne," Hayden wrap his arms around her hoping that it would calm her down.

Reinne slowly calmed down as she focused on Hayden's heartbeat. Cj and Claire followed Adrian, making sure that he won't destroy anything on his way out, while Grace went out to grab Reinne something to eat. Its not healthy for a pregnant woman to be hungry.

Amado watch Hayden calm her daughter. He can't believe that his only girl is going a mother already.

Reinne felt her breathing turn to normal. She leaned into Hayden's arm and glance to see her father staring at them. "Pa..."

Her father sigh. "I should have predicted this."

"Pa," Reinne felt tears in her eyes, seeing the disappointment in her Father's eyes. She hated it when she disappoints her father.