Chromium (2)

Grace touched her daughter's face, softly. She's the exact replica of her father. Attitude and all. "You love him. You're just afraid to admit it to yourself."

"I don't...I don't lo-feel that way towards him," Reinne caught herself when she's about to say the L-word. Its too soon to say those words. She's not even sure if what she felt for him is love and not just some infatuation. After the disaster of her last relationship, love is something that she isn't looking forward to meet.

"Do you feel warm and secured when he's around?" Reinne nod after some assessment and Grace continued. "Did it even cross your mind that he'll cheat on you or leave you after knowing that you are pregnant?"

"No. I don't know.," Reinne said. Not once did it cross her mind that Hayden will cheat on her. She knows he's not that type of guy but some scenarios could change a person.