Cobalt (1)

Cobalt is like nickel, it is only found in the Earth's crust only in chemically combined form, save for small deposits found in alloys of natural meteoric iron.


After finalizing their plan for their surpise, Adrian went ahead to meet up with Andrea. Hayden and Cj tagged along saying that they have to buy the things needed for the proposal later. They agreed to just call each other if they are finished.

Hayden drop the last case of beers into the compartment when Adrian arrived with a frown. "What's wrong?"

Cj drops their supplies before turning to his brother. "Drei broke the engagement," Adrian said with a stoic face.

"What?" Both he and Cj said. "What do you mean broke off?" Cj asked in confusion.

"There will be no wedding," Adrian said and went inside the car, leaving Hayden and Cj gaping at the spot he left.

The ride back was quiet and awkward. Hayden sigh. "I'll postpone the proposal."