

My mum dropped me off at school the next day so I was extra early.

" Bye Jason." She yelled before driving off.

As I stood in front of the school building, a larger part of me wanted to turn around and walk back home. But I had a mathematics test and Mr Joseph, our mathematics teacher, never gave make-up tests. He ignored whatever reason you gave for your absence during the test and awarded you with a bold zero in his record book.

I walked into the school building, focusing my gaze on the floor although I wished I didn't because I bumped into someone almost immediately. All the books in her hand crashed to the floor.

" Oh my God! What is wrong with you?!"

I knew that high pitched voice anywhere, it belonged to Catherine Sanders.

" I'm so sor..."

The slap I received cut me off.

Why would she slap me?

" Pick up my books!" She yelled.

Pick up her books? What did she think I was? A maid in her house?

" No!"

I was about to walk away when something pulled me back. It was only then I realized that there was someone else with us, Micheal Cole, Catherine's boyfriend. Before I could say anything, his clenched fist made contact with my face, pushing it violently to the opposite side.

" Get out of here before I do something worse!"

Really Micheal, you're going to punch me because I didn't pick up the books of the girl you just started dating last week?

When I got to my locker, Tyler was standing there with someone. They seemed to be engrossed in the textbook in front of them.

" Hey guys."

" Hi Jason, why are you in school already?"

" My mum dropped me off."

" Oh."

" Who's the...? " I asked gesturing toward the girl who was still engrossed in the textbook in her hand.

Tyler turned to her and tapped her shoulder, she looked up at the both of us.

" Hi." I said to break the awkward silence.

" Hello, I'm Ashley."

" Jason." I replied.

She immediately returned her focus to her textbook.

" What is she reading?" I asked.

" Chemistry, our teacher promised to give us a pop quiz before the end of the week so we have to study."

" So is she a friend of yours?"

" Ashley?"

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" Yes, she is a friend."

The bell for the first period rang loudly.

" I have to go, we have Chemistry right now."

" Later."

" And you have a bloody lip."

What?! A bloody lip?!

I touched the corner of my lip and there was blood on my finger.

Thanks a lot Michael.

~* ~* ~*~

As I walked toward the cafeteria, a group of familiar girls stopped me. I looked at the six famous cheerleaders, Kate Jackson, their leader, Sophia Edgar, her assistant, Catherine Sanders, Nicole Manchester, Grace Johnson and Mae Curtis, and managed to smile.

" Hi, you're Jason right? " Kate asked.

I didn't respond.

" I'm having a party this weekend and I'd love it if you and your friend came for it."

" Why?"

" I just want you guys to come."

" There has to be a reason."

Kate's smile dimmed a little but she quickly recovered. " You don't need to come, we just need Tyler."

" Then why are you talking to me and not him."

" He is always busy with school stuff."

" Then he might not be free this weekend."

" Look," Sophia said, suddenly stepping forward. "I really like Tyler and I would love it if he is at the party so we could spend more time together."

" Do you really think I'm going to believe that? " I asked with a smile.

She folded her arms across her chest "Are you saying I'm lying?"

"You are lying."

Sophia sighed. "I want to thank him for our science project, we got an A."

That sounded more believable.

" Fine I'll talk to him "

" Great! "

" Sorry about your lip." Catherine snickered before they walked away.

" What was that about?"

I shivered and turned to my side, it was Tyler.

"Why would you sneak up on me like that?"

" Sorry. What were those girls talking about?"

" Nothing important."

" I've been observing you guys from a distance and it seemed really important."

" Well I'm telling you it wasn't. And it's not nice to just observe people's conversations."

" Just tell me what they said."

" How was your test? "

" There was no test, maybe it'll be tomorrow."

" Alright."

We had gotten to our lunch table by then so we settled down.

" So what did they talk about."

" Can you please observe table manners? "

" Why don't you want to tell me what they said?"

" Because I don't want you to know!"

" Typical." Tyler said under his breath.

Before you judge me, this was for Tyler's good. He had to keep studying for his Chemistry pop quiz. If he knew that we had been invited to Kate Jackson's party, he would be unable to focus on anything else including the chemistry test.

Unlike me Tyler really wanted to be recognized by our cool and famous classmates, so this party was going to be a big deal for him.

The end of school bell rang.

The torture was finally over.

I gathered a few books from my locker for my homework and headed out of the school.

Tyler and I were supposed to go home together since he planned to spend the night at my house. I searched for him amongst the numerous students walking out of the school building.

I finally spotted him around the main exit.

" Tyler!!! " I yelled.

He turned around and stopped.

I jogged up to him with a smile which he did not return.

" Are you still coming over?"

" No " he replied flatly.

His face was expressionless so I couldn't even guess what he was thinking.

"Why?" I asked after a moment of silence.

" I have homework, maybe next time."


Why didn't he just say he was still unhappy about the lunch thing.

" Alright, tomorrow then."

" I'll be busy tomorrow, I will let you know when I can make it."

"Alright, see you tomorrow."

He walked away without another word.

For a boy, he was way too sensitive.