

I pinched myself hoping to wake up from this nightmare, but nothing happened.

I tried again and then again but nothing happened.

What I was seeing was real.

Very real.

I stood there dumbfounded watching my friend, my only friend, my best friend humiliate himself in front of the most popular eleventh grade students.

Everyone around me had their phones out, taking pictures or videos of the weird drunk guy, dancing wildly, in nothing but his boxers. And they all chanted his name encouraging him to do more.

This was saddening!




It was heartbreaking! Just heartbreaking.

Kate and Sophia laughed the loudest.

As I stared at them, it all came to me.

It Was A Plan.

All this was a plan for their excitement and their stupid blog.

I felt foolish, stupid ... guilty.

“Tyler!!” I yelled walking toward him “What is wrong with you?!”

I didn't sound too different from my mum when she was scolding.

“I'm j- just dancing maaan.” he drawled in response.

The surrounding people were beginning to complain, claiming that I was ruining their videos and pictures. I ignored them and maintained focus on Tyler.

“Where are your clothes?!”

“Over, over... Over thereee on the green lady.” Tyler replied pointing toward some clothes scattered around the floor. “Dude I don't... I don... I don't feel so good.”

“What do y...”

Before I could complete my sentence, Tyler staggered forward and threw up the contents of his stomach on Kate and Sophia.

The whole place froze.

The numerous flashes of light from various cameras ceased.

The laughing and chanting stopped.

Surprise seized everyone effectively.

“Oh my God!!!” Kate screamed letting go of the wine glass in her hand. The wine glass made contact with the floor and shattered into tiny bits.

“This is so disgusting!!” Sophia added.

They hurried away from Tyler and left the rooftop along with the others.

A satisfied smile appeared on my face.

At least Tyler wasn't the only one who was humiliated.

I turned back to Tyler who was grinning “You need to put on your clothes.” I said.

“I feel better this way.” he replied

“I don't care what you feel!! PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!!”

I was beginning to sound like my mum again.

Tyler rolled his eyes and walked to where his clothes were scattered on the floor.

“Oh my God!!” Someone screamed behind us.

I turned and saw Claire standing near the door with her both palms shielding her eyes.

“I'm going to... um... wait outside.” She managed to say before hurrying out.

I turned back to Tyler who was struggling to button his shirt. “Hurry up Tyler, we have to leave.”

Tyler suddenly slipped and fell on some broken glass scattered on the floor.

“Ouch!” Tyler exclaimed.

I rushed toward him “Are you okay?”

“Never been better.” he replied grinning.

I helped him up. “Your arm is bleeding.” I said with concern.

“Cooool! It looks just like... like the d-drink I had earlier.”

In about five minutes Tyler was completely dressed. I had to support him as we walked out of the rooftop to prevent him from falling.

Claire was standing outside the door. “Hi.” She said when she saw us.

“Hello.” I replied.

“My car is outside, I could give you guys a ride.”

“Don't bother yourself Claire, we can...”

“Don't pretend you're not glad about the offer, let's go.” Claire cut me off and jogged down the stairs.

* ~* ~* ~

I sat quietly in the passenger seat of Claire's Audi A5 Cabriolet while Tyler was at the backseat mumbling incoherently.

“I guess this is the friend you talked about.” Claire said.

I hesitated before nodding in affirmation.

“Okay. So your friend takes alcohol and you don't.”

I smiled. “He doesn't take alcohol, I don't know what got into him.”

“It's called peer pressure.”

My smile widened.

“I don't have your address, so I think you should tell me where you're going, I don't miss your turn or something.”

“Number five avenue street.” I replied.

My phone vibrated, it was a call from Tyler's mum.

I answered the call.

“Good evening Mrs Peter.” I greeted trying to maintain a calm voice.

“Hey Jason, Clarisse told me you went to a party with Tyler, yes?”

“Yeah we did.”

“He is not picking up his phone, I hope you guys are ok.”

My breath hitched. “We are, his phone is... dead.”

“Alright, I just wanted to check on you guys, bye!”

“Mrs Peter!” I called before she hung up.


“Tyler would be spending the night at my house.”

“Alright, have fun.”

She hung up and I let out a sigh of relief.

“Who was that.” Claire asked.

“His mum.”

“Why didn't you just tell her what happened?”

“I don't want to get my friend in trouble.”

“What's his name?”

“Tyler... Tyler Peter.”

* ~* ~* ~

The vehicle came to a halt in front of my house.

“Here we are, number five avenue street.” Claire said.

“Thank you so much.”

“No problem.”

I got out of the car and helped Tyler out.

“Jason!” Claire called “Your friend has a bloody arm.”

“Oh, yeah, he injured it earlier.”

“I have a first aid kit in my trunk, I could come in and dress the wound... that's if you don't mind.”

“I don't mind... I don't mind at all.”

I remembered we had a first aid kit somewhere in the kitchen but I liked Claire's idea better.

I helped Tyler into the house while Claire followed closely behind us. As soon Claire closed the front door, my mum's voice echoed from the kitchen “Jason! Is that you?!”

I froze for a few seconds before replying “Yes mum.”

“I was told Tyler is supposed to be with you.”

“He is.”

“Ok. How are you doing Tyler?”

My eyes widened and my palm flew to Tyler's mouth “He... he had to rush upstairs to... to use the restroom.”

“Ok. How was the party? Did you meet any girls?”

If my eyes were wide before, they were now popping out of their sockets. “Aren't you supposed to be in bed?”

“Yes, but I have some work to finish up before tomorrow.”

“Alright, Goodnight mum.” I said concluding the discussion.

We went up the stairs as quietly as possible and walked into my room which was the first door on the right. I searched for the light switch and turned on the lights.

I took Tyler to the bed and helped him take his shirt off so Claire could dress his wound.

Thankfully, the cuts on Tyler's arm were not so bad, so it didn't take long for Claire to finish dressing it.

“You have a nice room.” Claire said as she gathered her first aid items.


“And its very clean and arranged too. That's strange for a guy.”

“Guys being scattered and dirty is just a stereotype.”

“It's not a stereotype, it is the truth.”

“How come it doesn't apply to me?”

“I don't know.”

I laughed. “Because it's a stupid stereotype.”

We both laughed for a while.

“I should go.” Claire said.

“Yeah sure.” I turned to Tyler who was now lying down. “Tyler I'm...”

His snore cut me off.

He was asleep.

I turned back to Claire “Let's go.”

We were near the front door when my mum's voice echoed again from the kitchen “Tyler!”

“It's Jason, mum.”

“Where are you going?”

“I left my phone in the car.” I lied and hurried out before she could ask me more questions.

“Thanks again for everything.” I said to Claire who was about entering her car.

“You're welcome.”

“And I'm sorry for running off like that while we were at Kate's party.”

“It's ok, I understand why you had to do that.”

“I'm sorry if I ruined the party for you.”

Claire laughed. “You didn't ruin anything, I had fun.”

“Alright, then there is no need to apologize.”

Claire laughed again. “Yeah, I guess. I hope I see you in class on Monday.”

“Sure, I'll try to be more conspicuous.”

Claire smiled and got into her car. I watched her car until it was out of sight before I walked back into my house.

Tonight didn't go completely bad.