

The weekend was over, and this Monday morning started like every other Monday morning. My alarm rang, waking me up, then my door swung open... but it was not my mum who walked in.

“Dad!!!” I yelled and rushed into his arms for a hug.

“Hey, Jason.”

“When did you get back?” I asked, releasing him from the hug.

“Last night, you guys were already asleep when I stepped in.”

I hugged him again. “I missed you so much dad.”

“I missed you too.” he said.

“Are you done with the movie?” I asked.

“Yeah, we wrapped it up about four days ago. But then, my flight had issues, so my return was a bit delayed.”

“I'm so happy you're home. How long will you be staying?”

“As long as it takes before I get another contract.” My dad replied with a smile.

I smiled back.

“Get dressed for school, you don't want to be late.” He added and walked out of my room.

Unlike other Mondays I actually did not want to be late for school.


I had a few doubts... Okay, a lot of doubts about Claire's plan, but I was enthusiastic to begin the plan either way.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and dressed up in a black jean trouser, a white round neck top, a black jean jacket and a pair of black high-tops. I picked my school bag from my study table and headed downstairs for my breakfast.

My dad and Alex were seated at the dining table, while my mum shuttled between the kitchen and the dinning room, preparing and serving toasted bread, scrambled eggs and tea.

“Morning mum.” I greeted.

“Hey. I hope you slept well.”

“Yeah, mum.”

She smiled. “You must be in a good mood today.” She said, handing me a plate of toasted bread and scrambled eggs.

“Why do you say so?” I asked.

“You came out for breakfast early on a school day.” my mum replied and walked back into the kitchen.

“At this rate, you would actually go to school on time.” Alex added with a raised brow. “Are you okay?”

“I am.”

“Are you sure?”

“I'm fine Alex.” I said and stuffed my mouth with toast to avoid answering any further questions.

“If you say so.” Alex concluded with a shrug.

“Do you need a ride to school?” My dad asked, dropping the newspaper that had been shielding his face, on the table.

“Yeah, sure. But Tyler and I were supposed to walk to school together.” I replied.

“I'll take both of you then.”

Alex eyed me suspiciously, but he didn't say anything. A few minutes later he was done with his breakfast and ready to leave for work.

“Bye Jason.” he said, ruffling my dark brown hair before walking toward the front door.

I groaned. “I spent a lot of time combing my hair this morning.”

“I noticed.” was his reply, accompanied by a smirk.

I glared at him until he was out the front door.

“Dad!! Can I get a ride to school?!” Kim asked in her usual high-pitched voice, as she jogged down the stairs.

“Your mum would take you. I'm taking Jason and Tyler.” My dad replied.

There was a scowl on Kim's face and a wide smile on mine.

“But Mum's car is boring.” Kim complained.

“You can walk to school then.” My mum said firmly.

“It's too far!!”

“Then hurry up with your breakfast and meet me outside.” My mum concluded and walked past her.

I was so glad Kim was not in my school, it provided me with numerous hours of freedom from her constant complaining.

Our front door swung open, and Tyler walked in.

“Mr Donald!!” He exclaimed and hurried to my dad for a hug.

“Hey, Tyler, how have you been?”

“I've been great, sir. When did you get back?”

“Last night.”

“I hope the journey was smooth?”

“It was great. C'mon guys, we need to leave now if you want to make it to school on time.”

The ride to school was enjoyable.

My dad talked about some hilarious events that occurred while he was directing the movie, the places he visited and the things he ate.

“Alright, bye guys.” my dad said as the car came to a halt in front of a large black gate, with K. C. A written boldly on it.

“Bye, Dad.”

“Bye, Mr Donald.”

Tyler and I stepped out of the car, and my dad drove off.

We walked into the half open gate and stared at the massive building before us.

“Do you think this plan would work?” I asked.

“I have no idea, but I'm doing it anyway.” Tyler replied.

“Hey!!!” Someone yelled, standing a few meters away from Tyler and I. “Come over here, you two!”

It was Claire and she looked... GOOD!

She was wearing a light brown combat high-waist trouser, a long sleeved black round-neck top and black laced boots. The black top was tucked into her light brown trouser, and her hair was packed in a beautiful ponytail.

I ascended the stairs with Tyler, while still admiring Claire's outfit.

“I've been waiting for the both of you.” She said when Tyler and I got to where she stood.

“Sorry.” Tyler muttered.

Claire unzipped the bag in her hand and brought out the earlier promised headphones.

My eyes widened and Tyler's mouth dropped open.

“You were actually serious.” I managed to say.

“Of course.” Claire replied and handed each of us a headphone.

I hung mine across my neck. “This looks really great.”

“I know, right.” Claire replied, smiling.

Tyler connected the headphone to his phone and put it on. “This is amazing guys!!” he yelled. “I can't hear anything else, except the song I'm playing!!”

“Cool, let me try it out.” Claire said, grinning. She connected the headphone to her phone and put it on. “Oh my God!! This is so cool!!!”

“Can we begin the plan now?” I asked.

“What?!!!” Tyler and Claire chorused.

I gestured for them to remove their headphones. “Can we begin?”

“Oh, yeah. When we walk in, don't look at anybody, just look straight ahead with an expressionless face and try to emit an air of superiority as you walk.” Claire said.

“Okay.” Tyler and I chorused.

Claire and Tyler returned their headphones to their ears but I left mine on my neck.

We walked into the school and I tried my best to do what Claire had told us to.

There were whispers... but not the derogatory kind.

“Oh my God! Isn't that the new headphone from tech and style?!”

“Where did they get those headphones from?”

“Isn't that Cave man and Fart boy? They look... different.”

“I thought those headphones were not yet out for sale until the end of the month.”

“Who's the girl?”

“Whoa!! These guys look awesome, especially with those headphones.”

It was difficult to keep a straight face and avoid eye contact, especially when people were whispering loudly about you.

“Alright, that wasn't so bad.” Claire said immediately we were in front of my locker.

“True.” Tyler nodded.

“We'll talk more about our plan during lunch, and remember, continue to look the part even during our classes. C'mon Jason, we have algebra.” Claire concluded.


Three periods later, it was lunchtime.

Claire and I walked toward our usual table, where Tyler already sat. He had his new headphones on and nodded in the rhythm of the song he was listening to.

“Hey guys!!!” he yelled when he noticed our presence.

Claire pulled off the headphones from his ears. “Hi, Tyler. You are yelling.”

“Oh, sorry.” Tyler replied.

“Let's get down to business boys.”

“Alright.” I said and took a spoonful of my salad.

“Yesterday I did some more thinking, and I realized that there was one thing missing from our plan?”

“What's that?” Tyler asked.

“The social media. I checked out all your accounts and realized how dormant you guys are on social media. So I need you guys to start posting pictures, videos, anything at all, as long as it attracts likes and followers.”

Tyler and I nodded in response.

“Also we have to tag each other and sometimes repost each other's posts. And make sure you post some pictures with the trending items I'm going to be giving you later today.”

“Cool.” Tyler said.

“I almost forgot, this is very important, post reasonable things. Things that are cool and unique.”

“Like trending challenges?” I asked.

“Yeah, but make yours more unique. Lastly, we are all hanging out this weekend. I've not come up with a place yet, but I will before the end of the week.”

Just then the bell indicating the end of lunch, echoed through the cafeteria.