

Three hours later, we were walking out of the concert hall, chattering. Well, Claire and Tyler did most of the chattering, Ashley and I did more of listening.

“I am so glad you got us front row tickets.” Tyler beamed.

“It's all thanks to my uncle.” Claire replied.

“My heartfelt thanks to him then. Jason, shouldn't you be uploading those videos you took to your social media?”

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.” I replied and got busy with my phone.

“Why is it so important to post the videos?” Ashley asked me.

“It is going to help in facilitating our plan. Everyone loves Eruption and these tickets were sold out almost immediately when they were released, I don't think many of our classmates were able to purchase any for themselves, so the fact that we were able to, should attract a lot of attention which is what we need now.” I replied.

“But why exactly are you guys doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“You know, your little plan to get popular.”

“Oh. I was pressurized into it.”

Ashley laughed. “And Tyler?”

I glanced at Tyler who was walking ahead of us with Claire. “I think he is doing it for you.”

“For me?” Ashley looked confused. “Why?”

“Remember the day he saw you being picked on?”


“That was the day he accepted Claire's proposal.”

“I don't need him to do anything for me, I'll have to talk to him.”

“Don't stress yourself, it is almost impossible to talk Tyler out of anything, but you can try.” I hastened my footsteps to catch up with Claire and Tyler. “Tyler, Ashley wants to talk to you.”

“Okay.” Tyler replied and left to meet Ashley.

“So, Claire.” I started.

“Yeah, what do you need?”

“Your car keys.”

Claire turned to me with wide eyes. “What?!”

“Your car keys.” I repeated.

“I heard you the first time. What do you need my car keys for?”

“To drive your car.”

“What?! No!”

“Come on.” I pleaded.


“Fine, I'll just take it then.” I shrugged.

Before Claire could realize what I had just said, I snatched her purse and ran off toward the car.

“Jason!! Don't even think about driving my car!!” Claire was running fiercely after me now.

“It is no longer a thought! It is happening!” I retrieved the car keys from her purse and unlocked the car.


I opened the door and settled down in the driver's seat, turning to Claire who just caught up with me, I grinned.

“You...!” She growled then scowled at me before stomping away to the passenger seat.

I honked the car horn to get the attention of Ashley and Tyler. “Hey guys!” I yelled. “You have a new driver and unlike your old one this one is going to be fast!!”

“Are you implying that I drive slowly?” Claire asked.

“Kind of.” I turned to Tyler and Ashley, who just settled in the backseat. “You guys ready?”

“Of course.” Ashley replied.

“It feels good to know that this car would not be moving at snail speed.” Tyler sighed.

Claire gasped. “Since when is it a crime to drive according to the speed limit?”

Tyler let out a short unctuous laugh. “You drive below the speed limit, like way below the speed limit.”


Once again, it was a Monday morning. Although I was beginning to dread the day a little less, it was still my worst day of the week.

I walked out the front door and was greeted with a pleasant surprise. “Ashley?”

“Hello.” She beamed.

“For how long have you been sitting on that stair step?”

She glanced at her wristwatch. “About twenty-two minutes and thirteen seconds, to be exact.”

“Why didn't you come in?” I asked squinting my eyes at her.

“I preferred to wait out here.”

“So what are you doing here?”

“I leave across the street.” She replied, gesturing at the house opposite mine.

My eyeballs widened. “What?!”

Ashley smiled and stood up. “C'mon, we can continue this discussion as we walk, I don't want to be late for school.”

I remained where I was, transfixed, slowly processing the information I had just received.

Ashley lived across from me and I had never seen her... Weird.

After a few more seconds, I was able to recuperate and join Ashley who was already far ahead.

“Did you just move in?” I asked.

“No. I grew up in that house.”

What?!!! She had lived there all her life?! I had never seen anyone come out of that house, like ever.

“Why haven't I ever seen you?”

“I like to stay indoors, but I walk past you to school every morning.”

The surprises just kept coming.


“Yeah. You don't pay much attention to your surroundings.”

“There is way more interesting stuff going on in my head than in reality.”

Ashley smiled.


School was a bit busier than usual and there were tables placed at strategic parts of the hallways with people milling around each one. I spotted Tyler by his locker and walked up to him.

“What is going on?” I asked him.

“Campaigns are beginning for class president.” Tyler replied without looking up from the book he was reading.

“Oh. Do you know the people running?”

Tyler glanced up at me. “I do not care.” he said dryly.

I nodded. “I should have expected that.”

“I saw you walk in with Ashley earlier.”

“Yeah, I discovered this morning that she lives in the house opposite mine.”

“Really? Opposite yours?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Did she just move in or...?”

“She grew up there.”

“She told me she stayed at Avenue Street but I didn't know she lived across from you.”

The bell for the first period echoed through the hallway.

Ahhh... the school day was beginning, how painfully depressing yet slightly exciting.


“So have you figured out why Kate and the others want to be friends with you?” I asked Claire as we strolled to the cafeteria.

“Yeah, I did.”

I waited for more, but she said nothing else. “And...?” I asked finally, allowing my voice trail off.

“The class president elections.”


“The class president elections.” Claire repeated.

“I heard what you said the first time, I mean what does that have to do with anything?”

“Catherine Sanders is running for class president.”

“Ok, so?”

“Would you be quiet and let me finish!”

“Sorry.” I muttered. “I didn't think you were still talking.”

“Well I was. As the press club president, I handle most of the information that circulates amongst students, so for a class president aspirant, it's only wise to be on good terms with me.”

“I don't really get it, but ok.”

“Well, during these elections, there are...”

“I never said I wanted to get it.” I said, cutting Claire off.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Whatever.” Glancing over her shoulder, she added, “My new friends are coming, you should go.”

“Aren't you sitting with us for lunch?”

“I would love to, but Kate said she was saving me a seat at their table, so I have to sit with them.”

Those words felt like pins, and they pricked at my heart.

“For the sake of the plan, that is.” She added quickly when she saw the expression on my face. “And please, tell Tyler that we have an important activity to carry out this night. I'll come pick you guys up.”

Before I could raise any objections, she had disappeared from my side to that of the approaching cheerleaders.

I stared after her as she passed by me with Kate, Sophia, Catherine, Nicole, Grace and Mae.

I didn't think the progress of the plan was going to snatch my extremely chatty friend from my side.