
Beeeeeep, beeeeeeep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

The heart meter went off, and soon enough, there was a flat line which signalled the death of someone.

Unfortunately, that person was Sarah's mom.

"Mom? Mom!" She didn't want to believe her eyes.

"Somebody help her!" Sarah screamed to the nurses that were already by her side.

The doctor soon entered the room, he quickly examined her mom but the solemn look on his face said it all.

He turned to her and shook his head gravely.

'It can't be.' She thought.

"No..." She ran towards her mom's unmoving figure on the bed

The nurses tried to stop her but she evaded them effortlessly.

"Mom. Mom, please wake up." She shook her unmoving body violently.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare leave." The tears flowed freely down her cheeks unhindered.

Her older sister could only look on in the corner in pain as tears too flowed down her cheeks.

The pain she felt, there was no words to describe it.

"Mom! Mommy!" She sobbed uncontrollably.

The nurses tried to escort her out but she wouldn't budge so they had to drag her out.

Her heart broke into a million pieces as she watched them cover up her body.

With all her might, with every fibre of her being, she screamed.


Sarah woke up with a start. She was drenched in sweat, her breathing ragged as she sat up. She hadn't dreamt about her mother in over two years.

Her mom's death had really done a number on her, seeing how she was the only parent she had and now she too was gone. Her dad died a few years before her mom's untimely demise.

He'd died in a plane crash, including all the other passengers.

It wasn't easy without her parents but God got her through it. Her elder sis was a hairstylist and she was very good at it.

Sarah sighed.

Her sister's always very busy and hardly had spare time to come visit.

Having just graduated college, she had set out in search of a job, applying at different countless companies but unfortunately, they'd all turned her down and she couldn't help but wonder why.

She got off her bed dragging her feet lazily, she was quite still groggy. She had a job interview by 8am and the time was 6:21, she really had to hurry, even though she still had time.

She always liked being punctual, but if she was really being honest with herself, she wasn't looking forward to the interview, after being turned down countless times, she wasn't too enthusiastic.

But she knew everything happens for a reason and she's trusting God for a breakthrough soon because she didn't think she could handle any more disappointment.

She got to the bathroom, halfway brushing her teeth she stopped dead in her track. She only just realised, she hadn't had her quiet time.

She ran straight back to her bedroom sitting on her bed, covering her head with a scarf, she took her bible which was placed right beside her bed on the bedside table and placed it on her laps.

She scolded herself for almost leaving the house without praying and spending some time with God.

"I'm so sorry Dad."


That was what she called God, well, ever since her dad died.

She's 21 almost 22 but when she's in the presence of God, she feels like a little child and she's always so relaxed and happy.

After she concluded the praise, she picked up her bible, not rushing but taking her time.

She opened her bible, just at random. She does that sometimes, well, most times.

"Holy Spirit lead me."

Where she opened to was the book of Deuteronomy. The Holy Spirit led her to chapter 31 verse 8 and immediately she smiled at what was written.

"For the Lord himself will go before you, he will be with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."

She looked up and thanked the Lord for such comforting words and now she didn't feel so down anymore and she felt more enthusiastic about her job interview because now she knew everything's going to be alright, she trusted God completely.

"It's in your hands, Lord."

She prayed, first giving thanks and then asking for forgiveness.

She prayed for herself, the poor and the less privileged and then finally, she committed the day into God's hands.

She opened her eyes and removed her scarf and placed her bible back in its place right beside her pillow.

She looked at the wall clock, it was 6:40.

She still had time.

The interview wasn't far from where she lived, well actually it was. It was a 30 minutes bus ride.

She went straight to the bathroom timing herself to only use 20 minutes. She dressed up in formal attire—a black pencil skirt that reached her knees. It was perfect because it wasn't tight or loose, it just fitted her nicely.

She complimented it with a simple white shirt and black heels that fitted her little legs perfectly.

She put on little heart-shaped earrings then she proceeded to her hair. She brushed it carefully and packed it neatly into a bun.

She quickly put on her necklace, the one her mom had given her on her 18th birthday. She didn't go anywhere without it.

She applied a little lip balm on her lips because it was pale.

She quickly wore her wristwatch and then carried her black handbag which contained everything she needed.

She didn't even bother eating as she bolted for the door and walked to the bus stop.

She got to the bus stop in record time, the bus was already half full by the time she got there. As expected the bus ride took about 30 minutes.

It didn't drop her in front of the company, just a few meters away from it so she easily walked the rest.

She looked at her wristwatch, the time was 7:35, meaning she had 25 more minutes.

As she stood in front of the company all she could think of was how massive it was. Roughly, it'll be about 80 storeys.

As she was about entering she made a quick prayer.

She took a deep breath and made her way into the building. If she thought the exterior was magnificent then the interior was absolutely jaw-dropping, eye-widening worthy.

She walked towards the receptionist, all the while trying to build her confidence with each step.

She stopped in front of the receptionist and gave her a small smile.

"Hello, good morning." She said trying to be polite.

The receptionist smiled warmly back, her eyes glowing. She had very beautiful forest green eyes.

"Good morning Miss...?"

"Oh, you can call me Sarah please." Her smile widened at that.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Sarah. How may I be of service?"

"Um, I'm here for the job interview, um, for the accountant position."

"Oh right. Go straight up to the fourth floor, you'll meet with the receptionist there, she'll attend to you."

"Oh, thank you so much." She quickly made her way to the elevator but stopped when she heard her name.

She turned to see the receptionist smiling brightly at her.

"I really hope you get the job."

Sarah smiled gratefully at her.

"Thank you." Then she turned and made her way towards the elevator much more confident than when she walked into the building.

She pressed the button to the fourth floor and inhaled deeply as the doors closed.

She was still nervous but not as much as she thought she would be and she guessed it had a lot to do with the kind gesture she got from the receptionist.

She had turned in her résumé and CV and other important documents they had asked her for, she hoped it impressed them.

She heard a ding which signified she had reached the fourth floor.

She quickly smoothened the nonexistent creases on her blouse and skirt and raised her head high so she could look confident.

The elevator door opened, she saw a beautiful blond woman standing behind a desk.

She walked to the desk and gave her a small nervous smile.

The receptionist smiled politely back exposing her beautiful sets of teeth.

"How may I help you miss?"

She was so grateful the people who worked here were so polite, she didn't know how she would have faired if they were otherwise.

"Um, I'm here for the job interview for the accountant position?"

"Right this way miss."

She was led to a room which happened to be the waiting room.

Her eyes widened at the number of people she saw, they were those who applied for the job as well, there were at least twenty people in the waiting room. Her heart sank a little at that, this kinda reduced her chances of getting the job.

"Please, sit down, we'll get back to you shortly." With that she left the room, leaving her to ponder.

Her eyes roamed the large room, it was quite beautiful, there was a water dispenser to her left near the wall, a flat-screen was fixed on the wall for entertainment.

The room also contained quite some chairs which were almost completely occupied.

She saw an empty seat and quickly sat on it. Her eyes wandered to the other job applicants, they were all dressed so corporately, professionally even.

In fact, they dressed so well she was almost intimidated—almost.

After scanning the waiting room, she was surprised to find that she was the only one in the room without a blazer.

Well, tough luck.

She was also surprised when she received disgusted looks from a few of the ladies but some actually smiled politely at her and went back to whatever it is they were doing.

She was a brilliant student back in college and she graduated at the top of her department but she guessed that didn't really matter in a society where how far you'll go in your career largely depended on how good your connections were.

It was sad, but also very real truth.

Seeing how she had been turned down by several companies, too many to count, even with her exceptionally good academic record.

She couldn't help but feel jittery and anxious. She needed the money.

She recalled the verse the holy spirit lead her to that morning.

What was it, what was it?

Yes, she remembered.

"Deuteronomy 31:8; for the Lord himself will go before you, he will be with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."

She quietly muttered the verse to herself and all of a sudden she felt a sort of calmness, a feeling of assurance.

She knew then that everything was going to be just fine. A small smile found its way to her lips, she trusted God completely.

She was lost in her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to her right and saw a guy with dark hair and stunning baby blue eyes staring at her. She hadn't noticed him there when she sat earlier.

"I've been trying to get your attention but you seem to be lost in a world of your own." He gave her an easy smile.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry about that." She stuttered completely caught off guard.

"It's OK."

"My name's Noah and you are...?"

"I'm Sarah. It's nice to meet you, Noah." She said easily.

"Likewise." His gaze never faltered.

To Sarah, he seemed like a nice guy, he was calm and collected, handsome even but in life, she's learnt never to judge a book by its cover.

She could tell he was about to continue their conversation when a lady, different from the one who brought her in walked into the room holding a tablet in her hands, she was immaculately dressed.

"Noah Malik." Noah looked up at the lady.

"Yes, this is he."

"Come with me, sir." She quickly left the room certain he would follow.

He stood and glanced down at Sarah and then without a word he left the room.

Sarah's eyes trailed after him as he left the waiting room.

There was something quite different about him and she was curious as to what that is, but not enough to find out though.

What could have possibly prompted him to talk to her? She had no idea, probably just being nice....or he was just bored.

Anyhow, she didn't let herself dwell much on it.

So, that was how it went, the lady holding the tab would come in and call names and they would follow.

The process continued until she was the last one in the room. At that point, she was a bit nervous but she shook it off easily.

Right then, the lady entered and called her name.

She hastily stood up and was led to another room, it was a much larger one.

In it was a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties. He was sitting behind his overly large desk.

He was well dressed in a suit that fitted him just perfectly.

He had blonde hair with grey eyes, his eyes were probably the first thing you'd notice about him.

He had on a very expensive looking wristwatch and an expensive-looking tie.

"Please, take a seat, Miss Anderson." She quickly obliged, his voice was deep and quite intimidating but not so much as his eyes, no, they were ice cold.

She gulped.

"Miss Anderson, indeed you have an impressive CV but we don't think you're the person for this job." He began in the same levelled tone. He didn't even bother beating around the bush.

She was sure the disappointment must have been evident on her face.

She knew her résumé wasn't the best, mainly in the employment experience.

She's only been able to work in a few restaurants but that was because it was so hard for her to get a job with her degree, she knew good jobs were scarce these days.

"We're looking for someone who is more...befitting for the job." Her eyes widened.

This wasn't looking good.

"Sir please, take another look at my..." At this point, she was already panicked.

"I don't need to." He said matter-of-factly.

"You may be smart but you have absolutely no experience in this field. We need capable people." She swallowed hard.

She desperately needed this job and she just couldn't afford to remain jobless. She needed to pay rent, buy food and other necessities.

Things changed drastically when her parents died and believe her, it wasn't all for the best.

"Please sir, reconsider."

"I'm sorry, but you're just not who we're looking for." He said not looking the least bit sorry.

"Sir, you didn't even..." Her voice shook a little.

"That will be all Miss Anderson. You may leave." He said, with a note of dismissal.

At that particular moment, she didn't know what to feel. All she knew was that she was hollow inside.

She didn't even know when she got into the elevator and went straight down. She felt...she didn't how she felt.

She had hoped she would get the job, the holy spirit had assured her, so what went wrong?

As the elevator stopped at the ground floor, she walked straight to the door but stopped when she heard her name. She turned to see the receptionist from earlier.

"Oh, hi." She managed to give the receptionist a small smile. She had been nice to her and Sarah sorta liked her.

"So, did you get the job?" She was beaming with excitement but her excitement deflated almost immediately when she saw the solemn countenance of Sarah.

"You didn't get the job." She said all too obviously.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sweetheart." Sarah looked at her and she was shocked by the sincerity in her eyes.

"It's fine, thank you. I really appreciate it. She gave her a small genuine smile.

"I hope we meet again someday, you're nice." And she didn't meet nice people often.

The receptionist could only look on at her sadly.

"Bye," Sarah said in a small voice.

She made her way towards the exit door at a steady pace, a few minutes later she was outside the building.

The urge to breakdown in tears was so overwhelming but she didn't want to do that outside in public, she'd have to wait till she got home. She felt exceedingly crushed. She raised her head towards the sky.

'Oh Jesus, what am I gonna do? I'm so confused. Please, show me the way.' Without her realizing it a tear dropped unto her cheek. She hadn't even realized she was crying.

She quickly wiped the tear with the back of her hand.

She continued walking. She was already a good distance away from the building, almost at the bus stop ready to get a bus back home when she heard her name being called, more like screamed.

The voice was faint but it sounded familiar.

She turned around to see the receptionist making a mad dash towards her.

She was sure her eyes were the size of saucers by the time she got to her.


"Hurry, come with me." She said as she dragged her back towards the company building.

"Why? What happened?" She said completely caught off guard.

They entered back into the building, the air con doing nothing to calm her nerves.

"I think you may have a chance at a job, but it may not exactly be the one you applied for."

For a second, all she heard was static, she didn't quite fully understand what she was hearing.

"W-what are you saying?"

"I happen to know the CEO's secretary, so I quickly called in about you and thankfully she was able to get across to the CEO. It turns out the P.A of our CEO just resigned about a week ago and he's needed a new one ever since." Her eyes were hopeful that Sarah would at least give it a chance.

"It's a chance."

Sarah just stood there gaping like a fish, completely stunned, she was completely at a loss for words.

Seeming to recover from her initial shock, she replied.

"I'll take that chance." Her smile was blinding. Although things didn't go exactly as planned, the day wasn't over yet.

"Good! He requests you see him immediately."


"The CEO." She looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Wait, what, now?!" She was nervous again, this was the CEO they were talking about. What if he doesn't like her, what if he wants someone else?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"His office is on the last floor. Go, hurry! He doesn't like tardiness."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She made her way hurriedly towards the elevator when suddenly she stopped having realized something. She turned around and faced her.

"I don't even know your name." She said almost teary-eyed, her voice shook with emotion.

She was beyond amazed that someone she barely knew could do something like this for her.

'Do people like that actually exist?'

With certainty, she believed they did, albeit very rare.

This was nothing other than the grace and favour of God.

With a giggle she replied.

"We'll sort that out later, but now you seriously need to go."

She didn't need any more coaxing as she went straight to the top floor, her heart all the while beating hard against her ribcage.

When she got out of the elevator, her nervousness was a hundredfold.

She gasped in awe at the view in front of her.

What she saw was beyond amazing. This floor looked completely different from the one she's been. It was very beautiful, everything she saw sparkled, it was extremely modernized not that the other floors weren't, but you could tell extra attention was given to it.

She saw a woman dressed in a nice grey suit walking towards her, she was very beautiful.

Even the employees on this floor seemed to dress even more stunningly. She looked extremely elegant, even in her work clothes.

"Welcome, ma'am. Do you have an appointment with Mr Snow?" She knew she was referring to her new boss...she hoped anyway, that is if he's impressed by her.

She could only assume that was his name.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm Sarah Anderson."

She smiled sweetly at Sarah.

"Oh, Miss Anderson, Mr Snow is expecting you. Right, this way."

She was led past some offices. After a few minutes walk, they stopped in front of a very large double door with the engraving A.S on the handles.

Those were the initials of the owner of the company who happens to be the CEO.

The lady Sarah suspected to be his secretary, the one whom the sweet receptionist had been referring to, opened the large doors and let herself in.

She introduced Sarah.

"Mr Snow, Miss Anderson is here to see you as you requested sir." She said in a very professional manner.

"Let her in." The voice she heard was barely audible.

Sarah took a deep breath as she was ushered in by the secretary, she was a bit on edge she'll have to admit.

Immediately, the door slammed shut behind her which signified the secretary's departure.

Her eyes stared at the marbled floor, an act of sheer nervousness but she didn't want to come across as rude so she quickly looked up.

Bottle green eyes met her dark brown ones.

Her eyes widened in pure surprise at the man sitting right in front of her.

The sound of his voice brought her out of her shock.

"Miss Anderson, please take a seat."
