Unpleasant Surprise

~Being a Christian doesn't mean you are exempted from trials and temptations...hold on to that.~

Soon enough, it was time for her lunch break and she was really excited to see Judy.

She tidied up her desk and made for the cafeteria. She got into the elevator very much excited. She really appreciated her boss' kind gesture, it would reduce her expenses today.

The elevator made its signature ding sound, the door opened and she quickly made her way to the cafeteria.

In her haste, she hadn't noticed the person coming her way, she accidentally bumped into the said person, lost her footing and fell to the tiled floor.

She heard someone curse and immediately felt hands helping her up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." She heard the person apologize.

"It's ok."

She looked up to see ice blue eyes staring down at her.

Her eyes widened slightly.


It was the guy from the waiting room, the one who spoke to her.


He smiled at her reply.

He just nodded. She moved back a little away from him, still surprised and confused.

"H-hi, what are you doing here?" She said, her voice laced with surprise.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I work here."

'Work here?'

She waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't.

"What are you doing here?" He countered.

"I just started working here, I'm the new PA." She said with a smile. His eyes widened significantly at that.

"Well, good for you. You're pretty lucky you know."

"Not luck Noah, it's just God's way of taking care of his own." She couldn't help but smile a little as she remembered how she came to be there.

His face broke out into a grin.

"Oh?" He said with mock surprise.

Her eyebrows creased in confusion.


"Well, I don't." He deadpanned.

Sarah's eyes widened.

"Why not?" She had to ask.

"Don't be naïve Sarah, in the world we're in its all about connections."


She was caught off before she could get the words out.

"Oh, it's true alright."

He took a step towards her.

She recoiled from him immediately.

"I was given the job before I even set foot in the building." He told her truthfully.

Her eyes widened a fraction in surprise.

He drew back and smiled.

"See, no God involved, it just depends on how good your connections are." He said, eyes boring holes into hers.

"I'll see you around Sarah." He winked at her.

And with that, he left.

After being momentarily stunned, she regained her composure and made for the cafeteria.

She wouldn't lie, she was a bit troubled by her encounter with Noah.

He was a weird one that one. She'll try and stare clear of him for now.

After walking around for a few minutes, she finally got to the cafeteria.

She was surprised to see it filled with employees but she couldn't see Judy anywhere.

She could be very shy sometimes, being around lots of people made her a bit nervous.

Not wasting any time she made for the counter. There were two people there, she turned to the one that seemed less busy.

"Excuse me please." The guy looked up and smiled.

"Yes, ma'am?"

She scratched her head nervously.

How does she tell him that the CEO had decided to be generous to her?

"Um...I...t-the...Mr Snow..."

Wow, Sarah...

She wasn't making any sense.

Out of the blue, she heard Judy call her name.

"Hey, Sarah." Sarah turned, it was Judy.

"Hello, Judy." She gave her a big smile.

"So how's your first day as the new personal assistant to our dear CEO?"

"Pretty good, mostly. I can't thank you enough for everything."

"Enough thanking Sarah." Judy rolled her eyes at her.

Sarah smiled.

She turned back to the guy at the counter. Before she could get a word out he already beat her to it.

"You're the new PA?" He asked somewhat surprised.

"Yes." She answered quietly.

"Is something wrong?" Sarah asked apprehensively.

"No ma'am. The CEO has instructed that all your orders are to be free for as long as you work here."

Sarah's eyes widened significantly.

"What would you like to eat ma'am?"

For as long as she worked there...

She thought it was just a kind gesture to welcome her as his new PA on her first day of work, not this.

She had to thank him again.

"Ma'am, what would you like to eat?" She looked up at the guy.

She had to order.

She quickly made her order and thanked him.

She waited for Judy to make hers and they both made their way to a table and sat down.

When she looked up, Judy was already staring at her.

"I-is something on my face?"

"What? No."

"Then, what is it?"

"I'm just really surprised. No one's ever had that kind of benefit, not even his sister."

Sarah's eyes widened.


"Yeah. His sister's the Chairwoman of the directing board."

"Wow." She said in awe.

"That's really impressive," Sarah said.

"But it still doesn't mean anything, he was just being generous."

"Oh, Mr Snow's generous all right, everyone knows that but..."

"But what Judy?" Sarah was a bit anxious.

Judy gave Sarah a big smile.

"I don't know. I guess there's something about you that makes people want to do the most unusual things for you."

Sarah was speechless.

"You just have this aura about you Sarah, you're a nice person."

"Thank you, Judy, you're a nice person too."

Sarah dug into her food. Although she was famished she couldn't eat much, she kept thinking about what Judy had said.
