
~I asked myself, what do I want the most? Then I realised above all, it's for God to look down from heaven and say, 'I am proud of you.'~

"We've arrived in Florida sir." They both heard the pilot say.

No less than five minutes later, they were on the ground.

A car was already waiting for them.

The driver opened the door for Mr Snow and then for her. She was in awe as they drove through the state of Florida. She's never been there before, she heard it was a nice place for vaca.

She wondered if the people there ate pizza as they did back home. She smiled at her ridiculous thought.

'Of course, they didn't.'

She watched through the window the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily activities.

Suddenly, what transpired in the plane invaded her thoughts and her euphoric mood went down by several notches.

She tried stealing a glance at him from the corner of her eyes. As usual, he was on his phone.