Her Demon

~Killing me once wasn't enough...no, you just want to keep doing it over and over again.~

The next day, Tarzah, with much heaviness of heart, helped her pack.

They had two old horses-it was the only ones they could afford.

Tarzah escorted her all the way to the borders of Egypt.

Aria's heart was troubled within her.

Her hands shook by her side, she thought Egypt was behind her, that she would never have to see its ugly plains and villages again, but how could she not?

Her little brother was still there.

Her heart clenched.


She'd had no choice but to leave without him, Aria tried to keep the fear and guilt at bay.

Tarzah held her hand and a sob escaped her lips.

She hugged Tarzah and held on to him as her life depended on it.

She didn't want to let go, she never wanted to let go.

Her heart broke as he gently removed her arms from around him.

She let out another sob.

"No, I can't." She told him shaking her head.