Cat and Mouse

Carl stares at his victim in disbelief. How could I possibly have mistaken him for Marcus? He replays the scenario in his head. I was so worried about my drones being discovered that I really didn't look at him.

He imagens his enemy laughing at him the way Marcus did when he walked out of the station a free man. His taunting words echo in his head.

"You lose again, Carl." The man smirks. Straightening his suit, he tosses his head up as he walks past him.

Fury surges through every fiber of his being when he scans his victim. "The damn asshole did it to me again." Carl slams his fist into the side of his truck. Anger courses through him. He paces back and forth, hoping to release his pent-up rage. "Damn him. Damn him all to hell," he growls through gritted teeth. Humiliating defeats race through his mind. He punches the truck again. Fire shoots from his eyes when he says, "I'm going to get him if it's the last thing I do." He draws his arm back again.

The doc grabs his partner's extremity. "Carl, stop."

He spins around. He glares at him and says, "What?"

"Your ranting is doing you more harm than good." The doc points to his bloody knuckles.

Carl glances at his hand and then at the lad. Rage courses through him again. "You don't know how bad I want this guy, Doc, or how long I've been trying to take him down," He snarls.

"Yeah, and my brother manages to outsmart you every time." Manny laughs.

Carl races to the opposite side of the truck. "You better shut your damn trap before I give you what I'm going to give him."

"You won't think your so tough when my brother gets here," He mumbles under his breath.

Carl turns his head to the side, "What did you just say to me, boy?"

Manny pictures the takedown in his mind. Smiles and says, "Nothing.."

"I thought so. Hey, what did you slip into your pocket?"

"Why don't you come in here and find out." He smirks and says, "Unless you're too big of a coward to face me one on one." Carl's face becomes fire-engine red. Manny laughs. "Chicken." He cackles like a hen.

Carl shakes his fist. "I've got your chicken right here."

"Show me what you got, you yellow-bellied pig." Manny hisses.

Carl lowers the tailgate and starts to climb inside.

The doctor grabs his arm to stop him.

Carl spins around, throws his fists by his side, and growls, "What?"

"He might have a knife."

Manny raises his eyebrows. He smiles and says, "Do I?"

"There's only one way to find out." Carl scoops a long-barreled gun from the corner and points it towards his victim. "What were you saying, wise guy?" He cocks the gun

The doctor shoves the weapon away. "Carl, don't. He won't be any good to us if you blow him to smithereens."

"This is just a tranquilizer gun, so it'll sting like hell but won't hurt his insides a bit." He aims the weapon again.

"Think about what you're doing, Carl, what my brother will do to you when he finds out I'm dead."

Carl rolls his eyes. "Your brother doesn't scare me." He pumps the gun again."

"If my brothers don't' get you, their crew will."

He pictures the scenario in his mind and smiles. "They'll go down along with him." His eyes sparkle when he says. "I'll take them down one at a time play a little game with them in the process." He pictures them pleading for their lives and chuckles.

Manny sees the evil look on his face. He shivers and says, "Please, Carl, Please don't do this. I'll help you get my brother if you let me go."

Carl growls, "I bet you will. You'll probably walk me right into a trap." He squeezes the trigger.

The victim screamed in pain when the needle pierces his bronze skin.

"Did that hurt, tough guy?"

Manny grimaces as he mumbles threats under his breath.

"I didn't feel a thing." Carl laughs.

Dagger's shoot from Manny's eyes. He glares at his attacker. Through a clenched jaw, he says, "I hope my brother skins you alive."

"Too bad you won't be around to find out."

"Marcus is coming for you, Carl, him, and all of his gang. They're going to hunt you down and kill you." He glares at the doctor and adds, "You and your grandpa."

"I hope they do. I'll make things a lot simpler for me and gramps." He snickers.

"You won' be saying that when they get here," Manny groggily mumbles. Closing his eyes, he drifts off to sleep.

Carl reaches in and pulls a cell out of his victim's pocket. "All of this over a stinking phone?" A harrowing thought suddenly comes to mind. Carl searches the call log and discovers messages between Manny and his brother. The color drains from Carl's face as he reads through them.

Seeing his discoloration, the doc darts to his side. "What is it, Carl?" he asks, trying to read over his shoulder.

"Marcus says he's tracking his location and that he and his gang will be here soon."

The doctor waves his hands through the air. "He glances around nervously shifts his weight as he says, You can't lead them here. You just can't." He spent a lot of time and money fixing up the place and was hoping for a complete return on his investment.

"You're right." Dragging his victim's body to the edge of the bed, Carl hoists him over his shoulder and then carries him to the gurney. Plopping the man down, he turns towards his partner. "Get him inside, and then lock the place down." Shoving Lewis's cell in his pocket, he dashes to his truck.

A perplexed look crosses the doc's face. He scratches his five-o'clock shadow and asks, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to set a trap for Marcus and his crew." He glances into the dark starry night and says, "This game between us is going to end tonight. "