Chapter 4

Josie's pov:

We laid next to each other catching our breath. I let out a little giggle knowing how much he hated me teasing him in that manner but he loved it at the same time. When it's love, it's natural. I rolled over to my side as the grieve and anguish washed over me once again. Suicide. Why. She could have reached out for assistance. She could have texted me. But instead, she thought that death was the only escape.

Dylan's pov:

I could see that the grieve was engulfing her again. My arms gently snaked around her petite body as I held her close. Her tears quietly streaming down her face. She sobbed for a few minutes before placing her delicate hands on my cheeks. "I don't what I'd do if I ever lost you" she croaked. "Me too" I replied gently planting a kiss on her crimson lips. Our kisses became more and more heated as we let our love once again took over.

Benny's pov:

I entered my house after a long exhausting day when I could hear banging. "Dylan!" I sneered clenching my fists.

I've warned that boy many times about the do's and don't’s with my daughter but he still insists on plowing her! "Ah you're home" Lilly exclaimed planting a kiss on my cheek. "Yeah. Why aren't you putting a stop to this?" I sneered about to walk off when I felt a tug on my arms. "Benny. Walking in on them is just gonna make her hate you even more. They're old enough to know how to do it safety" she said. I turned on my heels trying not to lose my cool. "You're actually supporting this? May I remind you why we put our son up for adoption? Do you want our daughter to make the same mistake we did?" I asked. Lilly placed her hand on my cheek caressing it with my thumb. "Benny. I know you know what's best for our daughter, but you have to let her make her own mistakes. Besides, Dylan is a nice boy and I trust him to be sensible. Please?" she spoke softly. I hated to admit it but she was right. But I didn't want her going through the mess we did. And Dylan was my best friend's son so I should trust him to know what's best. "You're right" I sighed. "And speaking of our son, what are we gonna do? He's made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with us" I continued. "We let him come around in his own time. I mean do you blame him? We abandoned him" she retorted walking off. "Lilly" I called following her.

Dean's pov:

My head was buried in the pillows and my eyes dry from all the crying. My heart has just been ripped out of my soul and I didn't know how to feel. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Damn! 10pm! Was I really crying for this long? I heard a gentle knock on the door before it swung open. "Dean sweetie, you need to take your insulin" mum said handing me a syringe. I took a deep breath before administrating the medication. The bed sunk as if someone had sat down next to me. "It can't be easy dealing with grieve. Lauren was such a sweet girl" she said. I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "I'd like to be left alone" I said burying my head in the pillows. My body slowly turned so I was looking upwards. I didn't know how long I was staring at the ceiling before the scene suddenly changed.

Dean's dream

I was at the fairground where I took Lauren out on our first date. It was exactly how I remember it. The smells, the sounds. I felt someone gently grabbing my hand squeezing it and instantly knew who it was. I turned to face Lauren who was still as beautiful as I remember. "Why Lauren? Why did you leave me?" I said tears starting to stream down my face. She took a deep breath wiping my tears with her thumb. "I'm sorry Dean. The hate, the trolls, the constant backlash. It was too much" she replied. "BUT I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU! I COULD HAVE TAKE YOUR PAIN!" I screamed causing my voice to echo throughout the fairground. "I need you Lauren. I will never give anyone the same love I gave you" I continued as my voice broke. "You will love again and you will heal. Your soulmate is closer than you think. All you have to do is be true to yourself and stop pretending" she said fading away. I stood there trying to figure out what she meant. "Be true to myself?" I repeated. I looked over and saw Randy reaching out his hand. "I'll always be here for you" he said looking at me with his loving eyes. No! It can't be possible, can it?

*beep beep beep beep*

Dean's pov:

My loud alarm suddenly interrupting my dream once again. I sat up and stared blankly at the wall trying to analyse what my dream meant. Could it be true? But how? I'm Catholic. Homosexuality is forbidden. A gentle knock was suddenly heard. "It's dad. I wanted to give you your medication" he said. "Come in" I replied. I took my medication as my father sat next to me. "If you want to take the day off school, that's understandable. Your teachers are worried about you" he said. I took a deep breath. "It's ok, I wanna be around my friends right now" I replied. My father embraced me in a hug before getting up. "I'll leave you to get ready" he said then left the room.

Dylan's pov:

"This feelings's like no other. I want you to know" I sang (What I've Been Looking For - High School Musical). "Shut up!" a voice came from the other side of the door. Classic. Whenever I felt down, I always turned to music to help me through. Me, Dean and Randy started our own band and we occasionally perform for the school during lunch break. We named the band DAMN! after I blurted that out when I first saw Josie. The band have been together for a few weeks but it's something we all enjoyed togther. Despite our differences, we all shared a love for music. I went downstairs to be met with glares from my father. Mum and Taylor were already at the table munching their breakfast. I sat down and started munching on my cereal. "How was your shag?" Taylor snorted causing me to choke. "TAYLOR!" Mum snapped. "Don't ask about your brother's sex life. It's very rude" she continued. "I hope you wore protection" dad's voice came from behind me. I shot up turning to face him. "Says the puta (that means whore in Spanish) who did every chick in high school" I said before grabbing my bag and walking out.

Nate's pov:

That was true. I was a bit of a player around Dylan's age. My mother is Mexican and she would always say "puta" every time I brought a girl home from school. May their souls rest in peace. My parents passed away a few years ago because of cancer. Not one day that goes by when I don't miss them and Dylan is starting to look like his grandfather more and more each day. I don't want Dylan to do what I did back at high school. I want him to take his relationship with Josie seriously. Love isn't all about sex. It's about commitment and trust. And trust was something I broke when I cheated on my wife. I regret that day with every waking hour of my body. I'm very glad that she gave us another chance and I'm determined not to screw it up. "Your breakfast is getting cold Nate" Crystal said signalling for me to sit.

Randy's pov:

I walked into the student room and the eerie atmosphere from yesterday still lingering. I saw Dylan sitting with Josie in the corner but no sign of Dean. "Dean not here yet?" I asked. "Nope. I wouldn't blame him if he wants to take the day off" Dylan replied. "That's a shame, I was hoping the band would get together and do a special performance to remember Lauren" I said taking my a seat. "I think that'll be a great idea" Dean's voice came from behind me. I turned to see his beautiful face looking at me. Why am I feeling like this? Dean just lost his girlfriend. This was so wrong. My eyes briefly met Josie's then quickly looked away. She has no idea that I'm actually her brother.

To be continued....