A chain shot through the air, wrapping itself around Sozen’s weapon. Skoll, One of Carmilla generals pulled on the chain, preventing Sozen from killing Wolf.
“Whoa, hey now. Can’t have you killing the little traitor, not until he atones. That and Carmilla would have my tail if he died while I was around”
Seizing his chance, Wolf gripped his sword and lunge forward, Sozen however, easily caught Wolf attack with is other hand, Tossing him to the side.
Releasing Sozen, Skoll spinned his blade.
“You two get out of here, you’re not ready for this kind of fight.”
Monkey helped Wolf up. Staring at the two, Monkey gripped his fist, intending to continue the fight until Wolf grabbed his shoulder.
“No. He’s right... we’ll just get in the way and die. I’ve got a mission to complete that I cannot fail again.”
Monkey wanted to object, but he knew that this wasn’t his fight. He was here to help Wolf, nothing more.
“Alright, let’s go”
The two returned to the war, leaving the generals to their own battle.
Skoll smiled
“Now that they’re out of the way there's no reason to hold back! YA-HOO!!!”
Skoll whipped his blade forward, it seemed to whistle through the air as it burst into flames. Rows of pillars rose up in defense of Sozen. The collision set off a chain of explosion.
Monkey and Wolf continued to help push the kutta army back. Monkey was fighting more aggressive now, his style more brutal. It annoyed him, running away from Sozen, Monkey didn’t like that they had to retreat but honestly what choice did they have? He felt a hand on his shoulder, Wolf was still with him.
“What did I say about overexerting yourself? Save your strength, you’re going to need it.”
Monkey took a deep breath, around them the bhediya was driving the kutta army back. Wolf pointed into the distance.
“look over there”
Monkey stared into the direction Wolf pointed and saw what caught his attention.
Carmilla, the woman looked vicious, she wielded her sword masterfully, cutting down the enemy troops. It wasn’t just her swordplay, Carmilla saved a few of her soldiers with her Ice magic then impaling the enemy troops. Monkey was amazed.
“she’s a monster”
In an instant Carmilla was surrounded by Ice, by the look on her face it wasn’t her doing. That when they saw a lone figure walking towards her.
“No. The real monster has just appeared”
Monkey looked towards Wolf who spoke with a hint of.... admiration?
“you know him? Who is he?”
Wolf eyes remained focus on the warrior who has just joined the battlefield.
“That is Zayav, The strongest warrior in our nation. The Fang of Akita.”
It’s been years since Carmilla last saw Zayav, years she spent hiding, rallying her people. Now, the one man who could end it all, was standing right in front of her. Zayav, her Husband.
“So, the king finally let you off his leash. The coward, he was always too scared to let you stray too far from him.”
Carmilla taunted Zayav. But he didn’t respond.
“this man...always able to remain calm”
She thought, but she knew from the beginning Zayav wouldn’t fall for such tricks. It was one of the things she loved about him.
Zayav stood tall, his grey hair fell shoulder length. His sapphire eye seemed to pierce Carmilla very being, wearing light armor Zayav carried with him, his legendary sword, shiva.
“It’s funny, seeing you again after so long. I’ve missed you Carmilla”
Zayav gave her a sincere smile, yet it looked so sad. She had to look away.
“Don’t stare at me like that, what I’m about to do this day... I’m sorry”
She could face thousands of soldiers, but this man always made her feel so vulnerable.
“you know, it not too late to switch sides Zayav.”
He shook his head.
“I cannot betray my king Carmilla, you know this”
“HE BETRAYED US!!” now she stared at him, fury in her eyes.
“we gave everything towards him and he treated us like slaves, we’ve lead our troops into many battles under his name and he has the nerve to call us savages. The last straw was when he banished us to the borders of our country, THE COLDEST PART IN OUR REGION!!”
Zayav didn’t respond at first, taking in all the rage she has been holding in
“You’re right. Our king is a coward. But it not entirely his fault, our God has beaten him mercilessly, repeatedly. Whenever he was displeased or even just for fun, he would beat Lord Li Shin. This has traumatized him and now he fears everything, never knowing when the God will appear. Carmilla, can you imagine being beaten daily, to the point where you desire the freedom of death. But know full well you have to continue living the life of servitude?”
“And because of that, those nobles took advantage of his fear, to control him.” Carmilla stated.
Zayav nodded.
“I was there one time; I’ve witnessed our lord being beaten by our god. I was there and I could not do anything to stop it. I just stood there, listening as our lord beg for forgiveness, then begged to die. It was from then on that I swore, that if I can't protect him from immortals then no matter what I would protect him from mortals”
The fury would not leave Carmilla heart though, not after everything her people have been through.
“So that makes it ok for him to pass that pain onto us? Us. Who served Lord Li Shin faithfully? We even fought on the frontlines in the war against the black beast, yet, even after that we were still banished.”
She placed a hand over her heart.
“I remember you telling me. That if we waited, Lord Li Shin would no longer see us as a threat, knowing that our loyalty is true. For our future and the future of our child. I believed in those words. Until our banishment. It was then I knew that Lord Li Shin fear of us would never go away.”
Zayav said nothing.
“guess that it then, nothing left to say.” Carmilla raised her blade and let out a howl.
Zayav readied himself.
Monkey heard a loud howl, even amongst the fighting and screams of the soldiers, he heard it as clear as day. Wolf also heard it, grabbing Monkey he led him through the soldiers.
“whoa, Wolf! What going on?”
Wolf cut through the enemy troops making his way towards the gates.
“we’re moving to the next phase, Carmilla is going to keep Zayav distracted, now that he’s away from the king w... I’m going to sneak into the castle and kill him and his only son”
Monkey was confused.
“how are we going to get pass these walls?”
“Remember Li chi?” Wolf asked.
A kutta soldier fell from atop the walls, Monkey looked up and saw the woman from before she wasn’t alone, more kutta soldiers were being cut down or thrown from walls.
“how did they get up there?” Monkey asked
“the snow, it’s like a blanket for Li chi and her people. That how they were able to sneak all the way here. Their skin blends in perfectly, While the Kutta was expecting savages to attack them head on, Li chi easily lead her troops around them.”
As they neared the gates the doors started to open, the kutta troops seemed confused, the bhedyia fought with renewed vigor as they forced themselves inside
Monkey and Wolf Fought their way through the gates with the rest of the bhedyia. He looked around, so much was happening at once. Battles were being fought everywhere.
“MONKEY!!” he heard his brother call to him.
“Now not the time to get distracted, we need to go-”
Wolf was interrupted as the ground erupted beneath them, the earth itself tossed both Monkey and Wolf in different direction.
Monkey crashed through a wall into a building, dazed. He tried to get up but was kicked by an unknown assailant.
“bunch of savages!!” Monkey assailant spoke as he kicked him onto his back.
His attacker created a dagger made of ice; Monkey held up his arms in defense as the dagger pierce his right hand. Screaming out in pain, unable to focus as his attacker attempted again to end Monkey’s life bringing the dagger down again, but this time Monkey caught his assailant’s wrist. Monkey’s vision became clearer as he stared at the person attacking him, it was a kutta soldier, Rage filled his eyes as he pressed his weight down upon him. Closer and closer the dagger neared his throat, panicking Monkey channeled his magic, the soldier screamed in agony as his wrist burned within monkey grasp, forcing him to drop the dagger. Monkey quickly rolled them over grabbing the dagger he brought it over the kutta chest. Their roles now reverse the soldier tried to attempted to repeat what Monkey did, using his magic to freeze Monkey’s arms but to no avail. Monkey own magic prevented the soldier from freezing him.
They struggled, only for a moment. Until Monkey was able to pierce the soldier’s flesh. The kutta grip on Monkey tighten, staring into the soldier's eyes Monkey could see the hatred in them. The soldier grip loosens, the life in his eyes slowly faded.
Monkey let go of the dagger, now able to get a good look at the soldier he sees that the kutta was around his age, maybe younger, still a boy. He looked at his hands, his right still bleeding. He ripped off a piece of cloth from the soldier, wrapping his wound. He felt horrible, he didn’t know why. He felt like he was going to vomit, tears welling up in his eyes. Monkey forced himself up, even though he wanted nothing more than to lie down in a corner, He needed to find his brother.