Chapter 19: The Second Princess (2)

Viper was led to her room by Wolf. The mutt had a huge grin on his face after the incident outside. She turned her head back to the young girl that spoke up against Eddie C. she was carrying their things. Viper noticed there was marks, left on her face from where she had gripped her.

“here we are, this is your room.”

She inspected the room, stone floors, walls. It was big enough that it held two beds with a dresser and a small table as well. Certainly not as grand as her room back home but it’ll do.

“right, you. Follow me” Wolf continued down the hall

The young girl spoke.

“Am I not staying here as well? There two beds here, and I shall remain by the princess”

Wolf shook his head.

“afraid that not how it works here. Your rooms are assigned to you by mother and your little princess here, already has a roommate”

Before she could say more Wolf stopped her

“unless you want to take it up with mother again”

And pointed at his face.

“and those marks don’t look like they’ll heal anytime soon”

The young girl took an aggressive step towards him but Viper held out her hand. She stared down Wolf

“enough of your jokes, Eddie C. was well aware that there was two Serpiente and that we would be sharing the same room.”

They stared at each other for moment before Wolf smiled and walked away

“was just joking your highness. Hope you enjoy your stay here”

He waved goodbye.

The young girl first inspected the room while viper lied down on one of the beds. She noticed the girl was carefully examining the walls for any hidden passages, traps, anything that could be harmful to them. The girl's name was Lydia. Her family served Viper’s family for years. Protecting them from any harm that might come upon them.


At the sound of her princess voice Lydia immediately stopped what she was doing and bowed getting on her knees, lowering her head.

“yes, my princess?”

“what do you make of this place so far?”

Lydia rose from her station and resumed examining the room.

“From a first glance it seems like it the place could be a fortress. I don’t doubt the woman... Eddie C. don’t have provision in case a siege was to happen. But, from what I seen so far, she lacks the soldiers. With all the children I’ve seen it seems this place is exactly what she claims it to be. An orphanage.”

She finished examining the room apparently satisfied that there were no traps of any kind hidden in the room. Still, they couldn't be too careful, the Serpiente weren't love by any nation, treaty be damn. And a chance to kill one of the kingdom princesses? Who would let such an opportunity like that go? Surely the other nations would either ignore or gods forbade join in the assassination attempt.

Yet still, to save face and to honor our agreement with the treaty her father has sent her here. From the sounds of things Serpentina has never once had an assassin make an attempt on her life while she was here. However, it was on her way home that they tried. So, Viper could be sure that for the next three years no harm would come to her.

Viper couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. No harm? Only fools trust the words of another. It was why Lydia was here. Just because they signed a piece of paper... it doesn’t mean the other nations wouldn’t abide to it.

“get some sleep Lydia, it's going to be a long day tomorrow”

Tomorrow she’ll see what this cathedral has to offer.


There was a knock at the door, Lydia was already at the door, small dagger in hand. Another knock.

“it’s time for breakfast, I’m to escort you to the dining hall.”

It was Wolf, Lydia concealed the dagger before opening the door.

“does the woman not have anyone else to help her or are we just curse with your presence for the next three years?”

“the faster you learn how to get around by yourself the faster I’ll be out of your hair or scales.”

Viper and Lydia got dress and followed Wolf to the dining hall. They made their way through the courtyard where Viper saw some kids playing around a huge tree. The tree was surrounded by a small pond, its branches was massive, it twisted over each other, some were low and reached over the pond. While other stretched up towards the sky.

When they made it to the dining hall Viper couldn’t help but notice some of the stares, they were getting. Most were not friendly.

“grab a tray, go up to the front and get your food then pick a table any table.” Wolf instructed them as he grabbed himself leaving.

Viper looked around as Lydia grabbed two trays for them both. Most of the children went back to eating while others continued to stare, she assumed some of them were the nation leaders own royals' sons and daughters. She made a mental note to remember all their faces.

After getting their food she looked to see available tables. She noticed a young boy sitting by himself. She didn’t know why he chose to isolate himself from everyone else nor did she care. Long as she didn’t have to share a table with many others she was satisfied.

“Lydia, follow me”

Viper and Lydia sat down at the edge of the table keeping their distance from the young boy on the opposite side, he noticed them but didn’t seem to care.

Good, she didn’t want to give him any reason that she wanted to associate with him.

“my lady”

She turned her head to Lydia.

“the boy sitting over there.”

She turned her head to where Lydia was pointing.

“which one?” she asked.

“long black hair, white clothes and the dragon tail showing that he’s from the Draco race”

Viper guessed he was someone important.

“that is Lancelot, the only son of the White dragon and sole heir to the Dragon kingdom”

Viper eyes grew eye.

Lancelot? She may not care about politics and other nations but his was a name she knew well. The Dragon kingdom was ruled by twin brothers, the eldest brother wielded the power of light while the youngest wielded the power of darkness.

Of the two only the eldest was bore a child, a son, and so far, this child would be the sole ruler of his nation.

“interesting, I honestly can’t believe the dragon of light would allow his only child in a foreign land alone.”

She once again wondered what kind of person this Eddie C.


Viper attention turned towards the voice; it was Wolf making his way towards them. Did he just insult her?

“Wolf, sit over here.”

“hey Wolf, we saved a spot for you here.”

“Wolf, how it going man”

Well, someone was Mr. Popular. Wolf turned them all down though as he made his way over to the table Viper and Lydia was sitting. However, this time he didn’t say a word to them as sat next to the boy.

“Monkey, how you doing bro?”

The boy smiled at Wolf.

Viper could see it was forced, still, it was curious that the dog chose to sit in isolation with the monkey by choice.

It didn’t matter, once they were done eating, she would have Wolf show her their library. If she was going to spend her next three years here might as well take advantage of the situation.


So apparently she is forced to attend one of these classes. She had told Wolf to take her to their library.

“what makes you think we have one?”

The boy called Monkey let out a laugh at Wolf response.

“are you telling me you don’t?”

Monkey tried holding in a laugh as he got up.

“looks like you got your hands full Wolf, I’ll leave you with princess here”

Wolf reached out a hand towards Monkey feigning a sad expression on his face.

“don’t leave me”

He said in a low whisper.

But before he could leave Eddie C. appeared right Infront of him.

“mama” Monkey had a scared look on his face

“mama?” Viper raised an eyebrow

“Monkey, you weren't thinking of skipping class, again were you?”

He couldn’t look her in the eyes.

“of course not, I was just taking my tray up first.”

“oh, just leave it at the table, one of the sisters will take care of it.”

She wore a smile on her face but the meaning was clear, there was no escape. Monkey had the same thought because he placed the tray on the table and followed her. They stopped at the door.

“Wolf, Viper, Lydia. You three will be joining us.”

Viper was about to refuse but the look on her face was clear.

Refusing was not an option.

So, here she was listening to the history of the twelve nations.

Eddie C. was teaching the class, she was going over the history of the great race. The race was how it all started, those that participated in the race were bestowed godhood from the jade emperor.

She was taught this back at home. How the twelve zodiacs rebelled against the emperor using their power they destroyed him. Splitting his power among themselves. This alliance between them was short lived, as they chose their own species to become demi-human, gave them the ability to use magic. The twelve grew corrupt, greedy. It wasn’t long before the gods that we worshipped became demons.

“excuse me, ma’am”

One of the students had their hand raised.

“yes, what is it?”

Viper looked around, almost all the students, including the one who raised their hand had a terrified expression. It wasn’t a surprise though, listening to the head.

“s-sorry to interrupt, b-b-but"

The poor child was trembling.

Everyone looked around as if expecting something to happen. Everyone except Monkey and Wolf, Monkey was sleeping while Wolf looked bored.

Eddie C. sigh

“I know what concerns you and if something was going to happen it would've been done by now wouldn’t it? The twelve aren't known for their kindness”

Sadness shown in her eyes

“that died within them a long time ago. Let this sink in now, we live in a world without gods. The twelve are dead”


Wolf lead them through the halls towards the library. Viper thought about Eddie C. words.

“the gods are dead?”

“scared what’ll happen to your kingdom?”

She didn’t realize she spoken out loud.

“Our nation empire is the greatest in the world, it won't fall just because our god is gone. Besides, there no proof that they’re gone.”

Wolf cocked his head to the side.

“oooh and you think they’re alive? Its like mother said, they always had a very active present and ever since the black beast appearance. The gods haven't been seen or heard at all.”

Viper shrugged,

“it changes nothing, the snake empire is vast, growing every day. This treaty is just temporary, it wont last and It won't be long before we rule over everyone.”

She smiled at Wolf,

“i personally can’t wait to make you my servant”

“just like a Serpiente, just like a snake.” A voice sounded behind them

Viper turned to see a girl, about her age approach her. She was accompanied by other kids all of whom gave Viper a dirty look.

Viper saw the girl tail.

“well, a Cheval? This place really does gather races from around the kingdom.” Viper click her tongue

“though judging from the clothes you’re not royalty. So, an orphan?”

She didn’t care if she antagonizes them. It was clear from their posture what was going to happen. Now is as good as time as ever for them to learn their place.

“watch it fork tongue, you and your servant are alone here. No friends, bodyguards, no family to hide behind” the girl said in a threatening manner.

Lydia moved to get in between but Viper motion for her to stay back as she took a step forward. Viper noticed out of the corner of her eyes a few more kids moving behind them.

She would not be intimidated.

“and what, pray tell, do I need to hide from? Little lost children that have no home? A Cheval whose only good quality is to run away? Oh, I heard of your people. Before the treaty, during the War all that your kind could do was run away from every battle that you fought in. Losing more and more of your land”

The side of her mouth curved up as she looked down at the girl whose face was turning beat red.

“oh, I just remembered. Your kind isn't just good at running away. Your people do a really good job at pulling carriages as well. I should introduce you to some your people that pulled my carriage here. It really is one of the few things your kind can actually succeed at”

That set her off.


The girl moved her hand, intending to smack Viper but Wolf caught it.

“enough Guinevere.”

The other kids however moved closer. Lydia tense herself, getting ready for the assault.

“stay out of this Wolf. We won't kill them, but we will teach them a lesson. The sins of their forefathers, the sins they continue to commit, death is a freedom than to live out their life in the snake kingdom. Insects. Slaves. That all that they see us as. Nothing more than to serve their every whim.”

Viper smiled at her.

Guinevere freed her hand from Wolf’s grasp and tried to take another stop forward but Wolf barred her path.

“they have Bhediya too, not just Cheval, or Houzi, but Ratte, kutta, kratai.”

More kids were gathering

“enough Guinevere!” Wolf warned her.

“No!! She caused too much pain, her people caused too much suffering and we’re just supposed to live with her? Make peace with her? While our people suffer in her lands!!” she rose her voice so that everyone could hear


“I SAID ENOUGH!!” Wolf voiced rose over hers, putting a step to the kids moving forwards

“any more out of you Guinevere. And I’ll smash your damn windpipes.”

She said nothing but the anger still shown in her eyes. But Wolf didn’t care as he address the mob that gathered.

“There is a treaty among the twelve nations. Part of that treaty is that NO royals would be harm while they stay here at the cathedral. Whether they be kratai, cheval, or even serpiente. If any one of you try to attack her, you’ll have to get through me first. Does anyone here want to fight me? Anyone!?”

Noone said anything. Guards appeared along with the sisters. Slowly the mob started to disperse

Guinevere however continued to stare them down.

“you protect a snake, Wolf. And soon enough she’ll stick a dagger in your back.”


Wolf escorted them back to their rooms.

“I’m surprised you stood up for us” Lydia said.

“don’t get the wrong idea. I did it to keep the peace here. That it.” he told them.

“but that’s not all” Viper held his gaze.

“everywhere I look I see hatred towards me, towards my kind. But not from you. Do you not hate me?”

Wolf stared at her for a moment before speaking.

“ didn’t take my people captive, you didn’t enslave them, torture them. What lovely Guinevere failed to mention is that each kingdom has its share of enslavement, of torture. Yours just happens to be the worse.”

With that Wolf left them alone.

Viper collapse onto the bed.


Lydia rushed to her side.

“I’m fine...that was, just way more intense that I thought it would be.”

She reassured Lydia.

“do not worry my princess. As long as I’m here no one shall lay a finger on you”

Viper brush her fingers against Lydia face.

“I know. And you know what. I never did make it to the library. We must go there first thing tomorrow”

Lydia wrapped her hands around Vipers.

“of course.”


Weeks's pass, though the children still shot daggers at her, they made no moves towards her, not even Guinevere. after classes Viper spent most of her time in the library. She didn’t want to spend more time around the vermin then necessary.

“Lydia, I’m thirsty. Fetch me some water”

Lydia left without a word, Viper continued to read she was studying new chemicals and finding information on new herbs that didn’t even grow in their nation.

“ooooh I hope we claim these lands soon. Maybe I can have father procure some of these the next times he does one of his raids.”

Focus on her book she Viper didn’t notice as someone snuck up behind her. The person reached out and tap her on the shoulder.

She reacted instantly; tail struck out first. Nothing. She spun around immediately after. Noone. She looked around but saw no one.

“what the hell?”

Was she going crazy? She turned back to her book only to be met with a pair of giant dark blue eyes


Viper screamed, falling backwards.

“haha I got her!! Brother did you see? I got her?”

Monkey came out from behind one of the bookshelves laughing.

“oh my god, that was perfect sis.”

Viper face turned red.

First from embarrassment, then from anger.

“who the hell do you think you are!?”


Viper leapt at Monkey tackling him to the ground. Tiger kept laughing as the two fought on the floor.

“what the hell is your problem? It was just a joke”

“you insufferable ape, what part of that was funny”

Monkey tried to hold her down Viper easily slipped out every time.

“the part where you got scared and fell flat on your ass”

“I did not get scared!”

“sure, seems like you were”

They continued to go back and forth until two hands came out of nowhere and pulled them apart.

“wha-” Monkey stopped short seeing who it was.

“ah shit”

Eddie C. pulled them out of the library. There was a gathering of children. Including Wolf and Lydia.

“oh boy, what did you do Monkey?” Wolf asked

Monkey gave him a wide grin

“scared princess here”

“you did not scare me!”

She grabbed his arm and bit into it

“enough!” Eddie C. yelled.

“she fucking bit me!”

“I said enough!!” Eddie C. yelled again as she let go of Monkey to slap him before grabbing him by the collar again.

“don't you cuss in front of me again. Now the rest of you back to what you were doing. Now.”

She brough them both into an empty classroom.

“if you fall you have to start over again.”

It didn’t take long to find out that Eddie C. believed in physical punishment. She had Monkey and Viper hold themselves up, their feet off the ground, elevated with their body. They had to hold that position for five hours.

“this is all your fault” Viper glared daggers are Monkey who laughed it off.

“not my fault, you can't take a joke.”


Present time

Viper smiled fondly at the memory, while reflexively stretching her arms. When she thought about it, that was her first time ever getting in trouble. But it wouldn’t be the last. After that moment she would find herself spending more time around Monkey, Tiger and Wolf and soon the four became inseparable. It also made her just how horrible her people were. At one point Tiger had ask if she could visit Viper in her kingdom and she wanted to say yes. But... if Tiger ever came here, Viper didn’t allow herself to think such thoughts.

She stared at the vial; determination now filled her eyes as she poured a few drops into the tea. One day, she hopes that she can show Tiger the snake kingdom. Monkey and Wolf too... One day.

“my lady”

Viper looked up to see Lydia at the door.

“the king is waiting for you and the queen is there as well.”

Lydia bowed towards Viper her eyes shown that she knew what Viper was doing.

“thank you, Lydia, let them know I’m on my way”

Lydia bowed again closing the door on her way out.

Viper hid the vial and carried the trays out the room. There was no going back now, for things to change she had to be the one to bring about the change. She had too because there was no one else that could.

As she made her way back to the war room one of the servants was there to open the door for her. He had one arm, but he didn’t let that stop him from performing his duties.

“allow me princess” he said getting the door for her.

“thank you, Rufus,”