Tiger played with her dolls by herself, it’s been quiet in the cathedral without her family. She wasn’t really close to the other children and they always ruined her dolls. Tiger loved her dolls; each one was a different cat. A panther, cheetah or a tiger. She had dozens, each one a different color. But the one she had was her favorite.
It was a damaged stripped tiger; the tail was different from the rest of its body. Instead of a striped tiger tail to match the pattern it was a long brown monkey tail instead.
It didn’t matter to her, she loved it regardless, as much as she loved all her other dolls.
“what are you doing in here Tiger?”
She turned at the voice, she saw Eddie C. at the door to her room.
She held up her doll for her to see.
“why don’t you go outside. You've been stuck in your room for hours.”