6 years ago
Eddie C. was at the gate welcoming the new arrivals of children who lost their homes. Some were escorted by soldiers of their lands, other were found by patrols our guided here by travelers.
Children of war.
She looked on with a sorrowful expression.
This was why war is hell on earth.
She watched as children entered the cathedral. Their faces filled with despair.
By now this was normal to expect. But here, she will fill them with hope. They may feel like they’ve lost everything but She would give them the skills and the knowledge they’ll need to survive and hopefully, through their own experience, they’ll build a better future.
“Miss Eddie C.”
A middle-aged man approached her, by his side was a young boy. He kept his head down so she couldn't see his face. But she noted the boy white hair.
“Yes, how may I help you?”
The man greeted her with a bow and she returned it.